Originally Posted by
I say its because of his attitude... the dude gets on a lot of people.. even left some smart remarks in my pics one time, and has done the same to many others... than post pics talking about using gear and looking like he does... Its his attitude that warrants the responses he gets.
Alright, Ill keep it positve, bro you have made some good improvementsfrom the start, noone can argue that.... HOWEVER, if you are gonna juice, do it the right way... get that BF down like you truly want to. .. Dont make excuses like you are " o but i bench this" or "if idiet i get too weak" **** THAT!... you ate yourself into a hole, now its time to diet your way out... your on test.. your on winny, you have the resources... now its time to man up.. get on a cutting diet and reach your goals....we know you can doit.