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Thread: Patronize your board's sponsor! Lion/AR-R

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  1. #1

    Patronize your board's sponsor! Lion/AR-R

    Members of

    Lion has been around for years and years, and the quality of his products have stood the test of time. In addition, he is this boards sponsor, and I highly encourage everyone who is here, and looking to purchase research chems, to do so from him.

    I've been around for many years, and seen many fly-by-night chem operations promising this or that, and seen them come and go.

    Most recently, we've seen more new mom & pop chem companies popping up, and I have to say that the most recent of them is the most terrible.

    Don't sacrifice quality service and products, from a proven leader in the field who has been around for years- just to try and save a buck from any of these new (terrible) companies.

    There's a reason Lion has been here for years, and it's not because he's trying to ScamOne over on people. It's because he's got proven products and a proven reputation.

    If you're here, you ought to be patronizing Lion and supporting your board.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Bowels of Hell
    Why don't you let the members decide who/what they want to buy from. It seems like every time someone writes something contradictory to AR-R, here comes the propaganda bandwagon........This board is amazing because it TELLS THE TRUTH, good or bad. No one is expecting Lion to have 100% satisfaction, that is not accomplished in the leanest of manufacturing facilities. I wouldn't expect AR-R to be ISO 9000. BUT, people should be able to speak of their experiences honestly. It's not like the products are cheap. I have written when I was pleased with their services, and I have written when displeased.

    Just because Lion is supporting this Board does not obligate ANYONE in buying his product if consesus says it's less than effective.

  3. #3
    have always been happy with Lion
    quality and service

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