Ok i was running my cycle of Enanthate @ 400mg/wk and dbol 25mg/ed and ive decided to stop at week 4 and cut my cycle short due to personal reasons. What would you guys recommed doing for my pct.
Ok i was running my cycle of Enanthate @ 400mg/wk and dbol 25mg/ed and ive decided to stop at week 4 and cut my cycle short due to personal reasons. What would you guys recommed doing for my pct.
why are you stopping right when the test is starting to kick in?
your wimpy boners didn't harden up after cutting the dbol???
if that is why its all mental now, i bet if you took one cialis the problem would be gone for good.
stay away from ai's if you don't want more trouble with your noodle man. Everyone of them kills my sex drive.
sex drive and not being depressed will bring back your natty test more than any breast cancer anti estrogen haha
i'd say nolva only, i don't like blurry vision from clomid and the estrogenic properties of it makes it take longer for you to recover because they last longer than its anti estrogenic properties. if you do take both run the nolva another week after stopping clomid.
This is very bad advice.
First off mate he's stopping for personal reasons.
I mentioned the AI aromasin because it's one of the few steroidal AI's, therefore it's helps with libido in PCT.
Nolva on it's own is not going to cut it and at the dosage and length of clomid i'd recommend for this cycle the vision wouldn't be a problem.
And wtf are you talking about the estrogenic properties of clomid making it harder to recover.
If you can't give practical,truthfull and sensible advice, don't bother.
PS, sialis does nothing for libido.
he wasn't having libido problems he was having erection problems... the guy had 2 other threads on it
clomids estrogenic properties do last longer than its anti estrogenic, so when you stop taking it then it becomes suppressive for a little while.
but true less chance of visions problems at only 50mg a day clomid.
what in there is bad advice. that fact i suggested only do nolva?
sure aromasin might bring up your test levels a bit more during pct by stopping test converting to estro obviously but i just get horrible sides from all ai's so for me its not worth it.
who thought that cialis aided libido... well actually i'm a lot hornier when i have a hard on then when my dicks soft lol..... in a way it kinda does affect it
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