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Thread: The Pharmacist looked at me as if I was a druggy

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada

    Angry The Pharmacist looked at me as if I was a druggy

    I went to the pharmacy today to pick up some syringes fro my upcoming cycle. I asked for 23 1inch syringes and the pharmacists just stared at me. They told me that was a strange size and asked what it was for. I felt like telling them to F%#$ OFF. They were looking at me as if i was a druggy. Since they did not have any in stock I asked them to order me a BOX! Boy did thier eyes open when I said that. Well I got them. All im saying is that i dont appreciate being looked at like a crack head. Im a JUICE head.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    1,232 to I always order a box of 100 they think i'm crazy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Damn i never had that happen to me before ; knock on wood. Next time order 5 boxes and see their expression.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    I have had sort of the same issues before. I went to the Pharmacy and told the bitch behind the counter, " I would like 20, 23 1.5 , 3 cc syringes,please." The look that I recieved was a mix between confusion and disgust. I too was aksed, "waht are they for? Do you have prescription?" "A script for pns?!!!", "I do not need a script for pins!" She again stated that it was odd that I would ask for such a size and that if I were participating in a clean needle program for heroin addicts, that I should go to the county health department! Well by this time the head pharmicist came over to see what the fuss was over, and just eyed me a bit, asked if I was prepping for football season, and gave me a wink! I jsut said, no and he counted them out!
    I still got what I asked for, but damn....make me feel like I am doing something illegal! (oh, wait, I am!)
    Last edited by BamaSlamma; 06-01-2002 at 09:25 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Well screw them. I even got a look when i asked for injectable Vit. B12

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    I think a good thing to say when they question you is...

    Ok , well if you don't give them to me...I guess me and my friends will just share the used ones that we found it our dumpster last night.

    If they don't count em out then...tell them to quit being so nosey and in the process...get a life.

    Or say

    "I'm a heroin addict and I need needles to stick i.v. to give me a high. I also use cocaine and smoke a joint or two here and there"....then ask if they want some.

    watch their eyes just pop wide open

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    They asked me what they were for, I looked at him and it was personaly, he and delt away with a smile. even got the seperate pins to stick on the syringe. I know he thought it was odd and something was up, but he didn't care.

    most times there really cool with it,

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey
    I am new to the whole getting pins from the local pharmacy? Just ask them for them? Is this legal in all states? Do they have a right to ask what for? Thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    they ask questions because of unusual size.21g,23g x3cc are used for im injections .you dont inject heroin im-heroin addicts use slin pins

  10. #10
    Originally posted by tanto
    they ask questions because of unusual size.21g,23g x3cc are used for im injections .you dont inject heroin im-heroin addicts use slin pins
    Damn...using your third eye huh tanto? You answered my question before I asked it.

    Bottom line....they can't say shit....unless you live here in Texas. You have to have....get this...a diabetic card, even if you want like a 18g pin. Rediculous. Luckily my mom injects a certain medicine. I just take her empty bottles and they cough em up.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey
    Is this right in all states, (NJ) that you can just ask the pharmacy for them?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I always go in wearing a tank top and short pants right after I worked out and they pretty much know why I am asking for pins and all. I even had one ask me if I was going to be busy after they got off work.
    , My schedule just got real flexible. ( i didnt wont to get in trouble by saying something bannable here so I change the wording)

    order 5 boxes and see their expression.....thats pretty funny, I think Ill do that.....

    Last edited by androplex; 06-01-2002 at 11:04 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    btw I live in Texas and I went to three to four different pharmacist looking for 3 ml 25 g 1.5 pins. Every one of them said they would be happy to sale me another size and even offer to order it for me.

    I took the bottel in with the script on it from my doc too. Of course I took the vial out of it and left it at home.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    No, no, no, and yes.

    Originally posted by Tank21
    I am new to the whole getting pins from the local pharmacy? Just ask them for them? Is this legal in all states? Do they have a right to ask what for? Thanks
    Welcome to the board, Tank.

    You'll notice that most of the guys who have posted in the thread thus far are from Canada, where syringes and needles are available over the counter (without a prescription).

    In most, but not all, states in the U.S. (including N.J. to my knowledge), both syringes and needles require a prescription. Likewise, in most cases you would ned a prescription if you buy syringes and needles in Canada and attempt to bring them back into the States.

    Now, for our Canadian bros . . . You'll find the best selection of AS-related syringes and pins in home-care oriented pharmacies (such as some of the Shoppers Drug Mart stores). I've also found a good selection of separate syringes and pins at PharmaPlus stores. (By the way, I bring them back into the U.S., but I do cover them with a prescription.) Most other drug stores will have 22 g. 1.5" or 25 g. 1" but that's about it - the 23 g. 1" syringe/pin combinations are much harder to find at most Canadian drug stores.

    As for the final question, pharmacists will naturally be curious. They can ask you anything they wish; how you respond is up to you.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey
    Thanks man for clearing that up
    so whats the best way to get them in the states, In your opinion

  16. #16
    Man, I must have some horrible luck.

    I'm from up in Canada and I went to THREE seperate pharmacies and they wouldn't sell me them.

    They kept saying "do you have a prescription?" and I said "you don't need one" and then they said "well we don't sell them"

    I hated the looks I got when asking too. As if I look like a junkie!


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Posts Deleted

    Sorry, guys, but I had to delete a couple of posts from this thread because they listed a specific source for syringes/needles.

    AR's no-source posting poilcy was recently extended to include sources for pins. This is due to increased scrutiny of all AS boards by legal and regulatory authorities, and the decision was made for the protection of both the board and its members.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I stick my foot up pharma's or anyone else's ass that makes assumptions like that. I am a very calm person until they get me to that point, once they disrepect me they regret ever seeing me. I had a Kroger Pharm chick in tears when she tore into me about a methadone script a long time ago. She was ASKING about my prior heroin usage and what not. These freaking people assume they know it all. After tearing her a new ass I explained that methadone was being used more and more for chronic pain patients and that if she EVER embarased ANYONE like that again and I found out about it she would loose her license to dispence medicine.


    I think it was the genital wart comment about her in front of 7-8 people that really got her crying. I asked her how it fealt when someone assumed they knew something about someone else.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I have gotten asked everytime I buy, "what are they for ?" So far, my line of......" I breed dogs and give them all there shots myself, makes it a lot cheaper then going to the vets " has worked good. I'm sure some day I will come across someone to ask " how do you get the drugs to do it ? " But till then, I use that as my way out.
    The next line is going to be that I raise cows and give them there shots. Not to many people know about raising cows. If they ask why the vet doesn't sell you pins. say ....yes I can get them at the vets, but its alot cheaper to buy them somewhere else.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    wow ,im so glad i live in the uk where i can get my pins, barrels and alcohol wipes all for free without any hassle, its bad enough getting the juice without struggling for pins.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hey, Could one get into trouble if one bought pins and stuff in Texas and then shipped them to some mates?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    You should see the looks i get on last contest prep I was in for another box in about 5

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thorazine, When they ask just say it's for personal use and then that's all they can do. If they say they don't have any, say you want to order a box. And if you suspect they do have them, talk to the manager.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Boy am i lucky we have a needle exchange program here, all we have to do is go to our local health unit and ask for needles and we get them for free. Then we just have to hand them in after we are done with them, its a good program mostly for the heroin users in our city but probably more AS users use it more its a great program.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    eye_candy: hows the next show prep work coming anyway? I was working out yesterday and met the guy that placed like 15th in national. Cant remember the guys name, my bad. Ill try to get his name and forward it on. Not that it matters. It just great having guys like this that work out with you.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    They are legal to buy in RI, CT, and NY. Just walk in and get em. So far no one asked me what they are for. I love the look on their faces when I ask for... 20, 23g, 1.5in, 3cc, and 20, 23g, 1in, 3cc needles and syrenges please. That'll be $8.00

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey
    okay, gotcha, but what about medical supply stores?! Anyway to procure them legally in Jersey for my....ummm.. cows?. I am from South Jersey where the Cows and other assorted livestock outnumber the humans. Anybody now for certain if you cant get them from a pharmacy in New Jersey without a script? Probably not. I live in the shittiest state. And yes i have been too delaware. Its only about 10 minutes away.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2002
    costa rica
    ripped next time he looks at you funny tell the pharmacist your on test therapy. my old man is on upjohn cyp and they give him needles free for his cyp at eckerds. its no big deal. even if your young you could have a tumor on your pituatary gland or something which would cut off your test production. anyways tell him to beat it if they give you shit

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I think next time im going in I will wear a tank top and make it pretty obvious what it is for

  30. #30
    Thanks for the advice Iron Horse, I'll make sure I do that


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Tank come on, have some pride, there is nothing wrong with jersey, well actually you are in south jersey so.... haha

  32. #32
    alevok Guest
    Tell me about it, that pharmacist at K-Mart had asked prescription for syringes. However, I managed to buy some from their next door "Eckerd"

  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2002
    at the gym
    I'll never do it again !!

    back in my days , where i was really naive, my ex boy-friend aks me once, to go buy needles for him. (well, i knew what it was for), but let me tell ya, the look i got frm the pharmacist was just so embaressing!! he never ask what they were for, but the look i got, was enough !!!

    i dont think they would have given that look to my ex, if he went to buy "lady stuff " , for me!
    i hate people that stares at you, and give u a disgust look, or people that ask too many questions, like: what r u on? or, why are you so sweaty?
    like, i would never go in the gym and start asking people. what they are taking to look this good, or this lean !! like they are been accused, or something !!

    who cares?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    where i live, needles are suppost to be scrip. free. Well, a few months back i got fucked and was without needles, so i had to get them from the pharm. They wouldn't sell them too me. The damn lady said "it's more than obvious why you want them". She made a damn big deal about it, and all the people in line where looking at me like i was a fucking monster. Really pissed me off. I told her that my ailments where very personal, and absolutely none of her business. Oh well, ended up using 20 guage needles, and yes they hurt like a bitch

  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2002
    at the gym
    i guess, an other way to respond, is just tell them its for B12 shot!!
    well, i dont know anything about sizes you need, but it seemed to work for my ex, a bit better....

    ...actually, now that i think of it, one time, the man just told him to get it free frm the doctors office!!!
    well, i dont know what i would do if i had to do this. especially, i have little patient for people,frm behind the counter, accusing you, and pointing at you...asking personnal questoins! it is none of their business!

    just like a women with implants! guys, no matter what u do , do not ask the " real or not " question !! just a little tip

    in my opinion, all those people,( phgarmatist....) are just jealous that they cant look as good as you look, so they try to bring u down by asking akward questions, to make themselves feel better!

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