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Thread: Cycle Discussion / Debate

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Arrow Cycle Discussion / Debate

    On my previous thread I was asking for opinions on my planned cycle.

    On this thread I would like to know how you would plan it.
    How would you run a cycle using EQUIPOISE & SUSTANON 250?
    How would you prevent or halt gyno?
    How would you plan PCT?

    "Let the Debate begin"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    So is what your saying "i know nothing, tell me what to do?"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    I admit that I don't know much. But every book I've read so far & every time I ask a question on the boards I get different sometimes contradictory answers.
    I'm 39 years old and I've always been told that the only stupid question is the one you don't ask. This is a discussion board correct? A board were someone like myself can go and ask questions, get advice, & discuss ideas with others.
    When I was involved in MMA, I didn't train with the same people or in the same gym all the time. I learned more by comparing others, there style, how they trained, ect. From that I was able to gather information and learn. Thats what I had hoped to do on this board. I wanted to see what others would do. And from that I could learn. I could see what worked for some people & not for others.

    So you can flame me if you like. Thats your decision. Or you could just maybe somehow share some knowledge with those of us that don't know as much as you do. And who knows as far fetched as it may seem you yourself may also learn a little something.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    not flaming, just informing

    what u need to do is post all ur stats, age, weight, bf, cycle experience,training experience,goals, etc..

    then propose a cycle, pct and such

    after u do this, THEN the debate will begin, this is how it works, peace!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    I tried that

    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    not flaming, just informing

    what u need to do is post all ur stats, age, weight, bf, cycle experience,training experience,goals, etc..

    then propose a cycle, pct and such

    after u do this, THEN the debate will begin, this is how it works, peace!!
    I have already

    I just want to see how others would plan this cycle if they were to run it. Thats all.

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