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Thread: 4 months bulking natural

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  1. #1

    4 months bulking natural

    I've been bulking natural for 4 months now.. I've gone from 160 to 175-180...

    Any feedback on whats lagging and what not is appreciated..

    The first pic is before I started to bulk... I'didn't really touch my biceps or triceps till about 5 weeks ago.. I was working big time on my shoulders and back.. I think my arms need some major work though
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    Last edited by jsokcmo; 04-17-2007 at 06:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    no offense but you dont seem to have changed much, you gained weight but it doesnt really look like quality weight, and what do the wheels look like?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    no offense but you dont seem to have changed much, you gained weight but it doesnt really look like quality weight, and what do the wheels look like?
    What do you mean? He had no chest whatsoever in the first pic. Now there's even separation.

    I can also see improvement in the deltoids, although the first pic is a bit shitty

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Toenail Juice Z
    What do you mean? He had no chest whatsoever in the first pic. Now there's even separation.

    I can also see improvement in the deltoids, although the first pic is a bit shitty
    Agreed... He grew some pecs and delts.

    It would be mean (and untrue) to say otherwise.

    If i were him.. i'd be proud.

    And i'd buckle down and press on.

    BTW: Where're the leg pics bro?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Your doing great for only four months. I can definitely see the improvements. Your chest is looking alot better bro. Keep up the great work. I cant wait to see what happens in another 4 months. Good job!

  6. #6
    If it were me, I would bulk untill I got to maybe 17-18% BF tops then I was start cutting it down to eventually 12% and then repeat.

    You are obviously green and thats ok, we all were, people flamming your for your diet is retarted - im sure you did what you thought was ok. Hell I used to think that eating a big loaded hot dog after a workout was a good source of protein - haha...and I used to be fat...


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lol im sorry man, but i dont know what you are doing in that back shot!?!...

    but i gotta give u props on bulking natural, i did it for a while....most people would just say "add tren" blah blah...list your diet man, im sure some guys can comment on improving it..


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    yeah i dont mean to sound like a dick, you definatly put on some weight just looks like a decent ammount is in the stomach, but you aint lookin bad, clean up your diet throw in some cardio and you should cut up quick. besides that id say pay more attention to your traps and lats.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Congrats on not using drugs. Best to build a base first. I disagree with the other dudes who say they don't see a difference or that the weight lacked quality. My eyes see muscle gain. Nice going. Keep at it. The key thing is loving the burn and time will take care of itself.

    Quote Originally Posted by jsokcmo
    I've been bulking natural for 4 months now.. I've gone from 160 to 175-180...

    Any feedback on whats lagging and what not is appreciated..

    The first pic is before I started to bulk... I'didn't really touch my biceps or triceps till about 5 weeks ago.. I was working big time on my shoulders and back.. I think my arms need some major work though

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Scottsdale, AZ
    Keep it up bro, don't listen to people who are knocking your gains...

    What are your plans, going to continue bulking through summer or are you planning a cut?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    u can tell that ur lats have improved a bit, ya chest is goin pretty good u can tell its filled outwards if u know what i mean, u look a lil wider to which is great. def need to hit ya ups up but, if ur doin a lot of machine weights try to get on to free cos it will help develop ur stability.

  12. #12
    Here is my diet log... I've added yams, steak, and chicken rice.. I didn't learn how to cook chicken and steak till a few weeks ago..

    Thursday, Feb 15
    7:00am- bowl of raisin bran & protein shake
    10:45am- 4 egg's & wheat toast
    1:30pm- 1 potatoe - 1 yogurt
    5:00pm- chilli
    6:00pm- fish sticks
    8:00pm- potatoe & chilli
    9:45pm- protein shake

    Mondays, Feb 19
    8:00am- 2 Breakfast burittos
    1:00pm- protein shake
    3:00pm- footlong chicken brest sub
    5:00pm- Chilli, potatoe, yogurt
    9:00PM- Chilli, yogurt, burrito
    10:30pm- protein shake

    Tuesday, Feb 20
    6:30am- protein shake
    9:00am- 3 egg's
    1:00pm- potatoe, yogurt
    4:00pm- 2 chilli's
    7:00pm- Footlong meatball sub
    8:00pm- yogurt
    9:30pm- protein shake

    Wednesday, Feb 21
    6:30am- protein shake
    11:00am- 4 egg's
    2:00pm- Big T-'s Turkey & beef on bun
    4:30pm- 2 yogurt's
    7:15pm- Chilli, potatoe
    9:30pm- protein shake

    Thursday, Feb 22
    6:30am- protein shake
    9:00am- 4 egg's
    2:00pm- chipotle burrito
    5:00pm- Ravoli, chilli
    8:00pm- 2 Chilli's, yogurt
    10:00pm- protein shake

    Friday, Feb 23
    6:30am- protein shake
    10:00am- 4 egg's
    1:00pm- Chicken sandwich
    3:30pm- potatoe & chicken

    In the back pic, I relaxed to quick before the pic took...

    I know i've made gains, I was useing a personal trainner and they watched my BF and body mass.. I went form 13% bf to 16% but he said I made some huge gain in body mass..

    I thought about starting to cut for summer & start back bulking this winter again.. I'm not sure though.. I don't want a belly at the pool.. My goal was to bulk to 200 then cut.. But i doubt all be hitting that anytime soon...

    Here is another pic before I started bulking..
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    Last edited by jsokcmo; 04-18-2007 at 05:47 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    Quote Originally Posted by jsokcmo
    Here is my diet log... I've added yams, steak, and chicken rice.. I didn't learn how to cook chicken and steak till a few weeks ago..

    Thursday, Feb 15
    7:00am- bowl of raisin bran & protein shake replace raisin bran wiht oatmeal
    10:45am- 4 egg's & wheat toast too long between meals
    1:30pm- 1 potatoe - 1 yogurt 1 potato and a yogurt? replace with chicken and rice or something similar
    5:00pm- chilli as above
    6:00pm- fish sticks as above
    8:00pm- potatoe & chilli w/o knowing macros can't say for sure but not gonna be great either above
    9:45pm- protein shake eat cottage cheese or steak b4 bed, unless its a casein shake

    Mondays, Feb 19
    8:00am- 2 Breakfast burittos terrible, lose them
    1:00pm- protein shake 5 hours between meals? try 3 max even when bulking natural
    3:00pm- footlong chicken brest sub could be worse..homemade or from as tore?
    5:00pm- Chilli, potatoe, yogurt whats with all the chili and yogurts? better food sources out there
    9:00PM- Chilli, yogurt, burrito as above
    10:30pm- protein shake same as day one

    Tuesday, Feb 20
    6:30am- protein shake try 5 egg whites, 1 whole egg and a bowl of oatmeal with a scoop of whey or 11 egg whites instead of 5
    9:00am- 3 egg's 3 eggs isnt much, try a proper meal
    1:00pm- potatoe, yogurt daft...bunch of carbs
    4:00pm- 2 chilli's 404 Clean food...not found
    7:00pm- Footlong meatball subas above
    8:00pm- yogurt too many yogurts!!!! eat clean solid foods!
    9:30pm- protein shake replace with steak or ground beef or something unless its a casein shake, even then i'd rather replace it with steak..

    Wednesday, Feb 21
    6:30am- protein shake
    11:00am- 4 egg's
    2:00pm- Big T-'s Turkey & beef on bun
    4:30pm- 2 yogurt's
    7:15pm- Chilli, potatoe
    9:30pm- protein shake

    Thursday, Feb 22
    6:30am- protein shake
    9:00am- 4 egg's
    2:00pm- chipotle burrito
    5:00pm- Ravoli, chilli
    8:00pm- 2 Chilli's, yogurt
    10:00pm- protein shake

    Friday, Feb 23
    6:30am- protein shake
    10:00am- 4 egg's
    1:00pm- Chicken sandwich
    3:30pm- potatoe & chicken
    Can't be bothered to go thru all these days, your diet isn't the worst I've seen but it aint great, I bulked naturally for 2 years before cycling and I didn't see any gains til I started eating 300g protein a day and eating every 3 hours minimum...

    replace all your chilis/subs/yogurts/potatoes etc with chicken and brown rice/steak/sweet potatoes/fish and calculate your daily caloric needs and add 500 to it, eat that many clean cals and hit the gym hard, you'll see results so fast people will ask if you're on steroids (it happened to me)

    but well done for staying natural so far, try another year natural and follow the advice on this board, you could probably add 20lbs or more naturally in a year mate.
    Last edited by Snrf; 04-18-2007 at 10:30 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    dirty south
    I definitely see improvement in your chest mass and shoulder width. Your back looks thicker also. What kind of weight training did you do? I would advise heavy compound movements and at the top of that list is squats. I gave powerlifting a try one year and never really worked my legs much. I started squating a lot and man my whole body began to change. My entire body became thicker from my traps to my quads. I also did some olympic lifts for explosive strength and I think they also helped me add quality mass. Be careful when doing heavy lifts make sure every day isn't a max out day. the purpose is to get huge and strong, not to stay injured. You can definitely stay hurt if you try to see how strong you are every time you lift. Also heavy lifting is very taxing on the central nervous system so you may need to rest more often between hard workouts. Being natrual also means you can't train like a wild animal every day, but you are definitely on your way. I applaud you doing this the natrual way. I think if you keep working hard and watch your diet closely you will reach 200 sooner than you think. keep up the good work.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    lol bulking natural
    thats adorable

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    lol bulking natural
    thats adorable
    there is nothing wrong with bulking naturally. if he had come on here saying he used anabolics to bulk, everyone would have flamed the shit outta him, so i dont see any reason for posts like this, unless you're promoting the use of steroids for anyone wanting to bulk. also, with the right diet and exercise, you can bulk and see gains similar to those with use of anabolics, especially if your body is young and still growing. good luck on the bulk, making improvements. -B-STRONG

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by B-STRONG
    there is nothing wrong with bulking naturally. if he had come on here saying he used anabolics to bulk, everyone would have flamed the shit outta him, so i dont see any reason for posts like this, unless you're promoting the use of steroids for anyone wanting to bulk. also, with the right diet and exercise, you can bulk and see gains similar to those with use of anabolics, especially if your body is young and still growing. good luck on the bulk, making improvements. -B-STRONG

    ahmen to that...I fell that you have a ways before considering a cycle (if that is what you want to do). Keep progressing physically and mentally. good luck.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    i see a improvment, and a good one to. Stay natrual as long as you can bro, you want the best base as possible. and your getting there. continue the good work.

    dont let these roid heads be-little your gains

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    God's colon.
    You gain more muscle with more fat gain so keep up the good work man. Once you're satisfied bulking you can cut out the fat and expose all that lean mass you busted your ass for.

    And yea that back shot made me

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    chest looks better dude, keep doing what your doing

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jsokcmo
    I've been bulking natural for 4 months now.. I've gone from 160 to 175-180...

    Any feedback on whats lagging and what not is appreciated..

    The first pic is before I started to bulk... I'didn't really touch my biceps or triceps till about 5 weeks ago.. I was working big time on my shoulders and back.. I think my arms need some major work though

    I think you've made good improvements...

    Great job in 4 months bro.

    And your diet isn't horrible imo.

    I've seen many worse... and I've seen worse physiques on this forum... and these are guys that have jumped head-first into steroid use.

    Congrats on what you've acheived.


  22. #22
    Thanks Snrfmaster for the time and feedback on the diet.. All clean it up with more solid's..

    Thanks to everyone else also

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX
    From one natty to another,

    Keep working hard and always monitor your progress. It took me three years to get a feel for what my body was needing in order to gain mass. It can be done naturally and I encourage you to stay that way. It feels good to compare my physique to other anabolic users, and ironically, my physique is shaping up just as nicely as theirs (if not better). Attitude and desire goes a long way in this sport so always keep that in mind.

    Good luck!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    the dirty
    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    From one natty to another,

    Keep working hard and always monitor your progress. It took me three years to get a feel for what my body was needing in order to gain mass. It can be done naturally and I encourage you to stay that way. It feels good to compare my physique to other anabolic users, and ironically, my physique is shaping up just as nicely as theirs (if not better). Attitude and desire goes a long way in this sport so always keep that in mind.

    Good luck!
    from someone who has cycled (and still will) but has been natural for awhile as well, i find i am liking my physique without gear better. the symmetry is there. when im on, its cool and all but it sort of looks silly at 5'5", 190 natural and then 200 plus on (last cycle), i look like a steroid user. i get more compliments off then on. i see where you are coming from.

  25. #25
    I don't think a week goes by I don't think about a cycle.. I would've already been on one if my friend would've order it for me, but I think he's trying to be a better friend by not... I still got more to learn anyways before I jump into one..

    Well anyways, here some pics of my wheels and few more of my back, minus the trying to fly look. Also a pic of me not bloated
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  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    I hope no one thought I was flaming his diet. I was just giving a few pointers, I bulked for a long time naturally before going near gear and I started out just eating regular food, but lots of it and got wasn't til I started eating clean and big that I saw any was just trying to point him in the right direction

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!
    the best advice i ever received (concerning a bulking diet)and can give is eat solid foods every 3/4 hrs and eat a basic meat with a basic carb.


    chicken breast and rice,
    tuna and pasta,
    steak and baked potatoe,

    and adding condiments wont hurt while bulking,throw in some grapes,tomatoes,vinegerates,mustard,hot pepper sauce etc.

    and you can prepare 4/5 meals at a time,put them in sandwich boxes and eat them cold the next day.very easy and max takes 20 to prepare

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    good work bro....your looking good. Get them squats in!!

  29. #29
    definate difference man. just clean up that diet a little bit. anybody that is working hard enough to gain 10-15lbs naturally in 4 months moves up a notch in my book.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hows your workout plan?

  31. #31
    I've tweaked my diet big time & going to start bar-b-q on monday's to do my chicken and steaks for the week & found some sweet potatoes that cook in 7min's to add with my big meals.. also working tuna in for small meals/snacks.. also bumped my breakfest up to 9 egg whites & 1 whole egg, and grits when I have em...

    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Hows your workout plan?
    pretty good, i'm wrighting up a 8 week 3 day split that I think will really tear me up.. I hope to have it all written and effect next week..

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    definately good progress there man..i would try and hit 200 naturally before hittin any sauce, you'll get way better results from your cycle..keep hittin it hard man,

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    you have made improvements which is great. I think with a few tweaks to diet you could make leaner and bigger gains still. The main change I would make would be to keep more consistency to the diet and concentrate more on home cooked whole foods rather than a lot of the processed shop boght stufff which is packed with chemicals and hidden fats and high gi carbs.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    you have made improvements which is great. I think with a few tweaks to diet you could make leaner and bigger gains still. The main change I would make would be to keep more consistency to the diet and concentrate more on home cooked whole foods rather than a lot of the processed shop boght stufff which is packed with chemicals and hidden fats and high gi carbs.
    I agree. Its amazing how you can look on the nutrition on some things that are so small and yet they have 250cals...mmmmm high gi carbs mmmmmmm

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    like the others say, tweak ya diet a lil and replaced some of those meals with a higher protein based substance and u'll start to get some mad gains. goodluck

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Make sure you post up your workouts in the workout forum for critique, it can save you a lot of time and trouble in the end.

  37. #37
    Here is what my split is going to look like..

  38. #38
    Well here is a little bit of an update.. my friends started talking shit about how fat I was getting, so I had to kind of prove to myself I could cut up when I wanted. It feels good to see my abs coming out But, I cleaned my diet up and also started a cut diet like 3 weeks ago and cardio 2 times a week with 60min's on the elipcal machine and 20 on the stair master with nothing to eat 1 hour before, accept 3 amino acid tabs.. I'm down to 167-168lb's in the morning, I was about 180 when i started to cut..

    i'm kind of wondering is it a bad idea to cut while i'm working a mass lifting trainning program? Do you guys think I should strength train and run the mass program after summer when I'm ready to start bulking again?

    My arms up to 14in on the dot from 12 1/2 when I took the 1st pics..
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  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Your cut went well.

    What's a "mass lifting training program"? You mean you're lifting heavier with less reps? I'm not a true believer in the "more reps, lose more fat" programs out there. When I'm on a cut I still left heavy as I can for the amount of reps I want. My highest reps are usually 10-12. Work on your arms!

  40. #40
    Here is a sample of week 1 of the mass program.. It's a copy paste from excel...

    Day two: Shoulders, triceps, calves, and abs;
    Shoulders Push Presses 5 x 6-8 reps drop 6 - Superset/W Front Raises 5x8 SS
    Triceps Lying barbell or cambered (EZ-curl) bar press 3x6-9
    Shoulders Dumbell Side Lateral Raises 4x12
    Triceps Close-grip cable press-downs 3x6-9
    Shoulders Dumbbell Shrugs 5x10 - Superset/W with Dumbbell Holds 5x30 seconds SS
    Triceps One-arm dumbbell overhead extension - Superset/W Cable Kickbacks 3x8-10
    Calves Standing calf raise machine -- 1st-Set 8-10 - Quick Reps 30 seconds
    Calves Standing calf raise machine -- 2nd-Set Failure -Stretch shocking method
    Calves Pyramid down to a lighter weight - 8-10 strict repetitions
    Calves Repeat 2nd Set
    Abs Weighted Leg Over (20-25 each leg)
    Abs Hanging Leg Raises Description 3x10
    Abs Weighted Crunch Description 3x10


    Day three: Back, biceps and abs;
    Back Wide-grip chin-ups 3x8
    Biceps Reverse Curls ( 3x 6, 8, 10 ) + Straight Arm Barbell Curls 1x8 SS
    Back Rope pull down 3x10
    Biceps 45 degree Incline Hammer Curls ( 3x 6, 8, 10 ) supersetted/W 45 degree Incline Dumbbell Curls to Failure SS
    Back Decline dumbbell pullovers 3x10
    Biceps Reverse Lying Animal Curls ( 3x ( 8, 10, 12 ) SS/W Underhand Grip Traditional Animal Curls to Failure SS
    Back Seated cable rows, with a wide-grip (3 sets X 12, 10, 8 )
    Biceps Triceps Bar Curls (3x 8, 10, 12) SS/with Easy Curl Bar Curls with a close grip to Failure SS
    Abs Weighted Leg Over (20-25 each leg)
    Abs Hanging Leg Raises Description 3x10
    Abs Weighted Crunch Description 3x10

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