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Thread: Question for all the MMA fighters out there

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    South Jersey

    Question for all the MMA fighters out there

    My friend (its seriously not me, I dont fight MMA ) has his first MMA fight in December. He is at 185 right now and wants to fight at 170. I have his diet/cardio/training schedule in place for him to cut with minimal LBM loss, however he was looking to run a short (6-8 week) cycle to help retain/increase strength while cutting. I have ZERO experience with sport related cycles, any cycles I have done or given advice on were of a body building nature. Any thoughts/opinions/advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Not a good idea to cycle now. If he has a fight in december, more than likely a compound will still be in his system. If testing is not an issue, then maybe.

    I need some stats
    diet summary/# meals per day
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

    Whats he looking to do? You cant drop a weight class and gain weight!

    Is he walking around at 185? How hard is his cut to 170?

    Its only me and one other guy on here who fight professionally (that i know of) so i dont think anyone will be too much help as far as MMA related weight cutting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Test P

    possible eq, but thats best in longer cycles.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Test P

    possible eq, but thats best in longer cycles.
    Thank ya sir. I was thinking something along those lines as well. He was concerned about joint issues with the Winn, which I have never experienced before but I know people that have.

  5. #5
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    South Jersey
    He said there was no testing. He is about 27 I believe, 5'10ish, 185lb, 9-10%BF i would guess. I am putting him on a diet along the lines of what Nark/Nova preach in their thread (I dont believe in low carb cutting), so it will be about 8 meals a day, I will be using Katch-McArdle to determine caloric needs and then ratios will about 45% carbs, 15% fat and 40% protein, fat will be kept extremely minimal. He has been lifting for about 5 years Im guessing, his workout split from what I have seen is similar to a body builder workout split, but of course he also does his MMA training 5 days a week. No cycle experience. I would be supplying PCT recommendations, no clue on his estrogen control knowledge seeing how he has never cycled before.....Like I mentioned above his goal is to maintain his strength while cutting (not real sure why you said you cant drop a weight class and gain weight, thats pretty obvious bro, and thats not what I said) His cut from 185 to 170 will not be that hard given the amount of time he has to get there. Obviously the cutting will come from the diet and cardio, he just mentioned to me that he would like to keep as much strength as possible if not gain some, during his cut and it has been my experience that this is very difficult to accomplish without AAS (which brings me to my question)....Thats about all the info I have, I dont know anything about MMA or his MMA training, I just told him I would help him out with his diet and weight training and possibly recommend a cycle that could help him achieve the goal I stated above.

  6. #6
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    Well generally, people cut weight by sweating and fasting a few days before competition.

    Ive lost in excess of 10lbs in a matter of a day. Im not advocated this, as it is somewhat dangerous.

    If all hes looking for is keeping his strength up while not putting on weight then Anavar is the way to go.

    Moderest doses of 60mgs ED will do the job. If there is no testing, its fine to use till you step into the cage.

    Somthing like this

    Anavar -Weeks 1-8 @60mgs ED

    Thats probably the best option for him. A simple PCT is needed. Nothing big...

    Winny is a bad choice for athletes, ive found out first hand.

    Winny + BJJ = Horrible pain.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Yeah, I know he wants to avoid the "crash" cutting before his competition which is why he is starting his cut this far out. I figured Anavar and not Winny would be the way to go due to the joint issues. Thanks.

  8. #8
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    i would agree with the anavar, or even T-bol... both would help keep him lean and add a bit of strength. simple PCT's. maybe throw in some prop for an extra boost. the prop will keep bloat to a minimum, help him recover a bit from his cutting and training all while keepin his strength also.
    Last edited by Dukkit; 09-30-2008 at 09:01 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    Cool, thanks brotha. You gotta come down here for the fight, its sometime in December at The House of Blues, there's gonna be a bunch of us, should be a good time.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    Cool, thanks brotha. You gotta come down here for the fight, its sometime in December at The House of Blues, there's gonna be a bunch of us, should be a good time.
    im there bro. not a problem

    you still down for this weekend? my brother is comin in from out of town. you should come up and we can all go to the ren faire.

    may have a fire pit going on my patio, sit back with some beers and good company

  11. #11
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    if you could get some pain free prop i'd say to go for it but from my experience it's impossible to roll or do any type of combat sport while dealing with the pain that often comes from prop. var is the way to go imo. i've done shots that were not too bad and then seemed to get really bad after having rolled or kickboxed. maybe something about the pressure on the area causes more pain and swelling?

  12. #12
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    Very true, I will be sure to mention that to him as well. I know this board, myself included, is over-whelmingly against oral only cycles. But it seems to be the best bet for him in this situation. Thanks for the help guys.

  13. #13
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    Nothing wrong with a Var or Tbol only cycle IMO...

    its dbol, Drol, or winny only cycles that suck.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    Nothing wrong with a Var or Tbol only cycle IMO...

    its dbol, Drol, or winny only cycles that suck.
    OK, thanks again. Normally I would tell someone to just go all-natural, but like I told my friend if they arent testing there's a pretty good chance the guy he's fighting will be on cycle and have a bit of an edge.....Do you think he should fight mid cycle (week 3 or 4) or time it so he is fighting at the end (week 7 or 8)?

  15. #15
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    The end of cycle... Make sure he plans for the weight cut though...

    Almost every pound he gains will be LMM, so be aware of the cut beforehand.

  16. #16
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    i think a low dosage var and eca cycle should do him right.. keep the var at like 40mg ed, even though iv seen results with less and have him do 2 doses of eca a day at 20/200/81.. this will keep him anabolic while losing body fat... make sure you do benedryl every 3rd week to keep the receptors fresh for the eca... just my opinion

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Do you guys think your Testosterone level is important to consider when fighting, or do you not worry abouth it? Does it make a big difference in performance? I am on a TRT dose and keep my levels around 950, but I noticed that I get winded quicker than when I wasn't using, even though the dose is smaller than a traditional cycle. I read on another forum that it is a good idea for endurance athletes to keep thier levels at the high end of normal. I didn't know if that applied to fighting as well.

  18. #18
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    Thats why you plan ahead, and you shouldbe ready to fight after PCT has finished and your natural levels are back to normal...

  19. #19
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    I just realized that you bumped a 2 month old thread... Nice bro.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    lol i was wonderin how this got dug up

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