I recently sold my small business that I started just 9 months ago. The business went well, i was making a fair share of money, however the hours/traveling/stress were just not worth it, my relationships, happiness, and body suffered.
I started my business during my last cycle's PCT, and boy was that a mistake! If not for the IGF, im sure I would have lost all my lean mass that i gained from that cycle, due to poor training/even worse diet! (read that newbies, DIET AND TRAINING COMES FIRST, NOT DRUGS!)
As soon as my DNP/IGF (amazing combo! Tons of fat loss, muscles stay full, and LBM is well preserved) Im going to start my next cycle:
Test E 300mgs/week
Tren E 400mgs/week
EQ 300mgs/week
Dbol 50 mgs/day week 1-4, 8-12
Winny 100mgs/day wee 16-20
IGF 60mcgs/day 6 on 2 off weeks 5-8,12-16
I know its not a normal cycle, but i find I respond better to multiple steroids at moderate dosages VS 1 or 2 at high doeses.
Here is my concern; I have a ton of different anti-Es and im confused on what would be best to take when.
Here is what I have right now:
AROMASIN 30x25mgs
Nolvadex 30x50
proviron 60x50mgs
bromo 2.5x30
bucket 'o clomid
Tons of HCG
My idea:
(yes, i will need more of some of them)
Nolvadex 20mgs ED
Aromasin weeks 1-4, 8-12 (during dianabol)
Proviron weeks 5-8, 12-16
HCG 500ui 2x/week if needed
Clomid during PCT
Keep the bromo for emergency (b6 should work fine)
Any input/ideas/opinions?
I am very anti-bloat, and anti tit, FYI![]()
Thanks guys, any input is very much appriciated!