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Thread: can u guys give me ur opinion?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Question can u guys give me ur opinion?

    i am planning on running my first superdrol cycle.
    10/10/20/20 or 10/20/20/20 ( depending how i fell after the first week)

    red yeast rice- 600mg ed in morning

    no flush niacin- 1500mg ed. 500 in morning 500 mid day 500 at night

    hawthorn berry- 1600 mg ed 565 mg morning 565 mid day 565 at night

    anabolic extremes perfect cycle- 1 tablet morning, 1 mid day, 1 night
    ^ N-Acetyl-Cysteine - 1000 mg
    Milk Thistle - 600 mg
    (80% standardized provides 480 mg Silymarin)
    R[+]-Alpha Lipoic Acid - 200 mg

    im gona take them threw my superdrol adn my pct.
    i will also be taking 3 grams of l-arginine , 1g breakfast, 1g lunch, 1g dinner. and 1.5 g of l glutamine a day. 500mg at breakfast, 500mg lunch, 500mg dinner. 30 min b4 each meal.

    im shooting for a minimum of 250g of protine and 4500 cals a day.

    for my pct i plan on novadex xt 150mg first day then 100mg rest of week one, 75mg week 2, 50mg week 3, 25mg week 4.

    tribulus complex- 1000mg a day. 500 morning 500 nigh
    Tribulus extract 500 mg *
    (Tribulus terrestris)(root)
    (45% saponins as furanosterols)
    Ashwagandha extract 100 mg *
    (Withania somnifera)(root)
    (1.5% withanolides, 1% alkaloids)
    Andrograph extract 100 mg *
    (Andrographis paniculata)(root)
    (10% andrographolide)
    Rhodiola extract 50 mg *
    (Rhodiola rosea)
    (0.8% rosavins, 0.8% salidrosides)
    Green Tea extract 50 mg *
    (Camellia sinensis)
    (40% polyphenols)
    tribulus extract 1250mg a day. 625 morning and 625 night

    how does all this sound to everyone. i would like to stick with a pct that i can get from a store. i will also be taking san v-12 turbo after the superdrol if over. just befor workout, not befor a meal.

    i think i have everything covered but i want to hear what u guys think of this.
    thanks alot

    ill be checking my blood pressure 2x a day. morning and night

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    Here is a couple things I saw...You should take all your arginine pre workout...and up your glutamine to around 10grams a day...I would also take more tribulus...I dont think you will see much of an effect with that dose...If you dont want to spend the money to up those dosages you can always get cheap creatine monohydrate powder...its even a decent price at GNC...

  4. #4
    Bryan2 had this to say about EFA's:

    Are up towards the top of the list as well as they work very efficiently at cholesterol maintenance. These are referred to the Omegas 3,6,9 they are found in flax and fish oils which are most commonly used for bodybuilding purposes.

  5. #5
    Tongkat ali vs. Tribulus

    Ntpadude (member):

    Tongkat ali has been proven to boost your total testosterone levels to about double if you stay on it long enough, but it also lowers your SHBG's so you get about a 440% increase in "free testosterone".

    Its also been shown to work something like HCG, in that tongkat can actually cause you to begin producing natural testosterone and continue to lower your SHBG's even if you are taking tongkat while "on" a cycle which involves deca durabolin or trenbalone. In otherwords these 2 drugs are the most powerful things to shut down your natural testosterone production, and yet tongkat can overpower this shutdown effect and get you producing again. Also makes your steroids you are taking more effective because lowering SHBG's reduces the "tollerance" effect that SHBG's do to your steroid tollerances. As we know, SHBG's bind to ALL anabolic steroids, not just testosterone, and it partially disables deca, tren, test, winstrol, etc... so tongkat ali is a cycler's best friend actually.

    The thing with tribulus is the scientific studies have shown it works something like the way echinachia does when boosting your immunity to fight a cold. You get a temporary boost that peaks out in 10 days, after that the boost drops back to baseline.

    There is also evidence that tribulus also substantially boosts production of aromatase emzyme which results in increased estrogen production. The reason for the 10 day boost then drop back in testosterone production is probably the estrogen it generates begins to inhibit testosterone production. It seems to me, taking tribulus during a cycle without an aromatase inhibitor could be disasterous or dangerous for those prone to gyno. For that matter I used to take tribex during cycles and had itchy sensative nipples which kept me taking nolvadex. Since I dropped the tribulus, I noticed I can do cycles and not need to take any anti-e's at all. In otherwords, in my opinion, the tribulus had no effect on ball regrowth and it actually made me take a lot of nolva that I otherwise did not need to take, etc.

  6. #6
    If you decide to stay with tribulus look for a product like Vitrix that contains a 20% protodioscin and 80% saponins content. Protodioscin being the key ingredient.

    4g, with PCT, is the general recommendation.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    thanks. will do. anyone els have any suggestions

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    thanks. will do. anyone els have any suggestions

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