I made this thread the other day and had a great response and feedback. It helped many of you and shocked many of you all at once. Due to the fact some underground labs were mentioned, the thread was taken down. It had a ton of good info. I hope none of you will ask me about any UG lab test results so we can keep this thead up as most of you have me check your gear and see if it was tested. They have many brands tested in the book.
The following lab tests were conducted by the Authors of the new 2006 Anabolic Ref Guide at Melecular Nutrition.
Below are some QV results that might shock you...
Oxymethalone (anadrol) tested at 71.7mgs out of 75mgs -----GOOD
DECA 200 tested at 180mgs out of 200mgs -----FAIR
STEN tested 10.5mgs out of 10 -----GOOD
EQ tested 198mgs out of 200 -----GOOD
TEST CYP tested 136mgs out of 200mgs -----TERRIBLE
TEST ENANTHATE tested 158mgs out of 250mgs -----TERRIBLE
WINNY TABS tested 11mgs out of 10mgs -----GOOD
QV Tabs seem to be very good. QV test appears to be garbage. (a very informed member) said he has had no problems with QV Test Prop. He is very experianced so if you have Prop, do not fret too much.
Again, this info is right from the ANABOLICS 2006 book. They have MANY brands of gear that were tested. I will happily check your gear and post the results they got as long as it is NOT an underground lab so please do not ask so our new and improved thread remains here for all to learn from.
I apoligize to any MODS for breaking any rules from my last post. Im not sure If I did or others did so lets keep it within the rules. Cat