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Thread: 3rd Cycle Critique

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Corner of Iowa

    3rd Cycle Critique

    Here is my buddy's 3rd cycle. He is 6'4 300lbs. Several years of training experience.

    Week 1-20 test enanthate 750 mg EW
    week 1-20 Deca 600 mg EW
    Week 1-6 Dianabol 50 mg ED
    Week 9-20 Winny 50 mg ED

    Suggested to him to have arimidex on hand to reduce the bloat and possible gyno from the d-bol kickstart. Run at about .25-.5 mg ED.

    PCT would be nolvadex at 40 mg ed for weeks 23 and 24 and 20 mg ed weeks 25 and 26.

    One question I do have is this. With his size when would he be able to up the d-bol dose if he wasn't really feeling it at 50 mg ED? Or does size not really play a factor?

    Any input here is greatly appreciated thnx-Erwin

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    definitely need some hcg in there for a 20 weeker..300 lbs? what's his bf% (give or take)...size does not really play a factor in his reaction to dbol..i would not run it for 6 wks, im pretty experienced w dbol, and i would only run it for 4 wks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Corner of Iowa
    The HCG is a problem as we don't have that available to us. Is there anything else that could be used, or should it be a shorter cycle and to what length? I don't know the bf% and wouldn't want to guess.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    What is his previous cycle experience?
    12 weeks of winny??? way to long IMHO
    Always run deca one or two weeks shorter than TEST
    Winny should run two weeks longer than Test E so that PCT times coincide but no longer than final 6 weeks IMHO

    I am interested in knowing if the previous two cycle were planned this well?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Corner of Iowa
    SO what about this?

    1-15 test e 750 mgs EW
    1-13 deca 600 mgs EW
    1-4 dianabol 50 mgs ED
    11-17 winny 50 mgs ED
    pct to start on week 18-21 nolva at 40 mg ED for first two weeks and 20 mgs ED for the last two weeks.
    Liquidex on hand for possible sides.
    I was wanting to get him to run clen in his PCT to help retain gains. Also will the nolva be enough or should it be stacked with clomid?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    SO....what about previous cycle experience and doses?
    Why are YOU doing this research and not "your friend"? How is he gonna learn anything unless he makes the effort.....??
    What are YOUR.....I mean his goals for this cycle??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Buckeye City
    Quote Originally Posted by Erwin
    Here is my buddy's 3rd cycle. He is 6'4 300lbs. Several years of training experience.

    Week 1-20 test enanthate 750 mg EW
    week 1-20 Deca 600 mg EW
    Week 1-6 Dianabol 50 mg ED
    Week 9-20 Winny 50 mg ED

    Suggested to him to have arimidex on hand to reduce the bloat and possible gyno from the d-bol kickstart. Run at about .25-.5 mg ED.

    PCT would be nolvadex at 40 mg ed for weeks 23 and 24 and 20 mg ed weeks 25 and 26.

    One question I do have is this. With his size when would he be able to up the d-bol dose if he wasn't really feeling it at 50 mg ED? Or does size not really play a factor?

    Any input here is greatly appreciated thnx-Erwin

    Stop usage of the deca at week 18 and I would also only run the dbol for 5 weeks to have some more time between that and the winny. JMO

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    West Coast
    Wouldn't running winny for 7 weeks kill his buddy's liver? I would think so.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    Wouldn't running winny for 7 weeks kill his buddy's liver? I would think so.

    Go sit in the corner....really don't speak.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i personally dont like winny, especially in a test/deca/dbol stack..unless his bf is pretty low, i dont think he will be seeing anything from winny in that stack...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Why is YOUR FRIEND not on here getting info on HIS OWN CYCLE!? Very strange.

    AND 6'4'' 300lbs doesn't mean shit. His BF% should be known before anyone gives him cycle advice. He could be 300lbs of walking breathing lard ass for all we know, which a cycle should be the last thing on his mind...or wait, his friends mind.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    6'4 300 lbs I'm guessin at least 20%
    if hes 6'4 300 and like 12% I think he should not worry about a bulking cycle

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Corner of Iowa
    If I had a question about MY cycle I would ask it for MYSELF! I am doing this so he gets all the info he can since my knowledge is limited compared to the members of this board. And I am asking this for him since he is out of town at the moment and asked that I would. So if there is anyone with info that he can read when he gets back then please feel free. If you want to argue that this is my cycle and my question then I will just let the thread die or ask a mod to close it since it won't be helping anyone. Erwin

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