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Thread: short hgh only cycle...

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  1. #1
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    short hgh only cycle...

    after doing some very much needed research ive been kicking around the idea of running a 2-month hgh cycle(2ius ED 7 days a week for the first month/3.5ius ED 7 days a week for the second month) i have just a couple concerns

    can i expect to make a considerable amount of gains during this short cycle, such as lower BF% and maybe some added lean muscle mass?

    besides the usual sides like joint pain and bloating, is there any other common sides i can expect?

  2. #2
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    its pointless to run that short.Need at least 4- 6 months or longer.

  3. #3
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    Gains would be nill.Other sides are bloodsugar and thyroid depletion mainly t-4.Gains woulds be little if any.Shortest Ive done 4 months with AS.Might be a better opition.How old are you?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious View Post
    Gains would be nill.Other sides are bloodsugar and thyroid depletion mainly t-4.Gains woulds be little if any.Shortest Ive done 4 months with AS.Might be a better opition.How old are you?
    i would love to do a longer cycle its just so 26yrs old

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by cockMOTHAeffinDIESEL View Post
    i would love to do a longer cycle its just so 26yrs old
    If you have a good source who has good gh, then the sides will be minimal at 3.5 iu a day. But 2 months will do nothing but maybe drop some BF and start making you feel good, sleep better and the bloating? I dont have that problem. I do 4 iu a day, every morning at around 7am, do 45 minutes cardio right after, come into my kitchen afterwards, drink a cup of coffee, and then make my shake, high carb and protien. I do gh for the health benefits, not to get big. I do light weight training in the eve after work, eat healthy, and feel ..................fabulous. I dropped 22 lbs the first 1 1/2 months, and holding at my preffered weight after 3 months of gh. If your goal is to get lean, big, then you will need to do more than 3.5 iu a day, at least double, and go at least 4to6 months.
    good luck

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickster#1 View Post
    If you have a good source who has good gh, then the sides will be minimal at 3.5 iu a day. But 2 months will do nothing but maybe drop some BF and start making you feel good, sleep better and the bloating? I dont have that problem. I do 4 iu a day, every morning at around 7am, do 45 minutes cardio right after, come into my kitchen afterwards, drink a cup of coffee, and then make my shake, high carb and protien. I do gh for the health benefits, not to get big. I do light weight training in the eve after work, eat healthy, and feel ..................fabulous. I dropped 22 lbs the first 1 1/2 months, and holding at my preffered weight after 3 months of gh. If your goal is to get lean, big, then you will need to do more than 3.5 iu a day, at least double, and go at least 4to6 months.
    good luck
    congrats on the weight loss!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by cockMOTHAeffinDIESEL View Post
    i would love to do a longer cycle its just so 26yrs old
    what are your goals/stats? HGH might not be your best bet

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious View Post
    what are your goals/stats? HGH might not be your best bet
    i would really like to loose a lil bit of BF and add a bit of good quality mass

    my stats: 5'6", 165lbs, 12%BF

  9. #9
    Gear's Avatar
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    At 26, you will need a minimum of 5 - 6IU p/day for minimum size gains and about 3IU p/day for fat loss. I would defenitely run HGH for no less than 4 - 5 months, the longer the better.

    If you after size gains I would add AAS, and since $$$ is an issue for HGH I wouldn't run HGH ED, probbaly 5/2. This way you will save a bit of $$$.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    At 26, you will need a minimum of 5 - 6IU p/day for minimum size gains and about 3IU p/day for fat loss. I would defenitely run HGH for no less than 4 - 5 months, the longer the better.

    If you after size gains I would add AAS, and since $$$ is an issue for HGH I wouldn't run HGH ED, probbaly 5/2. This way you will save a bit of $$$.

    thats a good idea, will the hgh still be as effective taking it 5/2 as oppose to ED??

    a little bit of size would deffinently be nice, however im not looking to get absolutely huge...i would add AAS, but at 26 i feel that my natural test levels are still pretty high and i would feel way better sticking to just hgh for now...ive heard so many great things about it health wise, but i may change my mind. even with pct i just hate the idea of comming off my cycle and my body shutting down

  11. #11
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    The 5/2 protocol is my prefferd way of running HGH because it works really well and the gains are the same as when running HGH ED or 6/1.

    I'm glad to hear that you want to stay away from AAS because at your age you can still take advantage of your natural abilities. However, I must admit HGH on its own won't get you very far. HGH on its own is good for fat loss and anti aging benefits, but if you want muscle gains then you need to run HGH and AAS. HGH will create those new cells but it will be a while till you can see proper gains and by the time that happens your wallet will be empty.


  12. #12
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    ^^^ Gear, how do you run your GH, I do mine ed and find there's much less sides, I actually don't get any. I feel this is because of keeping more stable IGF levels, even my girlfriend notices the difference, if she misses a shot or two, when we start back she gets hand numbness for a few days I feel until levels are stable again. I think 5/2 is crap, if you can afford a Ferrari payment, don't buy one lol.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by T.R.D View Post
    ^^^ Gear, how do you run your GH, I do mine ed and find there's much less sides, I actually don't get any. I feel this is because of keeping more stable IGF levels, even my girlfriend notices the difference, if she misses a shot or two, when we start back she gets hand numbness for a few days I feel until levels are stable again. I think 5/2 is crap, if you can afford a Ferrari payment, don't buy one lol.
    I've personally found no difference in running HGH ED or 5/2. Side effects were always the same and the gains are no different, but that's just me. Perhaps you are running higher doses than me and that's why you are feeling the sides more when running HGH 5/2.


  14. #14
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    I ran it 10iu's ED and the sides were brutal. 5-6 iu's was much more comfortable. I also don't believe you need to run GH like clockwork either. I doubt your body produces the same amount every day at the same time so why inject it that way? I've run does as high as 20iu's 3 days a week, 10iu's ED, 5iu's ED, 10-20iu's IM PWO only. I've run it with IGF and AAS and I always run it with slin.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy View Post
    I ran it 10iu's ED and the sides were brutal. 5-6 iu's was much more comfortable. I also don't believe you need to run GH like clockwork either. I doubt your body produces the same amount every day at the same time so why inject it that way? I've run does as high as 20iu's 3 days a week, 10iu's ED, 5iu's ED, 10-20iu's IM PWO only. I've run it with IGF and AAS and I always run it with slin.
    I would hope that your having bloodwork done on a regular basis. With your protocols, your hormonal system is really taking a twisted sort of beating. Regardless of whether your feeling great, good, like everything is OK, your body is going through abnormal changes with how you are doing things. Good luck bro. Your avatar looks good by the way.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy View Post
    I ran it 10iu's ED and the sides were brutal. 5-6 iu's was much more comfortable. I also don't believe you need to run GH like clockwork either. I doubt your body produces the same amount every day at the same time so why inject it that way? I've run does as high as 20iu's 3 days a week, 10iu's ED, 5iu's ED, 10-20iu's IM PWO only. I've run it with IGF and AAS and I always run it with slin.
    Ive ran it every way and I agree with you, as long as diet stays the same seems like protocol doesn't effect anything, I just started pre/post workout injects, only 3 days per-week and getting results I'm happy with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    I've personally found no difference in running HGH ED or 5/2. Side effects were always the same and the gains are no different, but that's just me. Perhaps you are running higher doses than me and that's why you are feeling the sides more when running HGH 5/2.

    I hear ya, everyone reacts differently also, I try to watch my girls sides because she tak's no AS or supplements, I think a lot of sides and "gains" are mistaken or are effected greatly by AS usage combined GH. When I'm on heavy cycle and I seem to get the finger/limb numbness, but I think that has to do with the pumps I'm getting the gym putting pressure on nerves when arm (say) is in certain position. Its funny..... how much we don't know. As far as sides with me, I think I've been taken it too long to even get them ! LOL

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  17. #17
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    I basically run the same compounds almost every cycle depending on the time of year so I know how my body reacts. When I started running high doses of GH the sides were obvious. My hands and feet have never swelled like that and my ring finger is now at least 2 sizes bigger. I've also never been lethargic either. I was like a walking zombie at 10iu's even with T3 and lots of multi-vitamins. I would love to be able to just get up in the AM, eat, relax for awhile, hit the gym, eat again, sleep, eat again, sleep some more, etc, etc. That's the way to grow. Working 10 hour days with little or no breaks or lunch makes it very hard to maintain a good diet and train the way you want.

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