Hey what's up everyone i'm new to the board and was wondering something before I use HGH.I have ran 2 cycles one of Tesstaterone(from the doctor for weight reasons)then my 2nd one of D-bol and Sustanon 250.I went from 128 to 172 in 8 months.Recently I been studying HGH.I do have a LEGIT SOURCE to get it.
My questions are-
1.)I am not looking to be HUGH I am looking to be about 210-215 mass and cut.Would I need to use Insulin with HGH for it to work right?
2.)How long should I use GH for?
3.)I was thinking about running it for 6-8 months what would I need to stack on it to see better growth and cuts.And if so what and how long?
4.)And if I need insulin and do need to take it everyday how do I find out if im insulin depedant(i'm not trying to go into a coma!)
5.)And last I seen a guy at the gym(no i'm not gay)and he had thick line cuts across from his left upper lats to his right upper lats and killer abs(drove the women nutz!)he said he used GH for a year was GH responsible for his deep cuts?
Thanx for the time guys!If these questions have been answered PLEASE FORGIVE ME I'M A NEWBIE!