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Thread: Paranoid....

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  1. #1


    Okay so my brother downloaded a movie through torrents and our ISP sent out an e-mail saying that they recieved an e-mail from some company that deals with copyrights of the production company and we had to prove it was deleted and some other crap... I was thinking of ordering a research chemical (nothing controlled, but an intense AI), but will they be monitoring me more closely, cause my rats haven't arrived, so would they catch me with it and no rats? should I just get a friend to order it and pay him?

    I'm just feeling paranoid and such, would the gov be monitoring us yet?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    The RIAA and MPAA are pieces of shit.

    Both the RIAA and MPAA hire third party companies to "threaten" people who download music and movies. I'm doing my PHD in computer security and their scare tactics make me laugh mostly because the way they show "proof" of someone downloading a file can relatively easily be shown to be inaccurate.

    I get about 10 letters a year from my ISP threatening to cut off my internet for violating their terms of service. They tell me to please call them up, blah blah blah. I download music, porn, movies, TV episodes, software, etc... All they are trying to do is scare you to stop downloading because of how much bandwidth you use (and it costs them money). I call the ISP after I get my (almost monthly) letter and tell them to stop sending me those stupid letters or else I will switch to their competition. They usually tell me what I am doing is wrong, and I tell them they are price gouging their customers with "surcharges".

    These same companies are monitoring certain ports popular with P2P networks. They are not concerned about what websites you visit or what you buy off those websites. The only exception is child pornography and that is very closely monitored on a national level.

    Several law clinics and schools (such as harvard law) are beginning to fight on their ruthless scare tactics.

    Take the letter your ISP sent you and wipe your ass with it. That's how meaningful it is.

  3. #3
    Okay, thanks, thats kinda what I expected.... My dad didn't respond and the net is still up. Not long after I posted I figured it was foolish. I just don't want the net getting cut and my rents getting pissy and kicking me out, won't be able to afford anything if they kicked me out and then I would start downloading stuff off torrents.

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