I'm planning the first cutting cycle of my life. If I ever manage to build enough mass to where I can actually have a need for a cutting cycle i'll be doing one.
I'm thinking Primobolan/Anavar/Clenbuterol-ECA would be a great cutting cycle. Dosages at 350mg/wk and 20mg/day of the gear repsectively. I'm thinking maybe 8 weeks of that. I've got 100 Primo tabs so i'm thinking about taking 6/day for 10 days and then 4/day for 10 days at the front of the cycle not really as a jump start but to get the Primo working quickly since the anavar and clen will be working from day 1. I'll be injecting 100mg EOD of the Primo Depot but that takes like 4 weeks to kick in full steam. Right?
I'm going to work up on the clen to 4-6 tabs/day depending on how much I can take. I'm going to alternate between Clen and ECA with 2 weeks of each.
I'm planning on cutting down to about 1500 calories/day and running 200gms of protein/day and no more than 20gm fat/day.
Any input is appreciated.