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Thread: Low Natural Test

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Low Natural Test

    As some of you know, I was diagnosed with low test a couple of years ago. Well, I have been living with it - I was still able to "perform" and was retaining muscle so my doc, the endo, and I decided that HRT would be hasty given my age (30 at the time, 31 now). There was also a theory put forward by the endo that my low test was somehow connected to my naturally low SHBG - because SHBG was low my body required less free test to operate.

    I have noticed over the last few months that my sex drive has been decreasing. Two weeks ago it reached a point where I no longer think about sex at all. I never have random or morning wood and last time my wife and I tried to get something going it took all my will power to acheive an erection and it was about 85% of a normal one.

    I have an appointment with my doc on Monday. I will probably end up with another blood test and if that shows what I think it will then I will likely end up on TRT. I wanted to avoid TRT. I do not mind exogeneous test but the thought of being on a medication for the remainder of my life is not appealling at age 31.

    Besides the theory regarding SHBG levels, the other suggestion was that I have a small micronoma on my pituitary gland. This was suggested because my prolactin levels are elevated. A CT scan did not show anything, but it would not show anything under 3mm. I am afraid that the bloodtest next week is going to show further elevation and the micronoma is growing. But, I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

    Anyone else in their early 30's on TRT? What is the level of Test they shoot for? My doc mentioned cream or patches....which is the desired option if things go that route?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Hey bro,

    Wish I could commiserate with you but I can only imagine how frustrating it must be. I'm sure the doc will either start you off with SHBG stimulants like proviron or on a light dose of test (like 250-500mg every 2 weeks or something of that sort.) This may help with your sex drive but if you have to do TRT anyways, I would just go all out and do a nice long cycle, provided it doesn't exacerbate the micronoma. And if prolactin is a culprit, then bromo, or better, cabergoline will help with that and give you even more libido to boot.

    But for what its worth, I hope your bloodtest goes well on all accounts


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    Hey bro,

    Wish I could commiserate with you but I can only imagine how frustrating it must be. I'm sure the doc will either start you off with SHBG stimulants like proviron or on a light dose of test (like 250-500mg every 2 weeks or something of that sort.) This may help with your sex drive but if you have to do TRT anyways, I would just go all out and do a nice long cycle, provided it doesn't exacerbate the micronoma. And if prolactin is a culprit, then bromo, or better, cabergoline will help with that and give you even more libido to boot.

    But for what its worth, I hope your bloodtest goes well on all accounts

    Thanks bro. I did a prescribed run of caberg last year (apparently it works better and has fewer sides than bromo), it was mainly to see what would happen with my prolactin levels while on it and determine if the reduced prolactin would result in normal test levels, but it did not. I expect that another run of that drug would only happen if my prolactin levels are much higher again.

    Never thought about a SHBG booster...thought that was a bad thing....oh, well...time will tell.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Well Im not sure about what you should do, but I tell you one thing. Im on the cabergoline right now and Im a walking woody. My wife is really gettin worn out. Maybe that would help your libido problem anyway.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Calgary , Alberta
    K I have a dumd question why isn't he on HGH ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I don't get it? Why would I be on HGH? You mean HRT?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames
    As some of you know, I was diagnosed with low test a couple of years ago. Well, I have been living with it - I was still able to "perform" and was retaining muscle so my doc, the endo, and I decided that HRT would be hasty given my age (30 at the time, 31 now). There was also a theory put forward by the endo that my low test was somehow connected to my naturally low SHBG - because SHBG was low my body required less free test to operate.

    I have noticed over the last few months that my sex drive has been decreasing. Two weeks ago it reached a point where I no longer think about sex at all. I never have random or morning wood and last time my wife and I tried to get something going it took all my will power to acheive an erection and it was about 85% of a normal one.

    I have an appointment with my doc on Monday. I will probably end up with another blood test and if that shows what I think it will then I will likely end up on TRT. I wanted to avoid TRT. I do not mind exogeneous test but the thought of being on a medication for the remainder of my life is not appealling at age 31.

    Besides the theory regarding SHBG levels, the other suggestion was that I have a small micronoma on my pituitary gland. This was suggested because my prolactin levels are elevated. A CT scan did not show anything, but it would not show anything under 3mm. I am afraid that the bloodtest next week is going to show further elevation and the micronoma is growing. But, I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

    Anyone else in their early 30's on TRT? What is the level of Test they shoot for? My doc mentioned cream or patches....which is the desired option if things go that route?
    hormone levels should be measured at least 3 times in a row in the morning (before 10 o clock). otherwise with only one value the doc cant diagnose shiat. I also had high prolactine values and they thought it would be a prolactinom and my endo told me that about measurement of hormone values - to cut it short the values were completely different next time. I had nothing...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    hormone levels should be measured at least 3 times in a row in the morning (before 10 o clock). otherwise with only one value the doc cant diagnose shiat. I also had high prolactine values and they thought it would be a prolactinom and my endo told me that about measurement of hormone values - to cut it short the values were completely different next time. I had nothing...
    I have had 4 blood tests. The first one was not "complete" as the doc forgot to test for Free Test as I recall. The other 3 have been complete Test work ups including prolactin, LH, FSH, Free Test, Bio Test, and SHBG. All tests were done between 0800 and 0900 am on the same day of the week and the tests were about 3 months apart each to account for external variables like stress. I have a fifth work up scheduled for this coming Saturday that will test all levels again. The Endo said I had the levels of a 60 year old, but that since the CT scan showed nothing and I could still perform, it would not be prudent to put me on HRT. The final idea was that my naturally low SHBG allow me to function normally with less than normal test levels. I was at the doc today and although he has not showed me the results, I read some of them upside down.

    Once Test reading should be between 5-20 and I am at 5.7. Another is supposed to be between 10-30 and I am at 6.8. Sorry guys, I could not read exactly what these tests were...the doc has not shown me the results directly because he does not want to worry me or something - the labs up here include some "reminders" on the results for docs to read to remind them what a certain level MIGHT mean...mine has comments about the micronoma and prolactinoma that he does not want to worry my with....

    I will let you guys know what the results are next week...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    good luck bro..wish i had your do

    i too am 30yr, adn am commencing TRT...

    my prolactin is elevated....very interesting u said lowring yours did nothing for your Test levels??

    my shbg was 28
    i have the test levels of 85-100yr old....NICE!!

    KEEP us posted

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    The SHBG is the thing that makes the docs less results indicate that I do not have much SHBG at all and they speculate that the lower SHBG may mean that I require less Free Test and Ser Test to function made sense (somewhat) when the Endo explained it, but I do not really understand how all that works...I have heard that reduced SHBG (as results from Longfolia Jack and DHT derived gear like Winny) is a good thing...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    I guess low SHBG is a good thing because it requires less test to get your libido going. And I can understand why your doc doesnt want you to worry too much as long as you can perform. Although what he doesn't understand is your need to put on muscle mass, which would be hard to do with low natural test levels. However, there is a chance that you might go into proper andropause in the next 5-10 years and have to do HRT/TRT anyways. I guess it's all up to you; whether you want to speed up the inevitable and start cycling to build mass pronto or wait till you have no choice. But I can tell you this- not doing a cycle won't make you better if you condition has been diagnosed as chronic. Hope it helps


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