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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Top Fighting Styles

    What do you think the top 3, most effective fighting styles are to create the "ultimate fighter"? And why?
    In order from 1 to 3, with 1 being the best.

    And by effective, I mean useful in various situations, generating most power, etc.


    1._____________ Why? __________
    2.______________ Why?___________
    3.___________ Why?_______________

  2. #2
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    COMBAT SAMBO teaches the same stuff as BJJ but includes strikes and leg lockes and others that u will never learn in BJJ, currently practiced by Number one Heavy weight Fedor
    Muay Thai Good all around striking if your weak W/ your hands u can use elbow knees feet i think its fun to learn and all around useful
    Wrestling great base if u dont want to stand u can take them down if they wanna take u do and your a good wrestler ur not going anywhere

  3. #3
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    Combat sambo teaches the same stuff standing up as bjj... just like judo does similiar...but the instruction on the ground is where they differ.

    BJJ is the best because all fights end up on the ground when you control it properly.
    Muay thai for striking, because all submission is not a well rounded fighter.
    wrestling... some of it contradicts bjj...but alot of good power base moves.

  4. #4
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    Quick question about BJJ... is it applicable in a real fight? I always wondered how applicable it is... it seems like it is designed more for the mat... I know anything can be applied in a fight, but in the octagon, you can get hit and head bounce off the mat...if that was concrete it would be totally different... or being on your back on asphalt can really tear you up or in dirt, etc.... also, if someone was really trying to break my arm in a bar, then that is pretty much life threatening in my eyes and then it is biting, dirt, rocks, boards, anything goes for that matter.

    I know big sexy was not asking what makes you the best street fighter, but I was just wondering about bjj since i don't have a whole lot of background on it?? anyone know or have an opinion on this?

  5. #5
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    well...i heard that "biting eye gouging " bit before...but alot of ninjitsu folks got owned by bjj in the early far as applicable...I have only had 2 incidents...
    1) i did a sit down sweep and then proceeded to mount. Elbow and knees were scratched...but I clearly dominated that situation and didn't even need to punch
    2) did a double leg take down and proceed to get full mount and then did an Eziekial choke using a no gi variation... no punches needed and he tried to punch my sides ...grab at my face. Had my face tucked so my eyes weren't to accesable and the panick brought to him by the choke made his punches nothing....

    so I guess what i'm saying is....yes very applicable...are you going to do EVERYTHING you can do on the matt in real life...uhhh NO. But you have to adapt to your surroundings in any confrontations.

    Oh yah...I used a hapkido / judo wrist lock to bring some one to there knees for trying to grab my throat. But I don't think that counts.

  6. #6
    Hmmmmm thats a tough one!

    1st, Commando Krav Maga - like conventional Krav only with the bs cut out hence its only been taught to civvies for the last 3 years or so.

    2nd, muay thai - striking with knees elbows fists and feet are most handy in a fight situation.

    3rd, Bjj - best art for fighting on the ground but with the only disadvantage of letting your victims buddies play soccer with your head while you triangle choke him to death.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Thanks for the replies thus far guys.

    A friend of mine just emailed me and said

    Muay Thai, BJJ, and Judo.

    Along with some Yoga...


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Training Hardcore Style
    hmmm, thanks for the response zimmy.

    big sexy,

    My choices would have to agree with the others.. I didn't know much about bjj except from what I have seen on the cage fighters..

    I would say it really depen ds on what kind of ultimate fighter you mean? under what circumstances i guess.


    1. kickboxing/muay thai - because it is the complete application of hands and feet and is very dangerous.
    2. wrestling - because everything ends on the ground and it allows you to be on top and remain in control.
    3. grappling/bjj - as you can see with my question above i don't know much about it and I do know it is similar to wrestling in the fact that it is all on the ground.. what makes it different is the fact that you can break the arm and utilize pressure points to gain an advantage...

    I like boxing and it has served me well in my confrontations....

    I still go back to saying that you really have to define what you mean by "ultimate fighter"... if it is mma cage fighting then i guess that answer is out there and that is more along the lines of what I answered my opinion on above. In special ops you train in hand to hand combat that is geared toward a lot different scenarios then you would for a cage or boxing ring... so there are many correct answers until you define what you want to be the ultimate fighter for.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    hmmm, thanks for the response zimmy.

    big sexy,

    My choices would have to agree with the others.. I didn't know much about bjj except from what I have seen on the cage fighters..

    I would say it really depen ds on what kind of ultimate fighter you mean? under what circumstances i guess.


    1. kickboxing/muay thai - because it is the complete application of hands and feet and is very dangerous.
    2. wrestling - because everything ends on the ground and it allows you to be on top and remain in control.
    3. grappling/bjj - as you can see with my question above i don't know much about it and I do know it is similar to wrestling in the fact that it is all on the ground.. what makes it different is the fact that you can break the arm and utilize pressure points to gain an advantage...

    I like boxing and it has served me well in my confrontations....

    I still go back to saying that you really have to define what you mean by "ultimate fighter"... if it is mma cage fighting then i guess that answer is out there and that is more along the lines of what I answered my opinion on above. In special ops you train in hand to hand combat that is geared toward a lot different scenarios then you would for a cage or boxing ring... so there are many correct answers until you define what you want to be the ultimate fighter for.
    This would be moreso on the streets.

    I don't plan on fighting "professionally"

    Maybe even take a good self defense class like Jeet Kune Do???
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 06-10-2008 at 09:38 PM.

  10. #10
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    Jan 2006
    i consider ground and pound more of a wrestling thing because it's just about staying on top adn punching while at an advantage.

  11. #11
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    Apr 2008
    well... all Krav maga TO ME... JUST PURE BULLSHIT... traininig for killing not fighting my ass... I mean, the great secret they teach you... use whatever you can, bit, groin shots, etc etc... well, you dont really need that much training to do that... so basically, is just another overhype bs... If you cant beat some one in a fight... how the hell do you expect to kill him... I'm a bjj fighter, and in a street fight, if I can get a stick or a bat or a chair or anything there's around me, I rather 100000 times take, beat the **** out of the other guy with it than going to the ground and try to sub him... If I can bite him, I will, then when he is begin me for letting go his face, arm or what ever i'm biting, then I'll choke his ass...

    So basically, all the dirty tricks you can use in other so call ONLY EFFECTIVE ON THE STREETS MA, (cause they are cleary not effective at MMA contest), you can use being a bjj fighter...

    So my vote goes for...

    1. Box/Muay thai (gotta know how to fight on your feet, you do not wanna go down if there's a couple of friends of your "enemy" around)

    2. Bjj (if there is a straigh hand to hand fight, and the other one is just a normal dude, you probably choke his ass, break his arm or whatever you fell like doing, of course, in case you do not eat a huge right/left before you try to take the other guy down)..

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by roid_rage View Post
    well... all Krav maga TO ME... JUST PURE BULLSHIT... traininig for killing not fighting my ass... I mean, the great secret they teach you... use whatever you can, bit, groin shots, etc etc... well, you dont really need that much training to do that... so basically, is just another overhype bs... If you cant beat some one in a fight... how the hell do you expect to kill him... I'm a bjj fighter, and in a street fight, if I can get a stick or a bat or a chair or anything there's around me, I rather 100000 times take, beat the **** out of the other guy with it than going to the ground and try to sub him... If I can bite him, I will, then when he is begin me for letting go his face, arm or what ever i'm biting, then I'll choke his ass...

    So basically, all the dirty tricks you can use in other so call ONLY EFFECTIVE ON THE STREETS MA, (cause they are cleary not effective at MMA contest), you can use being a bjj fighter...

    So my vote goes for...

    1. Box/Muay thai (gotta know how to fight on your feet, you do not wanna go down if there's a couple of friends of your "enemy" around)

    2. Bjj (if there is a straigh hand to hand fight, and the other one is just a normal dude, you probably choke his ass, break his arm or whatever you fell like doing, of course, in case you do not eat a huge right/left before you try to take the other guy down)..
    The point you are missing from your very bias opinion is that the ones you mention are the best for street situations are not practiced in street circumstance... its alright being able to roll or having knock out right and left, but that kid who has something to prove who picked a fight withyou will more than likley pull a knife or a gun on you, or that is what you must assume in the street. Sports such as Thai, boxing, MMA, BJJ dont teach for this situation and sure as hell dont practice on a regular basis for them. Neither do they constantly practice targeting weak points of the body, i.e. pressure points, joints, eyes, throat attacks.

    If you want to look after your self in the street you have to practice something that is made for the street and is tried and tested.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    So true,Krav is number one for the streets by far

    The most street effective art by far.

    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    The point you are missing from your very bias opinion is that the ones you mention are the best for street situations are not practiced in street circumstance... its alright being able to roll or having knock out right and left, but that kid who has something to prove who picked a fight withyou will more than likley pull a knife or a gun on you, or that is what you must assume in the street. Sports such as Thai, boxing, MMA, BJJ dont teach for this situation and sure as hell dont practice on a regular basis for them. Neither do they constantly practice targeting weak points of the body, i.e. pressure points, joints, eyes, throat attacks.

    If you want to look after your self in the street you have to practice something that is made for the street and is tried and tested.

  14. #14
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    I think most Krav Maga schools are up in London? I wish there were some down in Sussex

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    The point you are missing from your very bias opinion is that the ones you mention are the best for street situations are not practiced in street circumstance... its alright being able to roll or having knock out right and left, but that kid who has something to prove who picked a fight withyou will more than likley pull a knife or a gun on you, or that is what you must assume in the street. Sports such as Thai, boxing, MMA, BJJ dont teach for this situation and sure as hell dont practice on a regular basis for them. Neither do they constantly practice targeting weak points of the body, i.e. pressure points, joints, eyes, throat attacks.

    If you want to look after your self in the street you have to practice something that is made for the street and is tried and tested.

    uhhh actually bjj has defense training for guns and knives...but good job...always impresses me when people know how to talk through the same hole they poop

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    uhhh actually bjj has defense training for guns and knives...but good job...always impresses me when people know how to talk through the same hole they poop
    I never said it doesn't.
    You will never walk in to a random gym that teaches BJJ or MMA and be able to walk out on to the street after your first session and have any idea of how to defend a knife or gun attack.
    There is valid amount of emphasis on competition training in BJJ and MMA gyms these days to ever warrant gun and knife defense training regularly enough to be able to effectively use what is practiced for a street situation.

  17. #17
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    in the sky
    i personally say if your a good street fighter and now how to fight the first punch is what counts. when i hit somebody their dazed and then i can t-off.

  18. #18
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    Krav Maga

  19. #19
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    1 wrestling
    2 boxing
    3 bjj

  20. #20
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    Commando Krav Maga looks really cool

    But Im having trouble finding classes in the Houston area.
    Help is appreciated.

    I found one, but its nearly an hour away!!!

  21. #21
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    I know I might get a ton of flak for this, but I have always been a fan of a kempo master combined with some of the styles mentioned above. The addition of kempo gives the person additional openings because they're trained to use the opponents attacks to their advantage. I've seen a few fights where a well timed counter led into an arm bar submission or a reverse mount.

    Just my 2c

  22. #22
    Jeet Kun Do "Bruce Lee" reason why? Hes bad ass
    Wrestling Reason why? VIA grappling and strength
    Zen Reason why? Total Focus

    This is the Ultimate Fighter

  23. #23
    Miago Do Karate : Because you can win the all valley karate tournament with only 30 days of training.

    But seriously, I've taken (in this order) Shorinryu Karate, Ninjitsu, North Shoalin Kung Fu then Southern Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu and finally switched to MMA (Muay Tai & BJJ). I will say say that as far as straight up, life depending, street fighting, etc.. nothing compares to Muay Tai + BJJ combo. Standing on your feet or fighting on the ground you're well rounded to fight anyone, any style.


  24. #24
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    1 standup. thats what most fans like to see.
    2 juijitsu
    3 wrestling

  25. #25
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    ve jay jay land

  26. #26
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    Is Commando Krav Maga and Krav Maga the same-thing?

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post

    Is Commando Krav Maga and Krav Maga the same-thing?
    They are in respect of what they are and where they come from.
    If Krav Maga was Semi skimmed milk.... Commando Krav Maga would be full fat double cream.

    Its krav maga on steroids!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    They are in respect of what they are and where they come from.
    If Krav Maga was Semi skimmed milk.... Commando Krav Maga would be full fat double cream.

    Its krav maga on steroids!

    So is Krav Maga worth taking? There seems to be some instructors around here. But no CKM...

    I mean, its not just some watered down half ass version of CKM is it?
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 06-14-2008 at 11:03 AM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    Do any of you guys like Aikido
    I think Aikido is sweet, but proficiency requires decades. It's not really suitable for this thread.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by pump.joe View Post
    I think Aikido is sweet, but proficiency requires decades. It's not really suitable for this thread.
    things like akido and karate and a few others round out to no more then dance choregraphy and showmanship... they have no place in real fights... real fights are unexpected.. in karate class and demos they know what the opponents gonna do and they have a set response... it's glorified dancing

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    things like akido and karate and a few others round out to no more then dance choregraphy and showmanship... they have no place in real fights... real fights are unexpected.. in karate class and demos they know what the opponents gonna do and they have a set response... it's glorified dancing
    You never had kumite in your karate class??

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by pump.joe View Post
    You never had kumite in your karate class??
    of course and they all look the same... one gu trying to do a move and the other guy trying to do the move he learned to counter it... it's like dancing... it's all over kill... it's mostly for show... in real fights, it has no place... like in the ufc or wec or any mma, you rarely ever see any of it used cause it's not practical... it's great to know for balance and flexibility etc, but for actual fighting, it's nearly useless...

  33. #33
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    and yes, bruce lee is fake... i hate when karate guys go on and on about bruce lee.... he would get destroyed... he was for show and film...

  34. #34
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    I was considering learning Muay Thai We dont have any MMA training here that I know of so I thought Muay Thai would be great to learn either way!

  35. #35
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    Why does everything end up on the ground? Bare fisted you can really get punished for shooting on someone.

    Fast accurate punches or a knee to the face will quickly make you forget you were even shooting.

    In a street situation, IMO MT is best, BJJ is there for backup.

  36. #36
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    sooner or later, 90% of the fights end up on the ground...

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    Why does everything end up on the ground? Bare fisted you can really get punished for shooting on someone.

    Fast accurate punches or a knee to the face will quickly make you forget you were even shooting.

    In a street situation, IMO MT is best, BJJ is there for backup.
    You don't just shoot in have to set it up and you have to be close enough but not to close.

    p.S. there is more than just shoots to get people on the ground...throws and sweeps are great after you swing some and get tangled up a lil

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    You don't just shoot in have to set it up and you have to be close enough but not to close.

    p.S. there is more than just shoots to get people on the ground...throws and sweeps are great after you swing some and get tangled up a lil
    I agree, but many UFC fighters are able to dominate with just stand up and take down defense.

    I still say in a standard fight instance MT is the best. Most people are not going to be trained in anything but a spear style shoot from high school wresteling.

  39. #39
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    AHH, the never ending battle of MMA training vs. street training. I think Zimmy hit it on the head with his 2 instances. He was obviously better trained than his opponent and used it to win. Could his opponents buddy hit Zimmy in the head with an object while he had him down, sure. So it really doesn't matter what you train as long as you keep training and getting better. As far as "karate" choreographing the moves. Doesn't BJJ have "choreographed" moves, I believe they call it a technique though. Karate does the same thing, they use a "technique" to show how to defend against an attacker. Doesn't mean you have to use the EXACT technique in a fight, but it gives you a plan to defend yourself. The reason karate isn't really effective in the MMA world is because of the rules. The Kenpo Karate I practice uses the groin, throat, and eyes as it's main target areas, obviously if I train to strike those areas I'm not going to do well in an event that doesn't let me hit those areas. My style also practices controlling the head and striking the eyes/throat area if someone does try to take us down. Doesn't mean it will work every time, but it gives us a some kind of plan so we don't panic or lack confidence. As far as taking someone too the ground in a street fight, could come back to haunt you in a civil/criminal court as the judge could see you as the aggressor and rule in favor of the other person, just depends on the situation, I know if I was in a street fight, I would NEVER be the aggressor, that's just not how I train.

  40. #40
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    sooners04... that just make no sense...

    I will ask again, how hard is to hit the groin, throat, and eyes, do you need 10 years of training to hit that? NO. pretty much in a week you could be a master at hiting groins, throats and eyes... There used to be some kempo fighters at the beggining, but they got their asses kicked so bad, that after a while, there was no kempo fighter no more (at least on kempo)...

    If You ask me if they were able to use all kind of atacks at UFC 1 2 3, the out come would of been any different... I say... HELL NO, Why? because other guys will be able to use the same techniques against you.. so imagine royce holding your nuts, to make you leave an open spot for him to grab your arm and break it in 10 parts... The assumption that TM do not work on MMA 'cause their arent able to use dirty attacks... is just some excuse they tell you at your dojo so you can keep on practicing (and paying of course)... and the worst thing is that even the instructor belives it...
    Last edited by roid_rage; 06-23-2008 at 02:06 PM.

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