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It isnt like Obama or McCain are going to follow the constituion, fix the budget deficit, stop washing away our civil liberties, or restore to some kind of hard money.
I tell people not to vote, period. Both are not qualified.
The founding fathers of this country would be ashamed and disgusted for the programs and plans both of these TYRANTS are offering for this country.
And aslong as we have a federal reserve and the power to create money this whole thing wont stop.
The central bank is the heart of the state. The central bank gives the state it's power, it is like the heart without it all its options would fail.
The central bank makes the militaristic, nationalistic, and socialist state all possible at the same time and it will only get worse.
The politicians will use the central bank to provide more hands out and more war otherwise known as Guns and Butter.
Your going to lose more civil liberties.
And the problem with our central bank is this globalist non sense. Since our dollar is used as the reserve asset of the world foreigners soak up our dollars and treat them as if they are gold. This gives our government unlimited power to create new money and literally export our inflation as we have done for years.
This is why the most serious threats this country are ever going to face our oil bearing countries or major asian trading countries that have such huge trade surpluses with us, there unwillingness to accept our dollars would expose the printing press behind the closed curtains.
America has lost our respect and our ways that include civil liberties, protection of private property and property rights, low taxes, and a free market.
It all starts with the central bank and it will all end with the central bank. Without the central bank what we have today would be a dream land. We would never be able to afford this with a real hard money. We wouldn't have such a huge military, or such a massive socialist state.
The keys to prosperity are production and savings, not spending and consumption.
Now we have 2 presidents coming up both are willing to increase welfare at home and at the same time propose massive expansions to our military.
Is every american stupid or do some of ask perhaps how can we afford this? In the end this will all have to be paid for, and wealth can not be created on a printing press. The empire is going to fall and the longer we continue on this destructive path the more suffering will take place when we do.
A restoration to a sound money backed by gold is this country's only hope to control, and perhaps drift back towards the constitution. As long as the government has the ability to create money none of this can ever happen. I some day dream of sound money and the constitution, it seems these are 2 words the American government or people have lost touch with.