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Thread: My first cutting cycle

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic

    My first cutting cycle

    I'm planning the first cutting cycle of my life. If I ever manage to build enough mass to where I can actually have a need for a cutting cycle i'll be doing one.

    I'm thinking Primobolan/Anavar/Clenbuterol-ECA would be a great cutting cycle. Dosages at 350mg/wk and 20mg/day of the gear repsectively. I'm thinking maybe 8 weeks of that. I've got 100 Primo tabs so i'm thinking about taking 6/day for 10 days and then 4/day for 10 days at the front of the cycle not really as a jump start but to get the Primo working quickly since the anavar and clen will be working from day 1. I'll be injecting 100mg EOD of the Primo Depot but that takes like 4 weeks to kick in full steam. Right?

    I'm going to work up on the clen to 4-6 tabs/day depending on how much I can take. I'm going to alternate between Clen and ECA with 2 weeks of each.

    I'm planning on cutting down to about 1500 calories/day and running 200gms of protein/day and no more than 20gm fat/day.

    Any input is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    At 1500 calories a day you're going to shut your metabolism down in no time at all...

    If you want to go on a low calorie diet you should change up your calorie intake every couple of days so your body doesn't think it starving and shuts down...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    agreed, 1500 calories is like a female cutting cycle and its also kind of an off the wall number, you should determine your caloric intake by what your goals are, but more importantly by your weight, height, bf%, etc...hope this helps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    I did not pull that number out of my ass. My maintenance calories are 2100-2400. I can eat as little as 2100 calories a day and not lose weight if i'm not very active. So that's my bottom maintenance number. I take that minus 30% and get roughly 1500 as the calories i'm thinking I should be eating on a diet - that would be 3 days a week and the other 4 i'd stay at my 2100-2400 range. I would be exercising on an empty stomach and then not eating for hours. That really does seem too low to expect to not lose muscle. I'm at 3500 calories a day right now trying to bulk up. I don't know whether that's enough or not - we'll see. I don't know what my maintenance calories will be after this mass cycle. 2100 is optimistic isn't it?

    Do you think the primo/anavar/clen is a good fat-burning cycle? I want to lose abdominal fat and keep my muscles. I don't need to get harder. I'm already solid rock all over I just cannot seen to get rid of my "middle-aged spread" that looks more like a beer gut than a high-calorie trying to build muscle tummy that it is. I don't drink alcohol BTW.

    I'm thinking out loud and looking for words of wisdom from experience. All is appreciated!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    if I were you I would also look at some of the CKD diets - strait keto sucks - but you can keep the protien high at least - the CKD type allows me to get through it better.

    Drug choice is good - anavar should be in any cutting cycle.

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