Hy guys i have a question to ask you...i am in 5 week of my 8 weeks cycle and i am on 200mg week of deca(1 inj a week), 200 primo(1 inj a week), 200 stanozolol(50mg x 4 times a week:mon, wed, fri and sunday)..i have a problem injecting stanozolol.last time the syringe in the ass blocked and i wasn't able to inject this shit so to avoid waste the aas i drunk the winny...
i always had problems injecting stanozolol because it blocks itself in the syringe.so i have a question..can i mix the inj winny with another aas(like deca or primo) in oil to avoid this problem?
my stanozolol is veterinarian stargate and original zambon winstrol depot.i am using stargate right now...what's your opinion?is there risks to do this?