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Thread: no laughing im small

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  1. #1

    no laughing im small

    i surf this bord alot, i am a good friend of kizers so i am going to start posting

    and be warned i will most likly be the worse typer on here so if u can sift though my typos and actaully learn.. congrats

    pic 1
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  2. #2
    pic 2
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  3. #3
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  4. #4
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  5. #5
    5 last one
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  6. #6
    o.k by no means do i think i am big,infact i still am not pleased with ho wi look but in time i will be happy.. i havnt done any real cycles yet i used a alittle dbol but thats it. .. been lifting for around 2 years been on thes ebords for just as long so i hope i can help anyoen that needs it.

  7. #7
    you should be pleased. got real good size / cuts. of course you can always get bigger, shred up just a bit more (get that 6 pack comin through so the ladies just jock your shit)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Whats your stats you look good considering you have only been lifting for 2 years i have been working out for alomost 12 and in the first 2 years i NEVER looked that shredded.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    LR AR
    Your screen name is the title of one of my favorite songs:

    "In the midst of the war, he offered us peace,

    He came like a lover, from out of the east,

    With the face of an angel, and the heart of a beast,

    His intentions were six - sixty - six.


    He walked up to the temple with gold in his hands,

    Then he bought off the priests and propositioned the land,

    And the world was his harlot and laid in the sand,

    While the band played six - sixty - six.


    We served at his tables and slept on the floor,

    But he starved us, and beat us, and nailed us to the door,

    And I'm ready to die, I can't take anymore,

    And I'm sick of his lies and his tricks.

    He told us he loved us, but that was a lie,

    There was blood in his pocket and death in his eye,

    Now my number is up, and I'm willing to die,

    If the band will play six - sixty…

    If the band will play six - sixty - si….

    If the band will play six - sixty - six."

    It was written by Larry Norman, but Frank Black does a great cover of it.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    small!!!! please go and change your! you look great!! cut and balanced, keep working..but by no means you are a small guy??!?!!?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Yeah, you look in very good shape, don't get a distorted image of yourself. I can understand wanting to put on size but your body fat looks low and you have good muscle definition and shape. Most people would kill to be in that shape.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Your not the biggest guy in the world, but your not the smallest either. You have some good definition, traps and shoulders are looking good. Hell everything is looking good. Welcome to AR

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    PA USA
    Looking lean and mean, the size will come with time you look great for only 2 years under your belt. I bet you get more than your share of ladies!


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Yes, I agree with the rest. You are by no means small. Many people would die for that body of need to be modest.

    What are your stats? Age, etc etc...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    You look like a white Ja Rule, pack on the beef lil' man

    Good to see you around here and finally posting bro....for real though like the other guys said, 2 yrs of lifting....doing good....all I did my first 2 yrs was get "plump"

  16. #16
    stats are as follows

    im 22, 23in a few months
    5 foot 10
    168 -170 pounds i barly ever weigh myself
    i can dead 450
    bench was 200 for 6 havnt orm in ages
    shrug 350 for 2 or 3
    squat is weak no idea bad knees and ankels (motocross crash)
    legs are still in proportin just not ware i want them to be.

    well it is hard putting on beef workign my crazy ass job ,well my old crazy ass job. so no way on earth am i cutting ..

    as for the girls . im happy involed with a great girl (who is hot as fuck mind, soul and body)

    and kizer your not that plump. but u need a new hair cut and sneakers.. "floppy laces" and a "crew cut" is ummmmmm shit i dont know lol just messin with u bro.. you will be seeing more of me sence i am suffering from bloodsweatsteel sagrigation(sp)

    seems like a good bunch of rif-raft on here too,
    im looking forward to getting to know you all..

    2 years ago i was about 145 pounds 11 and 3/4 arms max bench of 120 lol so i am proud of what i got .just not ware i want to be yet.

    i might post pic sof me along teh way i took pics every few months lol

    Last edited by sixsixtysix; 10-24-2002 at 08:18 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Looking good Bro, and you ain't that small or that bad of a typer.......


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I wish 2 years at the gym made me look like that

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dude you look great ... keep up the good work... if you want to get bigger eat more... i have a bulk diet that could help, but you are balanced which is nice but lets see the legs... later

  20. #20
    isn't it typist? anywayz... you are not small at all dude... i'll trade ya 20 lbs or so for a lil definition, ok?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2002
    North of Boston
    You look good. You have put on 20-25lbs in 2 years so you are obviously going something right. Keep eating and train hard.

  22. #22
    alevok Guest
    you are not small, you are looking good.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Man i wish i was as big as you..but thats more like adream for me to be your size and be so shredded...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    East Coast
    Nothing to laugh at man. You look good. It looks like you have great genetics. You're doing great so far. Keep up the great work and keep lifting hard. By the way, I like the hat. Do you ride??

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I'm guessing that you're about 20yrs old..... and looking great. Don't knock yourself, you look solid. A couple more years and you'll be my hero!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    i think youre on the right track as well. youve got an excellent base to work with there bro, and thats only if you want to add to it.

    if youre happy now, just define some more.

    peace bb79

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    You are right your typing sucks but you look great man another two years and 20 lbs and you'll look unbelievable. Great biceps by the way

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Outshined, who's that guy again that does all thouse crazy moves on dirt bikes. There is a commercial about him. "I'm ___" it will come to me.

    anyway, when I went to stugis this year a buddy of mine tried taking a gravel road a little fast on his dresser and fucked up his knee pretty bad and reminded me of this dude that I can't rember his name.

  29. #29
    actaully my pet pev is people who wear fox shit and dotn eve know what it is,, thatis an old hat i manily wear around . i do ride or i did i had a 99 rm 250 with lots of extras but it got stolin in sept of last year and im just waiting till i move to get a new bike i am thinking about a yzf450 but im not shoure about the 4 speed trany.. i have been riding sence i have been about 12. and i love it i raced a little but i mostly like a nice jump a few good friends and have a blast.. i can only do a few tricks but im working on it

    Originally posted by Outshined
    Nothing to laugh at man. You look good. It looks like you have great genetics. You're doing great so far. Keep up the great work and keep lifting hard. By the way, I like the hat. Do you ride??

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New England
    Man, those bike pics... talk about superman! I hate to see what happens when you miss the landing!

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