i asked this once already and all of the responses were failed attempts at humor, lol. I really need to know what i should take. What steroid will have the least side effects and the best results. I really appreciate your help. Thanx.
i asked this once already and all of the responses were failed attempts at humor, lol. I really need to know what i should take. What steroid will have the least side effects and the best results. I really appreciate your help. Thanx.
What are you trying to achieve? Strength and mass or cutting up?
Also, what are your stats (age, height, weight, body fat%, how long you have been working out...)?
You moron - the 'failed attempts at humor' (which I thought were getting pretty damn funny) were there because you came on here asking for the best steroid - if there was onebest steroid that had low sides and the "perfect results" we'd all be on the same thing. You have to state what you are looking to acheive, what your goals are because gear varies and has different results - you fucking idiot dont ask stupid questions then get angry when you dont get an answer that never existed in the first place.
I think from your previous post and the answers on this one the question does,nt have an answer.
Research the drugs on offer then YOU decide which one is best for YOU then you use it ......simple answer to your question
Man you must be one tight ass! I was laughing my gyno tits off (I have not gyno that is a j/k!!) I may have not been that funny buy the "magic" pills and the other stuff was damn funny. Lighen up bro! Mike, Jason, PtbyJason and the guys came up with some top stuff! Do some reseach and you know the saying aask a stupid question and you will get a stupid answer (Ps thats a J/k also!!).
BA (I'm not funny.........shit that hurts!)
LOL Big AL.....you're a little bit funny lol
Big Al, Your the man! Damn you ought to be in standup at comedy central. I laughed my ass off at your reply. Just thought you would want to know.
Hey Capolars,
Don't be affended man, Every riod has it's pros and cons. There just ain't no way around side effects when you push your natural hormonal level up by 4 or 5 hundred times it's normal level. Read up on specific cycles that you might be interested and what their potential side effects are. THEN FIND OUT how you might be able to offset them as much as possible if at all.
Last edited by Tobey; 08-23-2001 at 07:50 PM.
To me the best steroid would be-Test-Equipoise-Fina-Anadrol-50-D-bol-Winny-Anavar-Primo, get the point.......There isn't one best.......
I do some stand up at home LOL But the g/f normally tells me to get off the stage!
Cheers Bro!
Big Al are sure you,re only doing AS I,m not convinced!!LOL
I think the Kava Kava keeps you merry, apparently it helps stress and is a natrual anti-depressant!!
It will wear off soon, or the Test will win the fight! LOL
Hey BA - how IS that working for you? The kava kava that is - in all seriousness
The problem I have in answering that is I don't know what I'd be like without the Kava Kava. I'm OK 95% of the time, but if I'm blantantly honest, I have alot shorter fuse.....as some of my posts indicate, I have been alittle more confrontational if I thought someone was getting at me......sorry guys just the TEST talking! But I'm controlling that OK. My G/F was worried about me taking gear, and I think she's pleasantly surprised, I've been fine. But I do have a feeling of increased anger sometimes, if someone cuts me up or looks at me the wrong way I feel far more aggressive, my g/f laughs at me now, she says "now you know what PMT is like", good point that LOL.
However, i ran out of KK the other day and when I came home, she had bought me some more........nice hey! So all in all I think it has its pluses but you have to work with it and sometimes unfortunately you will let of steam.
Sorry Mike thats a complicated answer to a simple questions. But I wouldn't cycle without it as even as a phycosmatic thing it has a use!
One thing you do get cross examined when you buy it, health food stores, they're like why are you taking this what other medications are you on.......well how rude LOL
do they really bro?? Thats fucked - I have never had to worry bout that before - that's wierd - I would suggest going to another health food place - kava kava isnt something you need to worry bout or something that has any intx with other meds so they shouldnt be asking that shit at all - some countries use it as their 'alcohol' they make drinks out of it and all relax together - it's actually got a really neat history if you look into it
Ok Big Al, Mike....
Let's see,.................how does one ask a stupid question without appearing stupid? Don't really think it can be done so here it goes anyway, exactly what is this KAVA KAVA you keep talking about?
Tobey, not a stupid question....i say that cos I've asked it myself LOL.
Anyway I found this quite interesting!Kava (Piper methysticum)
Parts used and where grown: Kava is a member of the pepper family and is native to many Pacific Ocean islands. The rhizome (underground stem) is used.
Kava has been used in connection with the following conditions :
Ranking Health Concerns
Primary Anxiety
Secondary Menopause
Historical or traditional use (may or may not be supported by scientific studies): A nonalcoholic drink made from the root of kava played an important role in a variety of ceremonies in the Pacific islands, including welcoming visiting royalty, at meetings of village elders, or as part of social gatherings. Kava was valued both for its mellowing effects and to encourage socializing. It was also noted for initiating a state of contentment, a greater sense of well-being, and enhanced mental acuity, memory, and sensory perception. Kava has also been used traditionally to treat pain.
Active constituents: The kava-lactones, sometimes referred to as kava-pyrones, are important active constituents in kava herbal extracts. High-quality kava rhizome contains 5.5–8.3% kava-lactones.1 Medicinal extracts used in Europe contain 30–70% kava-lactones. Kava-lactones may have anti-anxiety, mild analgesic (pain-relieving), muscle-relaxing, and anticonvulsant effects.2 3 Some researchers speculate that kava may directly influence the limbic system, the ancient part of the brain associated with emotions and other brain activities.4 Kava is a unique anti-anxiety alternative because it does not seem to impair reaction time or alertness when used in the recommended amounts listed below.5
Kava has been extensively studied as a treatment for anxiety.6 The amount often used in studies is a 100 mg capsule standardized to 70% kava-lactones three times per day. Double-blind studies, including one that lasted six months, have validated the effectiveness of kava for people with anxiety,7 8 including menopausal women.9 One study found kava to be just as effective as benzodiazepines (a common class of drugs prescribed for anxiety) in treating mild anxiety over the course of six weeks.10
How much is usually taken? Some herbalists suggest using kava extracts supplying 120–240 mg of kava-lactones per day in two or three divided doses.11 Alternatively (although it has not been researched), 1–3 ml of fresh liquid kava tincture can be taken three times per day. Kava should not be taken for more than three months without the advice of a physician, according to the German Commission E monograph.12
Are there any side effects or interactions? In recommended amounts, the most common side effect from kava use is mild gastrointestinal disturbances in some people. Kava may temporarily turn the skin yellow, according to some case studies.13 If this occurs, people should simply discontinue kava use. In rare cases, an allergic skin reaction, such as a rash, may occur. Enlargement of the pupils has also been reported after long-term use of kava.14 In the amounts discussed above, kava is not addictive.
Kava is not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women. It should not be taken together with other substances that also act on the central nervous system, such as alcohol, barbiturates, antidepressants, and anti-psychotic drugs. Kava has been reported to cause excessive sedation and grogginess when combined with benzodiazepines.15 One study found it was safe to drive after taking kava at the amounts listed above.16 However, the German Commission E monograph states that kava, when taken at the recommended levels, may adversely affect a person’s ability to safely drive or operate heavy machinery.17
Certain medications may interact with kava. Refer to the drug interactions summary for a list of those medications. It is recommended you discuss the use of kava and your current medication(s) with your doctor or pharmacist.
Big Al,
Thanks for the post, you were right that was very interesting as well as informative. I have never heard of this, hell, I'm even gonna check into picking some up next time I'm out at the herb store. If it is all that it appears to be I may reccomend it in future post. I've printed out your post, history, cultural use, ect. Hope you do not mind in I use some of the info later on.
Now about those Rice Sandwhiches?
Last edited by Tobey; 08-25-2001 at 02:49 AM.
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