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Thread: Upper pec training

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Upper pec training

    besides inclines db/bb and incline flys, i need some good uppper chest excersises that are really going to target my upper pecs. i was looking at my chest today thinking... wtf? why wont it grow. but it is growing, just not the top part for some reason. give me some helpful hints guys, i have goin nuts over here.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NY, Long Island
    Being that my chest is my best body part I hardly have to do much to get it to grow easily and become very strong. Yet as far as inclines go I find that those exercises help the chest grow great, even my friend who has no chest has made some great gains doing those exercises. Maybe the angle that you do them at is not sufficient for your upper chest and you aren't hitting it as well as you could be? Also another thing I like to do is not lock out all the way, helps my chest burn much more as there is constant strain on it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I do cables, chest busters on incline, inclined push ups (feet on chair), incline weighted pushups ( 1 or 2 45lbs plates on back)......

    if you want to hit chest harder on incline bb remember to use a wider grip........also partials are great on incline bench when trying to isolate don't get confused with partials that people use to work tris.....but its the bottom half of the movement that will fry your chest.....

    I go from just touching my shirt with a 3sec pause to about the top of my 4head which is half way up, pointer fingers on the ring will help take out a lot of tris....

    lol hopefuly your shoulders can hold up.....

    oh and a tip with holding the db that helped me hit the upper chest harder when doing db incline press is keeping the weight angled at 45degrees vs 90 degrees like holding a bb.....its helps me squeeze harder on the chest when at the top of the movement........

    hope this helps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    great advice guys. ill definetly throw those half reps into my routine for sure.

    and the angle might be the same idea as well, ill definetly give that go.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    remember 3sec pause is important at the bottom of the movement....

    you want to lift dead weight not moving weight
    Last edited by boostedevo8; 06-27-2007 at 06:12 AM.

  6. #6
    you can go all the way to a lockout and still have your pecs be the primary mover, your pecs aren't only working in the bottom half of the movement. don't be afraid to lockout with some lifts although I do 3/4 reps sometimes. I like to train chest twice a week, over 72 hours apart. I as well as many of the athletes I was working with seen great gains in strength and size by training with different angles and grips. On mondays for example the primary lift would be a body width grip bench, not too close to as to internally rotate the wrist. move on to other secondary lifts such as DB floor press with a body width neutral grip, concentrating squeezing on the top, and continue on that way. Then on friday I would train with a "comfortable" grip for me wider and start out with flat or incline barbell, and then on this day primarily wider gripped exercises.

    just a thought. my 2 cents

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I'm not saying to only work partials....but to include them to a regular incline work a extra...

    I personaly use 3 different grips when I train chest .....I use 2 on monday and 1 on friday....

    1 close grip (friday)
    1 shoulder width (monday)
    1 extra wide (monday)
    and I throw in partials on mondays

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    partials helps build explosion power on the bottom of lifts where tris are mostly taken out of the movement.....

    it hits the outter up chest very very hard

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    to hit the middle of the upper chest harder I use chest busters on a incline.....

    I use different excersises to hit different parts harder...

    are they necessary ?

    do they help out ..?.....yes a lot...

    I was only giving tips from my experience on how to help focus training on upper chest......

    I myself am targeting upper chest so for the next few wks I will leave flat and decline alone to help focus my efforts on building my upper chest.....

    I don't know but its a lot more impressive when your chest is popping out of the top of your tank top then it is the bottom with the boob

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    gettin lucky in kentucky
    i've found doing partial movements like has been stated above on bb flat and incline have improved my development. i do only the bottom 2/3 of the movement and never lock out or pause at the top to keep constant tension. a really good example is in pumping iron when lou and his dad are at that gym in brooklyn and he's doing incline presses and he's only doing the bottom half or so of the movement and pressing the bb very controlled and fluid.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    partials are great, but as far as overloading the upper pecs I like to take an adjustable bench and put it 1 click back from 90 degrees and put heavy weight on a smith machine after pre-exhausting with heavy db or bb inclines it helps me push as much weight as possible while targeting upper pecs. good luck to you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    alot of good suggestions already metioned here... but have you tried bringing it down to the neck on a slight incline? this is to be performed with a spotter and great safety, isolates upper pecs right under the collar bone

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Wide grip incline smith machine is my favourite for upper chest mass. That and forced reps incline DB/BB.

  14. #14

    vary throught these

    cage presses... H presses and adjusting the grip on the db and bb on an incline work great for me. the smith machine is ideal for loading up weight on the incline and keeping the eccentric movements slow and controlled. good luck

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I had a problem with my upper chest lagging. I pretty much quit doing all flat and decline bench exercises. I just worked my upper chest hard and heavy until I felt it had caught up with the rest of my chest. I don't think my mid and lower pec development suffered during that time. You could also just start with incline movements really heavy and finish with flat bench exercises a little lighter until it catches up.

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