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Thread: Skinny boy needing help :(

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  1. #1

    Skinny boy needing help :(

    Hey guys, so I am getting to the point where I am realizing, looks is meaning a lot more now then ever before. All my friends have been working out for about a year and all I can say is wow. Now none of them are starting out as skinny as I am starting from. I have a very high metabolism and poor appetite. I know eating is everything and that is why I am coming here to ask for advice on appetite and a workout plan.

    I am 17 turning 18 in about 5 months. I am 6 foot and weigh 138 lbs. I have never weighed more then this in my life. I have been going to the gym for 2 months now and just going and lifting weights for bicep and chest and just doing some abs very rarely.

    Let me tell you first, my sleep is around 6-8 hours a night, my schedule is terrible because of school some days i can sleep in until 11 and some days I have to wake up at 7, so a very unbalanced schedule.

    Breakfast: cereal with a banana

    Lunch: Subway footlong sandwhich, or mcdonalds, basically whatever the plaza offers to eat and whatever me and my friends decide to eat that day

    After school: Quickmass drink

    gym - no xplode, purple k

    after gym - whey protein drink with banana in it

    Dinner: Chicken, mashed potatoes, salad

    Before bed: Quickmass drink

    Here are some pictures, in order of first couple weeks of working out and then just last week so (2 months later):

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    As you can see, barely any improvement at all Please dont make fun, I am just trying to get some help. OH and by the way, steroids is an option for me, I know I haven't been working out long enough, but at this point I really don't care and I have been researching and I understand the side effects etc. I just dont know what to take etc. OR where to get it from, it's illegal in Canada and it sucks!

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    first off aas is out of the question my man you have alot of natural growing 2 do from what i can see in order to grow it all comes down to diet and from what i can see from your diet it looks like you eat like a bird get more food and calories in there try to eat 5-7 meals a day if you can space them out every 2 hours or so and good training routine and you'll be growing it takes time dont get discouraged

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    First of all you should not be asking for sources, you should also not be even thinking about taking AAS anyhow because you have no idea how to workout or gain weight, lastly you are only 17 and must be 18 to be a member of this board.

    We encourage you to hang around and read the diet and training forums to better your physique the proper way. Until you are 18 though just read and read and read.

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