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Thread: First Self-Injected Shot Yesterday!

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  1. #1
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    First Self-Injected Shot Yesterday!

    Wow, sounds easy and is, just not the first one. SO funny, my bed looked like a doctor's operating room. HAd a clean towel laid out, 3 alcohol swabs, syringe and extra needle, band aid ready, the works. Laid down, swabbed the rubber stopper on vial, (forgot to aspirate 1ml of air before putting needle in vial for vaccum effect but still worked easily), placed my 3ml syringe with a 1 1/2" 23g needle into my multi-use B12 vial, pulled back 1ml, switched needle to a 1" 25g, tapped the needle like the movies and squirted out the air bubble and some b12 shot like 4 feet in the air (kinda funny and made me laugh how high it shot up), then stuck it in my right upper outer thigh area (went in like butter!), aspirated and saw a couple air bubles come in to let me know im good to go, then injected slowly for practice (took about 20 seconds), then took out syringe, only had barely 1 drop of blood, alcohol swab again and rubbed area for a few minutes, put on band aid and done! After about 10-15 minutes it kicked in and i felt a bad charley horse type feeling in injection stop that lasted for about 40 minutes. Not a big deal and today my leg feels like nothing happened, no next day pain but again, this was human grade b12, not aas.

    Today i felt brave again and decided to shot my right delt. Did the same as above but remembered this time to aspirate 1ml of air before putting needle into vial which made a vaccum effect but was only slightly easier to draw up the b12, not a big difference from yesterday. Again, after switching needles to a 1" 25g i barely pushed on the plunger to get that 1 air bubble out that likes to float to the top. Again, the damn b12 shot up like 3 feet just like the movies and i wasent even pushing hard on the plunger. Its like once that air bubble gets out the stuff just shots! Anyways, jabbed my right delt after swabbing and all, aspirated (this time it was harder to pull back on the plunger to aspirate once in my delt than my thigh for some reason) saw the nice air bubbles come in, shot took about 20 seconds again, swabbed and rubbed for a few minutes and band aid again. Again, barely one drop of blood came out of injection site after taking needle out.

  2. #2
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    A few Questions

    Again, abou 10-15 minutes after injecting i got the charley horse feeing in my right delt just like my thigh yesterday. Of course it only lasted about 45 minutes and is now almost completely gone. Is this because theyre virgin muscles and does this slight pain go away once the sites get shoot a few times?

    Why does the damn b12 shoot up like 3 feet after getting that 1 big air bubble out that floats to the top? Anyway to prevent this? I just dont want to waste any gear next month when i start my first cycle. I did notice today i was more cautious and was barely and slowly pressing on the plunger to get the air bubble out and a few drops of b12 would come out the tip of the needle but the damn air bubble was still in the syringe! Once I press the air bubble out the shit squirts up. Next time or when im using aas should i just press until a few drops of gear comes out the needle and not worry bout that 1 air bubble or risk losing some gear 3 feet high and press that 1 air bubble out?

    Thanks guys. Just shbotin b12 right now 1000mcg or 1 cc a day rotating delts, thighs, glutes, and maybe pecs if i get the balls for it on each side of course so i know what im doing when the time comes next month for my first cycle. Maybe this will also help this virgin muscles pop their cherry? What do u guys think?

  3. #3
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    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Again, about 10-15 minutes after injecting I got the charley horse feeing in my right delt just like my thigh yesterday. Of course it only lasted about 45 minutes and is now almost completely gone. Is this because theyre virgin muscles and does this slight pain go away once the sites get shoot a few times? YES

    Why does the damn b12 shoot up like 3 feet after getting that 1 big air bubble out that floats to the top? With time comes better mastery of the syringe, go easy, and since it's water based and most likely very thin, making it easy to shoot.

    Anyway to prevent this? Slow down.

    I just dont want to waste any gear next month when i start my first cycle. I did notice today i was more cautious and was barely and slowly pressing on the plunger to get the air bubble out and a few drops of b12 would come out the tip of the needle but the damn air bubble was still in the syringe! Once I press the air bubble out the shit squirts up. Next time or when im using aas should i just press until a few drops of gear comes out the needle and not worry bout that 1 air bubble or risk losing some gear 3 feet high and press that 1 air bubble out? Go to your kitchen and get some cooking oil and load that into a syringe, practice. C'mon it's not rocket science.

    Thanks guys. Just shootin b12 right now 1000mcg or 1 cc a day rotating delts, thighs, glutes, and maybe pecs if I get the balls for it on each side of course so Ii know what I'm doing when the time comes next month for my first cycle. Maybe this will also help this virgin muscles pop their cherry? Mmmmm, not really. What do u guys think? I think you'll be in for quite a surprise once you load a couple of cc's per week into various injection sites of oil based long estered anabolic steroids. Your 45 minute charley horse will be a 4 to 5 day one, for each new injection site. Everyone has to start somewhere. Goodluck.
    Answers in Bold
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 07-20-2008 at 07:13 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
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    Thanks bro, just excited. Cant wait to start my real aas cycle in a few weeks. Damn 4-5 day charley horse huh? Oh well, im sure the positives will greatly out weigh the negatives or why else would people do aas? Guess im bs myself with this water based b12 since its gonna be nothing like oil based gear i have. At least it will give me the idea and experience with poking and injecting myself for when the time comes. Thanks again for answering all my questions!

  5. #5
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    Pec shot

    Today is day 3 of my ed b12 injects. I got th balls to poke my right pec today, was kinda crazy. I fu**ed up on pulling the b12 out of the vial so i only got .5ml in the syringe. I think i put too much of the needle into the vial so the tip of the needle was in the air while the b12 was at the bottom (vial upside down of course). Anyways, figure id just start slow anyways since id never do more than 2ml in my chest so i just stuck with the .5ml instead of sucking up the second half. Used a 1" 25g and poked the middle of my right pec. Nice sting when breaking skin but easier than i thought it would be. Surprisingly i had no pain what so ever after injecting. I took all the precautions as before, rubbed the spot for about 5 minutes and what not. Maybe its cus i only shot .5ml instead of a full 1ml like what ive been doing? Im trying to get in the habit to cus my second cycle i want to do prop. I know theres a 50/50 debate on shooting prop ed vs. eod and of course id rather do eod if theres little sides. Still, glute, delt, thigh, and pecs, should be enough for ed shots if i had to with the prop. Only difference is the prop pain everyone talks about and the pain lasting for a few days. Just hope this possible prop pain doesnt fu*k up my workouts.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
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    Ah man! I dont know what cooking oil u use but i have vegetable oil and that aint workin. I tried pusing 2ml of air into it and tried pulling the syringe back with all my might and couldnt even get .2ml of oil into the syringe. I hope my test cyp isnt this thick or im in trouble. I have terumo syringes and pins and using 1 1.5" 23g pins to draw and use for glute shots and 1" 25g for other spots like pecs, thighs, and delts. My water based b12 draws and shoots like nothing its actually kinda hard to push that stuff in slow (especially with shaky hands, still practicing)! Should i order some 20g pins for drawing? I just didnt want to use a big pin like a 18g for drawing since many say u can usually get some rubber stopper in the pin/syringe or even the vial, dont want that. I thought 23g would be fine for drawing oil based gear such as test cyp or enth? Maybe just not for vegetable or olive oil huh? Same prob with olive oil, no deal on drawing it with a 23g terumo pin.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Ah man! I dont know what cooking oil u use but i have vegetable oil and that aint workin. I tried pusing 2ml of air into it and tried pulling the syringe back with all my might and couldnt even get .2ml of oil into the syringe. I hope my test cyp isnt this thick or im in trouble. I have terumo syringes and pins and using 1 1.5" 23g pins to draw and use for glute shots and 1" 25g for other spots like pecs, thighs, and delts. My water based b12 draws and shoots like nothing its actually kinda hard to push that stuff in slow (especially with shaky hands, still practicing)! Should i order some 20g pins for drawing? I just didnt want to use a big pin like a 18g for drawing since many say u can usually get some rubber stopper in the pin/syringe or even the vial, dont want that. I thought 23g would be fine for drawing oil based gear such as test cyp or enth? Maybe just not for vegetable or olive oil huh? Same prob with olive oil, no deal on drawing it with a 23g terumo pin.
    I like to use a 20g to draw

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottythebody View Post
    I like to use a 20g to draw
    Shit. Wel hopefully these 23g i have work for my gear or ima have to wait another week to start my cycle to wait for some 20g to come in the mail. We'll see.

  9. #9
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    Is b-12 water based or oil based?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottythebody View Post
    Is b-12 water based or oil based?
    Water Based

  11. #11
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    the three oh!
    B-12 huh? Let us know when you step up to the majors! lol

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    B-12 huh? Let us know when you step up to the majors! lol
    Haha, oh i will. ALready have gear, pct, pins, everything on hand for a month now. Only thing been holding me back is a 10 day out of state vacation next week. GOnna start my first cycle as soon as i get back on monday. Im already have 2 10ml vials of Test Cyp at 250mg per ml for a 10 week banger of 500mg a week shot mon and thur. I might be getting better quality gear of Test Enthanate 2 vials the same amount and concentration of my CYp and some dbol. If i get that then ima do a 4 week kickstart with the dbol at 25-30mg a day and still 500mg of test for 10 weeks and save or get rid of the lower quality gear i have now. Just doin these b12 shots to get the hang of it so i dont waste any good gear when i start.

  13. #13
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    Anyone have any advice or suggestions to my questions in the second post? Thanks!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Water Based
    This is just a guess, but since it is water based it will come out of the syringe much easier than oil, and there is probably a little bit stuck right where you change the needle. When you shoot the air out that is probably pushing out the little bit that is stuck

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