Who are you voting for? I'm not listing Ron Paul or Mike Huckabee because they both have no chance of getting on the ballot.
John McCain
Barack Obama
Hilary Clinton
Ralph Nader
Who are you voting for? I'm not listing Ron Paul or Mike Huckabee because they both have no chance of getting on the ballot.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
McCain, well, backs Bush, which is kinda scary. Plus hes like 94 years old, he doesnt even know what hes thinking anymore![]()
I choose FREEDOM
go McCain. although RON Paul would had been better
Carlos, when someone attacked McCain you don't say anything but when someone attacks O'bama you step in with that comment, very typical of you. You should just be honest and say do not attack Obama but feel free to attack everyone else like the way you attacked Hilary as a onary bitch.
****in' McCain
everyone gets health care anyway even if they dont have it. Thy can show up at the hospital and they will get seen and who ends up paying for it us the taxpayers. You dont even have to be here legally to get seen.
Healthcare is NOT a right. We already have healthcare available for those who cannot afford it, its called Medicaid/Medicare. And, hospitals cannot refuse people for emergency care and are obligated to make them stable. I do believe people are entitled to that, but everyone is not entitled to the best, latest, and most cutting edge healthcare available.
National healthcare is a Socialist policy, and therefore I do not support any form of it what so ever, I opposed Medicaid&Medicare as well. In a true free market/capitolist economy there would be many fewer people who could not afford healthcare, and the cost of healthcare would be driven down in a truely free market economy with no things such as the income tax to burden people.
In addition to this, National healthcare reduces the overall quality of care for a plethora of reasons. While it is true many other countries have forms of national healthcare currently FUNCTIONING; do people from around the world fly there to have cutting edge risky surgeries? No, they fly to the United States, because our healthcare is the best in the world bar none. If the United States healthcare were to become socialized I can tell you without a doubt that the quality would drop. The competition of the free market is what keeps prices low and encourages innovation in technology. I can also tell you that if socialized medicine becomes a reality, far fewer people will be pursuing careers in healthcare, meaning the overall quality and intelligence of those seeking those positions goes down. I will be in Med School in the next 2 years, but I'll be making other arrangements if universal healthcare goes into effect, there is no way I will sacrafice 10 years of my life and over $200,000 in debt to get payed like a fu**ing teacher.
Hillary! I think she's kinda hot lol
What are your main issues? Why do you support the candidate? I support Obama for the following reasons:
Ending the war in Iraq
Civil unions/Gay marriage
Lifting ban on gays in the military
Investing in green technologies
Lowering health care costs
I don't support Hilary because I'm not for universal health care. Also, the fact that she's an ornery bitch. If she wins the nomination she will lose the general election. She is too polarizing. People either like her or hate her. There is no inbetween.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
your mom wasnt listed ... so ... i guess other...
but in all seriousness obama...
I will vote for either McCain or Hillary. In my eyes it is a win win situation. That is just my own opinion.
i like the idea of universal health care. even though in the long run it would probably screw me as a medical professional and i probably wouldnt get paid the same. but any way. the way hillary;s plan looks to me, isnt the way to do it. it would be a bumpy ride. hard part about doing this, is making sure that the quality of healthcare itself doesnt suffer in the transition to such a proposition if it was to become a real thing. i dont think her plan is viable. if a plan like this is to go through, it has to be set up in way that it is free for everyone, how it is in canada, and i dont know how it would be possible in a free economy and with how much power these rotten insurance companies have.
i am with obama.
yah but isn't London possibly the most expensive city in the world to live in?
and also how much do u really take home.. after the gov't is done taking its take...
Someone could make 200,000 in one country
and only 100,000 in another..
but if country A taxes u at 75% (gas tax, income, states, cigarette, sales tax, and other taxes that u arent even aware of)
and country B taxes u only 25% + does not tax on income gained from investments..
the person living in country B makes out much better, especially if he is well invested.
plus person B can still get health insurance if he wishes, or get medical treatments from wherever he wants if he chooses.
Last edited by Pooks; 02-26-2008 at 04:47 PM.
Where is the "I dont give a fvck" option ?
Hilary Clinton is my man ....i mean women.
You think Ralph Nader has a chance but Ron Paul doesn't? You're a nice guy, Carlos, but I have a feeling that you didn't put Ron Paul, because nobody else would have had a chance here at AR if you had.
I will be writing Ron Paul's name on the ballot regardless of what happens. I refuse to allow the media to turn me into a sheep.
Obama for me!!
I like his stance on making health care affordable to those who want it. He will not force adults to buy it for themselves, only their kids.
He is against non-recognition, He will talk to other countries that we dont see eye to eye with, not talking damn sure dont work.
He will give tax breaks to middle class, people making less that 75,000.
Get rid of tax breaks for big businesses who ship jobs elsewhere.
He wants to strengthen our military, but at the same time use them as a last resort.
Strengthen Americas infrastructure. Schools, roads, bridges, ect...
He will create a more positive relations for america through out the world.
End the war in Iraq, and focus on Afganistan to find Bin Laden. Thats who killed all the americans, not Hussein.
He is a younger canidate with new ideas which is what America needs.
May I also ad for all you guys who dont know;
He is not muslim, he goes to the church of christ in s. chicago
He was not sworn in on the Koran.
He faces the flag and recites the pledge of aligance.
I encourage everyone to check out the truth on the net about this canidate. M S N B C .com has lots of good information about all the canidates. Do some reaseach, and dont go on just hear say. Form your own opinion.. You may like his ideas.
Go Obama!!!!!!!!!
None of the aboveNot wasting my time to vote in a rigged election
main concern for me is getting the economy back from this shit hole its in
Unemployment dropped last month to under 5%, historic lows. Anyone w/o a job in this economy doesn't want one. GDP, the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States -- increased at an annual rate of 0.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2007. That shows an expanding growing economy. Saying the econmoy is a sht hole shows just how out of touch with the real world you are which makes you a perfect fit for Obama.
Who wants another un-trustworthy "clinton" back in office....not me.
Sure our economy was good but being taxed up the ass wasn't.
I like obama but I really don't think he's "ready" for the white house. What does being "ready" intale? I don't know but just what I think after listening to some of the things he had to say.
personally, I'm right in the middle of democrat and republican; its all about the balance.
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