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Thread: infection ?

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  1. #1

    infection ?

    i'm injecting prop eod 100mg i did my 10th shot 2day
    i only inject in the glutes and i alternate between the right and left every injection , right now i'm feeling an inner pain at the top of my right glute , it also counts at the very end of my back i did deadlifts 2 days ago so that might be it as when i pus with my thumb hard to check the pain i feel it's a muscle pain at the end of my back over the right glute immediately not on the outer part from top where i inject but on the other side of my right glute and there is no any kind of swelling , u think this might be an infection ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Bro it sound's like you realy need to start using more injection spot's Each site should have A seven day break before the next shot.

    Check out

  3. #3
    man i only inject in my glutes because it is the safest are where i can inject , is it really that bad 7 days wowwwwww !! i did 5 injections in each glute every 3-4 days like this ? the problem is that i donno how to inject myself and go to inject in the pharmacy and they don't aspirate so i go for the glute as it is the safest part can i switch from prop to enanthate if i'm looking for only 2 injections each week meaning 7 days between each injection on each side ? can i switch or this will be stupid ? and if i switch i'll do pct after last enan shot ? wow this really sucks , can i switch to something oral ? or is it too late ?
    Last edited by little_soldier; 06-11-2006 at 10:09 PM.

  4. #4
    anyone ???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by little_soldier
    anyone ???
    U got your answer bro... U need to rotate sites... just glutes won't cut it... go to **************... the quads are easier to hit then glutes... U cld throw them in there with glutes and even add the hip area which is a sweet spot also... I forget what muscle it is called....

  6. #6
    okay i will rotate sites no prob , but my question is can someone switch in the midle from injection to oral AAS ? or this never happens ? i'm just asking as a kind of knowledge

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i just injected my first time into my quad and it's not bad at all... just give it a try.

    i'm sure that you could switch to orals, but i don't know if it would be best for you... depending on what you want to take you can only take them for a few weeks before you're suposed to stop and if you're already in cycle, you may just want to see this one through and plan accordingly for the next cycle.

    good luck.

  8. #8
    okay i did an injection in my quads today it was okay i will keep rotating , thanks but also no one replied to my question , if someone wants to switch to orals in the middle of the cycle can he do that ? or will it be so wrong ?

  9. #9
    anyone ? orals or any kind of test my friend switched in the middle of his cycle from sustanon to test prop i told him it might be wrong , i don't know , and i'm thinking of switching from prop to enanthate or orals can you do that ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by little_soldier
    anyone ? orals or any kind of test my friend switched in the middle of his cycle from sustanon to test prop i told him it might be wrong , i don't know , and i'm thinking of switching from prop to enanthate or orals can you do that ?
    If your doing prop then you do prop. Before a cycle you plan it carefully and then follow through. That means I wouldnt "switch" to any oral and if your going to go to e then I would overlap the prop like 3-4 weeks.

    Personally I would just keep running the prop but rotate more sites. You will get used to it.

  11. #11
    guys was it dangerous that i was injecting only in the glutes over and over again i was not allowing 7 days between every injection maybe 3 to 4 , why cannot you inject in the same spot all the time i don't feel any pain in that area anymore ?

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