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Thread: low test, help please

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    low test, help please

    Hi , i have been going through tests for low T , i have all ready had 2 blood work tests done, one nine months ago and one roughly a month ago, but all there testing or telling me is my free testosterone and my bioavailable levels, wich are really low. what im asking is what should i ask them to specifically to test for i know i should know my estrogen levels , but thats pretty much all i know to ask or what i should know before i can chose a plan to raise my levels before i resort to TRT ( which my doc has mentioned), thanks for all the help

    p.s my first test 9 months showed me on the high end of normal that was 6 months after i last used i did not touch any thing but protein and creatine and food , the doctor tested my levels because of cough ed cough and i have no idea why they would drop over half of what they are , if i didnt add a thing or change a thing so any help would be greatly welcome as im really not feeling like a man anymore and its killin me at 27

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Hmm, If your test was higher before naturally and dropped off, I would first have to think it has got to do with food. Has your diet changed in any way in the last few months? Also, are you eating so clean that you're virtually taking in no cholesterol...a little of it can actually benefit and boost nat test production.

    If not, maybe your cough is a sign of some viral/bacteria infection that may be effecting your endocrine the doc will have to isolate and cure that before your nat test comes back on line. Also, if you've been under unusual stress and not getting enough sleep, it also could effect your blood levels.

    You could also go another round of 4 week PCT with an AI and proviron to jolt your production back up again.

    BUT, I wouldn't panic just yet, go for another consult with an endocrinologist and try to get to the root of the problem. It seems you have not always had hypogonadism so there is no compelling basis just yet to start TRT/HRT.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    hi, i have been tested for any infection you can think of i have been doing nothing but tests for the last couple months, my test levels dropt over more then half from blood work to blood work, the first bw test i was in the high normal this was takin 6 months after my last cycle(superdrol) then now( most recent test) i am in the bottom vary bottom of low , i dont get how i tested ok 6 months after my use then 9 months later it dropt so much when i didnt even touch a roid , i know food and stress can lower it but can it lower it enough to cause ED?
    my bioavailable levels went from 6.8 to 3 and i was told the normal range was 2 - 8 but i cant really say to much on it cause i dont have the test and i dont know what form of measurement they used , i am gonna ask for a copy of that one when i go in the morning to get tested again , and i was thinking of running a PCT but i am tyring to hold off a tad till i know the cause or have an idea cause i dont want to cover a real problem if i have one.. but i will run a.roberts protocol , now i know food and sleep affect your levels but they can actully hit your test that hard?

    and im not panicing yet well not that bad trying to be calm 27 and well not up to the task is pretty stressful
    thanks for the help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i have got my results back and every thign is well with in normal range other then my bioavailable test levels with are on the very low side of normal level , i am sitting here with no sex drive(libido) to speak of ,ED , a script for androgel and at least a 3 month wait to see an endo , now i do not wanna use the gel or start TRT , if i can help it ,and i am not gonna sit aroudn and wait month motre as i have been dealign with this for months now, i do have a few questions for running a PCT to try to bost my levels and maintain a higer baseline, my estro is well with in normal ,and istill dotn knwo what caused the test drop , my question is would hcg and nova be the right choice ?
    any help would be gret as im losing my mind over this

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