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Thread: Running IGF at young age?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Phoenix, Az

    Running IGF at young age?

    Ok guys I'm gunna be finishing up with my cutting in about 2 months and I've been doing some research on IGF. I'm wondering how it would be to run at a younger age. My stats are:

    20yrs Old

    Will wait till I'm 10-12%bf before I'd start IGF, and it would be on a clean bulking style diet. My wonder is if there are any issues with running this compound at this age? I'm looking for something to help with gains however I am not willing to do AAS at this stage in life (growthplates are still open according to X-ray). Thanks for any and all insight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The problem with GH and its components at your age is the possibility of disproportional growth, since your plates are likely in a transitional phase - not wide open, not completely shut. It's a risk. And then there are all the other reasons for not using peptides at your age, that I'll let someone else go into.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Why Not Wait Until You Stop Seeing Results Form Aas First Then Try Adding Gh, Slin Or Igf 1. I Feel That Adding One Type Of Enhancement Substance At A Time Is Best So You Can Effectivly Montior Its Effect. However I You Want To Run The Igf Follow A Standard Protocol As Found On The Site, Maybe A Bit More As You Naturtal Gh Levels (and Therefore Slin/igf 1) Levels Will Still Be Relativly High. Keep Us Posted Bro N Gud Look If You Decide To Go Through With It. Would Spend The Money On Aas Perosnally Or Try Sli Or Gh Beforeplaying With The Igf1!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_T_MC06
    Why Not Wait Until You Stop Seeing Results Form Aas First Then Try Adding Gh, Slin Or Igf 1. I Feel That Adding One Type Of Enhancement Substance At A Time Is Best So You Can Effectivly Montior Its Effect. However I You Want To Run The Igf Follow A Standard Protocol As Found On The Site, Maybe A Bit More As You Naturtal Gh Levels (and Therefore Slin/igf 1) Levels Will Still Be Relativly High. Keep Us Posted Bro N Gud Look If You Decide To Go Through With It. Would Spend The Money On Aas Perosnally Or Try Sli Or Gh Beforeplaying With The Igf1!
    That was painful to read.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by audi0xpl0de
    That was painful to read.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Phoenix, Az
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_T_MC06
    Why Not Wait Until You Stop Seeing Results Form Aas First Then Try Adding Gh, Slin Or Igf 1. I Feel That Adding One Type Of Enhancement Substance At A Time Is Best So You Can Effectivly Montior Its Effect. However I You Want To Run The Igf Follow A Standard Protocol As Found On The Site, Maybe A Bit More As You Naturtal Gh Levels (and Therefore Slin/igf 1) Levels Will Still Be Relativly High. Keep Us Posted Bro N Gud Look If You Decide To Go Through With It. Would Spend The Money On Aas Perosnally Or Try Sli Or Gh Beforeplaying With The Igf1!

    Well thanks for the advice man, however I'm not really looking to run anabolics. I am very much aware that I would make MUCH larger gains from a good standard test-e cycle but thats not really in the cards for me right now. So I was mostly really wondering if there are specific issues that I should be worried about if I decided to run IGF at my age?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    yeah money and getting it to your door

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Phoenix, Az
    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    yeah money and getting it to your door
    Well I'd just get it from AR... and it doesn't seem that expensive.

    Mostly I'm still just wonderinng if there are any age specific side effcts that I should be worried about? I'm guessing judging by the lack of response to that, that there aren't really more risks to running it at my age vs. at an older age? Of course the downside being that I will probably require more in order to see results.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    You're not going to see much effect from lr3 alone, especially at your age. Your natty igf-1 levels are already high or peaking right now. So you would have to do quite a bit to notice any kind of pumps or effects. Waste of your money IMO. If you have to do anything then I would choose AAS. But then again, you are so young that YOU don't need it. You need clean food, cardio and heavy training and you will grow and get leaner.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Us old guys take this shit so we can feel and look like you young guys. You are at a opportunistic time in your life to make gains naturally off your natty hormone levels. I remember when I was 20-22 I could get into shape and put on a little size in a matter of months. That was because my natty test, GH/igf-1 levels were high due to my age. Now I'm a old buzzard at 37 and still feel and look pretty good due to training, diet and proper AAS, GH, etc use. I'm not a bodybuilder or strive to be one but I am interested in feeling and looking good for many reasons.

    Try some tongkat ali, creatine, BCAAs (aminos) and whey pre and PWO with a clean diet consisting of a lot of protein.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 06-12-2006 at 08:31 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Phoenix, Az

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Us old guys take this shit so we can feel and look like you young guys. You are at a opportunistic time in your life to make gains naturally off your natty hormone levels. I remember when I was 20-22 I could get into shape and put on a little size in a matter of months. That was because my natty test, GH/igf-1 levels were high due to my age. Now I'm a old buzzard at 37 and still feel and look pretty good due to training, diet and proper AAS, GH, etc use. I'm not a bodybuilder or strive to be one but I am interested in feeling and looking good for many reasons.

    Try some tongkat ali, creatine, BCAAs (aminos) and whey pre and PWO with a clean diet consisting of a lot of protein.

    Thanks bro, I'll do some research on the tongkat ali, as I'm not familliar with that and keep on keepin on

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