ok 45 years old, 6 ft 3 ,278 lbs 14% bf. Just finished 10 week cycle of tren a sust and drol and gh @ 4 ius per day, made good gains,today starting antony roberts pct. I like to have 12 weeks between cycles and have decided to run gh @ 6 ius per day and igf @ 40 mcg per day am. This will be a first for igf. Now quetsions.i train very late in the evening finish at around 10pm and am in bed by 12 as have to be up at 6am. Shall i stick to am injections or is igf not harsh enough to worry about going to sleep shortly after injections.ie chance of going hypo.I have shake of whey and malto dextrin after w/o then 1 meal before bed.Do you have to preload the insulin pin with 0.5ml of other liquid then add the 0.04 ml of igf or can you just inject the tiny amount of igf.If so then i take it that bac water is a no no to pre load. Thanks Guys.