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Thread: GGallins new pics, 8 weeks in winny test cycle

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  1. #1
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    GGallins new pics, 8 weeks in winny test cycle

    I know its been a while but here is my current progress. I am currently wei***ng 260 Lbs, before my cycle I weighed about 240. I am 8 weeks in on a 10 week Test E and winny cycle. I am seeing and feeling the results pretty good so far with 2 weeks left. Strength is up as well as power and stamina. This is my second cycle ever and so far my favorite. 2 weeks ago I benched a new record for myself, 425 lbs. I plan this week to go for 455 but we'll see if I can pull it off. I am considering video taping it on Wednesday. I have somewhat embraced my powerlifting type build "AKA CHUBBY" and used the extra bloat of the water weight and fat in exchange for strength. I will focus more on my ab progress post cycle. I know I could have had abs right now etc etc blah blah, but right now my focus is just adding some more mass.

  2. #2
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    And here is what I looked like about a week or so before starting the cycle. Not a HUGE difference but hopefully you can see what progress I have made.

  3. #3
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    Oh and my current measurements are right bicep 19", left bicep 18 1/2", 49" chest, 20" neck and 14 1/2" forarms.
    Last edited by GGallin; 05-22-2007 at 12:42 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    its a shame you switched goals without achieving the last one you set yourself. I think the "powerlifting physique" is a cop out. Who cares how much you can bench....
    Unless you are competing in powerlifting comps I would say focus on the look not the numbers.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    its a shame you switched goals without achieving the last one you set yourself. I think the "powerlifting physique" is a cop out. Who cares how much you can bench....
    Unless you are competing in powerlifting comps I would say focus on the look not the numbers.
    I think I've said this before to ggallin, LISTEN TO THE BEAST. The man has the track record - have you seen PB's before photos??????? ggallin you are not going to win any major powerlifting comps, so what are you actually trying to achieve???? I reckon you could lose another 20kg (44lb) in around 6 months with some SERIOUS diet and cardio. And you would look BIGGER if you were leaner (believe it or not).

  6. #6
    number twelve's Avatar
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    pierced nips eh?

    you look like a strong guy but i would try to lean out and work on my posing a lil more

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    You should post some pics of you flexing

  8. #8
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    4,938 look better than you did a long time ago.HOwever, you shouldnt be on gear-I know,I know what ur guna say--its my body,dont tell me,bla bla.... this is my opinion ONLY..get your diet in check & use your head. I agree w BEAST.. u are using the powerlifting thing as a cop out. you had TOTALLY different goals previously...consider your health & blood pressure etc......good luck

  9. #9
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    I am not trying to win any comps I just wanted to set a personal achievement as far as my max weight lifting goes. This is why I have not posted any pics or anything in a while because I knew this would be the response I would get. Sure I guess the powerlifting thing is a cop out but I still feel benching 425 is a pretty good achievement. It made me feel good to do that weight that i had never done before. I was getting where I wanted to be body weight wise but after starting my cycle and becoming more bloated I decided not to worry about my weight until the cycle was over. Perhaps youll say then I should not have started the cycle yet then and perhaps your right. Yes I have seen beasts awsome progress and i applaud his great progress and I wish I had the dedication and heart to get where he is from where he was. Hell for me working out for over a year straight is pretty good and I dont plan on quitting. Its frustrating losing weight for sure guys, especially hearing some of the comments on this forum. Sorry ph34 I should have bought a treadmill so I could have awsome rippleing abs and calvin klien underwear like you I apologize. How about any positives, do I look like I gained any mass? Or anything good at all? Or do I pretty much look like the same fat piece of crap who ocassionally posts new pics of himself with little or no progress. Be honest.

  10. #10
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    like I said man.... your goals are YOUR goals-no one knows what you want better than you do..... we are here to give advice,help & an UNbiased opinion based on our knowledge & experience... not here to bash you -just help. I dont have a problem w going for strength or being a powerlifter type... I just think using gear in your condition isnt healthy...maybe its not affecting you now...but I can/will later. If we all wanted the same things(goals) the world would be a boring place. I think you need to figure out what u first u wanted to lose a ton of weight & get you changed your mind.... changed ur mind b/c getting lean was too have made progress & you keepworking hard & you will continue. Make a plan & stick to it bro. just do it with present & future health in mind.

  11. #11
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    Ph34...keep comments like taht to yourself or you will be banned for least he post pics of himself and puts himself out there... have made definate progress for sure, but i have to agree you might have waited to do this cycle till your BF% was a bit lower so your gains would be more noticeable...i admire you for trying to change most guys cant even do that....your bench is impressive for sure and stay at it and they'll get even better.....setting goals is great, keep em realistic and you will achive anything....nice work man, but do this for yourself and not what some e-tards say about you...


  12. #12
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    GGaliin, I know lifting record weights is a measurement of results/success. Results are important and what everyone wants. I wish you realized how awesome and how much bigger you would look if you got down to 8-12% bf. Instead of having to talk about your achievments and trying to prove yourself though lifting big weights, others will do the talking for you.

  13. #13
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    Webb has the right idea. What I have found is the more weight I lose the weaker I get. I do want to be thin but I also like the power I have from being overweight. I would like to find some middle ground good strength with a somewhat chizzled physique. I mean right now I feel stronger than I ever have. I know to an extent body building is an illusion so in my opinion I would rather look strong and be strong rather than look strong and be weak, which is what happens when you cut down do low.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    What I have found is the more weight I lose the weaker I get.
    This is an indicator of an unbalanced diet. I am on a cutter right now. I have dropped 3% bf. My strength has gone up in a few areas, maintained in most.

    I strongly disagree with Webb's statements about guys here being assholes. I think everyone is trying point out your realistic potential and they're wanting you to get the point. Its called honesty, and I'd want that if the tables were turned. No one even came close to calling you a 500lb blob.

  15. #15
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    Lol some times this board makes me feel like a 500 Lb blob.

  16. #16
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    your not 500lbs bro, some guys just like to be dicks and not help from a constructive side, might be immature, might be assholes...who knows....listen to yourself you have to live with you everyday man...i hear the argument about being heavy and lifting more, but once you lose the weight and get used to that it will be better to get a more accurate rate of your strenght instead of "i can bench 600lbs when i am fat, but onkly 300 when i am in shape" might lose strenght but you will look and feel better and then you will be ready for a good cycle to get some strenght back...

    Good luck bro, and do it for yourself and thats it....

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    your not 500lbs bro, some guys just like to be dicks and not help from a constructive side, might be immature, might be assholes...who knows....listen to yourself you have to live with you everyday man...i hear the argument about being heavy and lifting more, but once you lose the weight and get used to that it will be better to get a more accurate rate of your strenght instead of "i can bench 600lbs when i am fat, but onkly 300 when i am in shape" might lose strenght but you will look and feel better and then you will be ready for a good cycle to get some strenght back...

    Good luck bro, and do it for yourself and thats it....
    I say its because of his attitude... the dude gets on a lot of people.. even left some smart remarks in my pics one time, and has done the same to many others... than post pics talking about using gear and looking like he does... Its his attitude that warrants the responses he gets.

    Alright, Ill keep it positve, bro you have made some good improvementsfrom the start, noone can argue that.... HOWEVER, if you are gonna juice, do it the right way... get that BF down like you truly want to. .. Dont make excuses like you are " o but i bench this" or "if idiet i get too weak" **** THAT!... you ate yourself into a hole, now its time to diet your way out... your on test.. your on winny, you have the resources... now its time to man up.. get on a cutting diet and reach your goals....we know you can doit.
    Last edited by daytrader; 05-23-2007 at 11:18 AM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    I say its because of his attitude... the dude gets on a lot of people.. even left some smart remarks in my pics one time, and has done the same to many others... than post pics talking about using gear and looking like he does... Its his attitude that warrants the responses he gets.

    Alright, Ill keep it positve, bro you have made some good improvementsfrom the start, noone can argue that.... HOWEVER, if you are gonna juice, do it the right way... get that BF down like you truly want to. .. Dont make excuses like you are " o but i bench this" or "if idiet i get too weak" **** THAT!... you ate yourself into a hole, now its time to diet your way out... your on test.. your on winny, you have the resources... now its time to man up.. get on a cutting diet and reach your goals....we know you can doit.
    Hey man, i no way was i talking about you, there was a post from a guy that has since been deleted.... you have always been constructive and i am sorry if you think i implied you in anyway....peace...

  19. #19
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    Some of the guys have been honest and I respect that. Then there is others who go beyond constructive criticism. I didnt feel that you personally were one of them. Fitness is a lifestyle it seems and some aspects of my life keep me from achieving certain goals. I have been through this same situation a dozen times over with people telling me I look bad and some people tell me I look good, I guess its all in the eye of the beholder. I have posted my pics before of what I looked like a year ago and I feel I have come a long way in that year, sure maybe not as far as I could have but the difference in the way I feel and look is much better IMO. Well with summer approaching I should be more active and the thought of going to the beach should give me some insentive to get leaner. Not that I look great or anything but I think for 260 lbs I look ok. I'll just keep my head up and try to stay focused.

  20. #20
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    exactly....stay focused, and you can achieve have made good progress and you can do more if you want it...keep it up bro....

  21. #21
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    Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too, can become great."
    True words of wisdom!

  22. #22
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    Ok you have mentioned that you like the feeling of being "strong". You can keep a good percentage of that strength AND cut if you WANT to. Other people can do it. So can you. This is positive re-inforcement. You CAN do it. If I was you, I would use the rest of the cycle to cut. There are people on the board who are willing to help you with diet, training etc etc, but you need to be totally committed.

    In regards to your concerns about being weaker when you drop bodyweight, ask yourself who looks more muscular - yourself or PB? Because you probably outbench PB (yell out if I am wrong PB), but PB looks far more muscular. And you can end up looking like that too if you give it 100%.

  23. #23
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    You have made good progress in the fatloss area mate, thats why I posted the honest reply. I felt it a shame that you had come so far then kind of given up on that goal and switched to powerlifing physique. If you had continued (and you still can) you could have got the leaner look and still maintained strngth. Props for the progress mate I hope you dont think i am knocking you, but I believe in being honest (its part of my OCD!!)
    I'm currently 86K and although i have no idea what my 1RMs are i can move some pretty decent weights still.... bench 160k for 4, dead 200k for 6, squat 220k for 3. I dont think having another 10% BF would help bump my numbers up......

  24. #24
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    I can tell a difference, you look like you have gained more muscle mass. I personally think you looked better when you were leaner, but that is my own preference. If you like mass, then go for it.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    You have made good progress in the fatloss area mate, thats why I posted the honest reply. I felt it a shame that you had come so far then kind of given up on that goal and switched to powerlifing physique. If you had continued (and you still can) you could have got the leaner look and still maintained strngth.
    I 100% agree. I was gonna type this before reading it.

    You've come such a long way I think it's a waste to stop now.. Goodluck with whatever you choose, hopefully your next pics will be sub 10% bf

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    I say fvck being a pretty boy and lift as much as possible. You looking pretty damn jacked in the after pictures and those are some decent numbers you posted. Sometimes the only thing that motivates me is adding another plate to the bar, comp or no comp. Not all of us who enter a gym are deadset on winning a physique contest.

  27. #27
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    I was definatly leaner before my cycle.
    I ate too much pizza last night and woke up looking like this!

  28. #28
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    I want to puke every time I see that damne pic. My arms and shoulders were a lot smaller, I trully looked pathetic. I would say I look 75% better now. The next 25% should make all the difference. I suppose I could have went another year without working out at all. I would probably look even worse by now. Every time I feel bad about the way I look now I just look at that and I feel better.

  29. #29
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    Here you go this helps. A little over a year ago 275 lbs, and 260 lbs now. In the pics above I was about 241.
    Last edited by GGallin; 05-22-2007 at 11:38 PM.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    you wont look impressive until you drop the body fat. You probably dont want to, but when all that muscle actually shows through youll still look big good luck!

  31. #31
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    ive read all of your threads in the past and let me say, some of the stuff you and other people have said was quite controversial, id like to put in my .02 - take it or leave it

    CONGRATULATIONS ON LOSING THE WEIGHT!. you have made a huge transformation already and it is apparent that you are at least working on your diet and training which is a step many people fail to realize, and more importantly - act on.

    if the stats in your profile are true you are about 6' 240lbs at im guesssing over 20%, terrel owens for instance is about 6'2" 225lbs at probably around 5%, i believe you have quite a bit of muscle underneath that fat and although you may never look like terrel owens, your muscle definition will be much more visible with the loss of more weight

    my advice - ABSOLUTLEY continue to cut, do intense cardio right when you wake up on an empty stomach and even more importantly GET THE DIET IN CHECK, if you lose around 15lbs i guarantee you will be much happier with the way you look, yes you will lose some strength but loosing the weight slowly will aid in maintaining the strength, this will also help to prevent large amounts of loose skin

    continue the journey and go easy on the carbs. good luck.

  32. #32
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    First of all I would like to point out that you look much better than you did before. BUT I have to agree with everyone else, I think you should still be cutting. You have 19" arms but I have seen guys with 16-17" arms that looked much bigger than yours. There is no doubt that there is some good solid mass in you, you just gotta get rid of some fat and let it show. Im not knocking being a powerlifter, if thats your thing than do it to it. But if your like most of us then you use aas to look better and you would look a lot better with a lower bf%. Again, good job on the progress so far (both the cutting and bulking)

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    I know its been a while but here is my current progress. I am currently wei***ng 260 Lbs, before my cycle I weighed about 240. I am 8 weeks in on a 10 week Test E and winny cycle. I am seeing and feeling the results pretty good so far with 2 weeks left. Strength is up as well as power and stamina. This is my second cycle ever and so far my favorite. 2 weeks ago I benched a new record for myself, 425 lbs. I plan this week to go for 455 but we'll see if I can pull it off. I am considering video taping it on Wednesday. I have somewhat embraced my powerlifting type build "AKA CHUBBY" and used the extra bloat of the water weight and fat in exchange for strength. I will focus more on my ab progress post cycle. I know I could have had abs right now etc etc blah blah, but right now my focus is just adding some more mass.
    Some of you guys are getting the wron idea about what I meant. All I said was I am using my power lifter physique for my advantage during this cycle as far as strength goes. And like I said I will continue to focus on my abs post cycle. Basically I have been eating more to build mass and not worrying about my weight so much while I am on the cycle. I have put on some water and fat weight this cycle but not much, I would say I put on close to 10 lbs of muscle so far. I reached my goal today of benching 455 lbs, I then tried for 475 but failed. I am not blowing smoke up anyones ass I bench what I say I can and my stats are what they are. I am wei***ng in at between 255 and 260 currently but weighed 240 before starting the cycle. Once again I am happy with my progress, I have gained some mass and lost some weight in the past year and I feel better and less self conscious. I WILL have abs sooner or later, I know I need to step it up on the diet and cardio, I admit I have been lazy when it comes to that. But I hit the gym 3-5 days a week no matter what. I dont really recall flaming any one elses progress besides Fosamink and thats only because he attacked me first. Maybe I am wrong or maybe you took something I said wrong I dont really remember but I apologize if I have offended anyone. I am not a bad guy and my intentions are good. I have no misconceptions about the way I look, I know I have been and still am overweight, I dont know my current body fat % but I am sure it is around 20% give or take. I just thought I would be fair and post some new pics since I have not in a while...... probably to avoid this situation but I am an honest person and I felt thats what I should do. i want nothing more than to wow you guys with a shredded body but I guess I have not taken the proper steps yet, maybe I need some self motivation or a swift kick in the ass or some slimfast or something. I will get there, even if it takes me another year I will get there and you can take that to the bank!

  34. #34
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    lost in translation
    youve made great progress man, i applaude u.ive been cutting and ive lost 35 lbs.i started at 240 as well and im down to 202 as of this morning.i have to say in the last couple of wks my strength has started to decline and i admit it effin sucks! its something im willing to deal with because i want the abs so bad im gonna finish. anyway dont take any of the negative to heart if u are on track w/your goals then props to u. and ill go so far as to say sometimes those goals can change midstream,like webb said do it for u,peace!

  35. #35
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    Thanks buddy. I feel good and look better the I used to and thats all I care about. The abs will come in time.

  36. #36
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    Who me or daytrader?

  37. #37
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    your a big fella and def packing a lot of muscle theres no doubt about that, i was in the same boat as you about 2 yrs ago, felt strong, looked big but was also carrying bit too much b.f. Buy your self something you can do cardio on at home; bike, ski trainer whatever your prefered cardio, make it part of your routine to get up and have a cup of coffee and do 30 mins on empty stomach, after a couple of weeks it will become part of your lifestyle and youll do it without even thinking about it, belive me mate after a couple of mths the fat will melt off. Well done on progress so far youve come a long way from those 1st pics, good luck.

  38. #38
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    I'm not reading all those posts. I'm just going to say, the first two pics looked better IMO. The second set looks like you're holding more fat.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    hey man you grew the chest hair back!

    from the pics i remember and these, definate improvement for sure.

    I tend to change my goals often, although whatever happens, i improve in some capacity. Keep doing what your doing, if you REALLY want get chiseled, you will do at some point.

  40. #40
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    The first to pics are the most recent. The second set was from before I started my cycle at 240 lb.

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