I am currently on a 600 Test Ent EW/ 400 EQ EW cycle. I have been running approximetely 0.5mg-.75mg of Arimidex ED and I think it has been really slowing my gains. I have slight gyno from a previous cycle and I think I may be over compensating in order to prevent it from getting any worse. I do know that my joints ache and I am not making the gains I made when I used Nolvadex alone. Should I bump it down to .25ED? Will that be enough to combat the any esterogen related side effects.
Also, the gyno I have is not at the nipple, its more of a fat deposit throughout the breast tissue. Its really not that bad but I want to definately make sure it doesnt get any worse. What is everyone else's thoughts on adex dosage with test and EQ.
I guess what I am really trying to do is find that Adex "sweet spot" that doesnt slow my gains too much but wont allow bitch tits to get worse. Thanks fellas, I know everyone is different with dosing but Id like to hear some thought on the matter. Oh. This is my fifth cycle, I am 6ft, 222lbs, and have around 16% bf. Thanks.