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Thread: new to competing, gear timing question

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ont, CAN

    new to competing, gear timing question

    just thought I'd get some opinions from some of you as to what would be the most SAFE and beneficial way to plan my cycle out for the rest of this year as I am looking to enter a competition for nov. this will be my first competition.

    anyway I recently finished my 3rd cycle over a month ago. I am now doing pct. I was thinkin of doing another cycle for about 8 weeks i want to do tren, test and winny. From what I've read it is the best pre contest cycle, If I were going to compete in nov. when should I try to have this done by?would it be beneficial to do pct (novaldex and clen) for about a month before competition. I have heard different methods and I just thought I'd hear some ideas for timing of when I should start to finish my cycle, cut down and the best way to do it. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ont, CAN

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    the prob is you are thinking about taking a cycle pre contest, which is good and the compounds are fine, but precontest means you run those up to the show....not 8-10 weeks prior....those compounds are going to tighten you up and help you not lose muscle during your as for a cycle before that it is up to you, just dont put on a lot of water so the diet for the show is easier, and do not use compounds your going to use after in the pre comp cycle....

    Also look at my thread right below details exactly what i use and when and for how long during my contest prep....

  4. #4
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    i would start the day of the comp...figure out 10-12 weeks out...that is when the diet starts and so will your comp from that day go back 4-6 weeks and that will be your pct time and time off...then go back 10 weeks and plan out a nice lean mass building cycle....that day is when you start a cycle to put on as much GOOD CLEAN mass as possible....then you have time for pct and then your diet and comp prep starts....thats as simple as i can do it bro...hope this helps...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ont, CAN
    thanks man, I read yours and then read it again, it sounds well planned and it is the same advice I got from some of my older buddies that have competed.
    Just wondering what to do if I were to not run a cycle before the show, when to come off and what to do up until the show, this competition is for a the title of a small city and its all about getting peeled. thanks for answering man.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ont, CAN
    that second post does help thanks man

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ont, CAN
    what would be some good gear to get for that GOOD CLEAN mass cycle and how does the tren, test and winny sound pre contest. Also would I up my carbs during this clean mass cycle and pct and then 10 - 12 weeks start my diet??? Thanks again

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    you would do something like test p for 10 weeks at 100mg ed, and deca at 400mg a week for 8 weeks followed by PCT...during your good clean cycle eat like you are doing a clean bulk up everything protein, carbs, and efa...then take some time off and run you comp cycle...i would do
    week 8-3 test p 100mg ed
    week 8-2 tren 100mg ed
    week 8-0 winny 75mg ed or if it is capsule form do 150mg ed up to the day of the show
    you will also wanna run nolva at 20mg ed up to the day of
    clen 125mcg ed 2 weeks on 2 weks off, timing it so your two weeks before the show you are off

  9. #9
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    dont be afraid to eat a lot when doing the bulkin will be a little harder to diet after if you put on to much fat, but you wanna get the good in ya and get as much muscle outta it as possible....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ont, CAN
    awesome, that is the most detailed answer I have heard, thanks

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    glaad i can help...I am doing a show in 18 days in St.john, New i am not to far from ya either feel free to hit me up anytime with any questions, also MSN me at [email protected]

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ont, CAN
    sorry man one last question, I just wanted to clear up is efa = efedra

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
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    efa= essential fatty acids....flax oil, fuish oil....good fat you can have to increase calories nbut they are ***** 3 so the do not store in the body...

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