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Thread: My first time!!

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  1. #1

    My first time!!

    Hey wasup:
    I´m a 25 year old male i´ve been working out for already about 6 years, i got a trainer 6 months ago and i´ve been working, dieting and taking supplements as a CRAZY ASS!
    I haven´t seen a huge difference as i expetcted and it´s been already six months, my trainer is a very good one a lot of experts and body builders have told me so.
    Anyway i´ve decided to go for the last alternative and i got a 10 ml ampoule of Trenabol Depot and another one of Masteron QV100, i´m very new to this it would be my first time i do it, but im very decided to do it, i´ve spent already thousand of dollars in training sessions, supplements, food, a lot of time and crazy EFFORT!!

    I did read a whole article about Trenabol Depot, there´s just thing i´m very concerned about, the article mention this: "Since Trenabol Depot considerably reduces the endogenic testosterone production, the use of testosterone-stimu-lating compounds at the end of intake is suggested"

    Which basically means my body wont be producing testosterone anymore???
    and i will have to stimulate my body by taking testorone via artificial dosages foreves after i take trenabol? or it will be only for a while?
    Can somebody answer that?
    And also if the Trenabol Depot and MasteronQ100 mixed are good?

    I would appreciate A LOT your answers don´t wanna do it until i´m very sure what im doing and that im not gonna mess my body that much, i just want to see results, i want t o be as ripped as possible and increase a little bit od muscle just a little, im doing modeling so i just need maximum definition, my trainer is a guru diet so he can hook me up with the diet but i just need advice about steroids since he´s not into steroids at all.

    How would u recommend me to take them, are this steroids ok for me and my goal? should i just take any other? recommendations? suggestions?

    Thanks guys i appreciate it A LOT!

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Post your stats and diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    Post your stats and diet.

    I'm curious, if you have been training for six years, why do you need a trainer now?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by kaberle_15 View Post

    I'm curious, if you have been training for six years, why do you need a trainer now?
    1. Because a trainer push me to do it and do it properly and challenges me
    and 2. Because i can afford it?

    Now are u gonna help or just make that kind of questions?

  5. #5
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    tren by itself is NOT a good idea.

    tren for a first time user is also not a good idea.

    sounds like you needs to be doing some more research, bro.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m View Post
    tren by itself is NOT a good idea.

    tren for a first time user is also not a good idea.

    sounds like you needs to be doing some more research, bro.
    Somebody needs read threads before answering THAT is a good idea!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by raveonpragha View Post
    Somebody needs read threads before answering THAT is a good idea!
    ^ Somebody needs to write in proper English before insulting people trying to help him.

  8. #8
    I´m 25
    170 lbs
    And this is a reference of my diet

    Last edited by raveonpragha; 04-15-2009 at 06:09 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    ^ Somebody needs to write in proper English before insulting people trying to help him.
    WHAT? a brazilian 3rd world inmigrant is going to tell a a us born how to write and speak english? man, if you´re going to help i´d appreciate it if you´re not just avoid 3rd world comments please!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by raveonpragha View Post
    WHAT? a brazilian 3rd world inmigrant is going to tell a a us born how to write and speak english? man, if you´re going to help i´d appreciate it if you´re not just avoid 3rd world comments please!
    comments like that are not going to get anyone here to help you.

    I'm out.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by raveonpragha View Post
    Somebody needs read threads before answering THAT is a good idea!
    what did I misread?

    I didn't flame you, simply gave you solid advice.

  12. #12
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    Oh geez...

  13. #13
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    You need to chillax buddy. You obviously dont know anything about these compounds, and what their side effects are, yet you seem determined to put them into your body.

    You need to stop, take some time, serious time! And RESEARCH! Then take further time and re-evaulate your goals.

    AAS are not magic, they will not make you big overnight. And they certainly can be dangerous if not properly used.

    You dont need AAS, you need to learn.

  14. #14
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    To answer some of your questions, yes injecting your body with test will shut off you natural production, thats why you run a post cycle therepy PCT. Please do some research before you cram that needle in your ass!

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by kdizzog View Post
    To answer some of your questions, yes injecting your body with test will shut off you natural production, thats why you run a post cycle therepy PCT. Please do some research before you cram that needle in your ass!
    Just one post cycle therapy? or forever?

  16. #16
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    Enjoy your vacation buddy!

    Quote Originally Posted by raveonpragha View Post
    WHAT? a brazilian 3rd world inmigrant is going to tell a a us born how to write and speak english? man, if you´re going to help i´d appreciate it if you´re not just avoid 3rd world comments please!
    Yes this is why i speak better than you do right?

    Youre simple. Simply put.
    Last edited by WARMachine; 04-15-2009 at 06:07 PM.

  17. #17
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    BIG is here... Haha

    *grabs some popcorn while waiting for BIG to tear dumb guy a new one*

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    ur diet SUX!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    ^ Thanks for adding something of substance to this thread.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    ur welcome

  21. #21
    You don't come across as a very competant man. You have a trainer that tells you what to do, someone made your diet plan (which does suck, sorry), and you come here wanting us to give you all the answers you want for steroids.

    Learn how to lift, research how to diet, study about steroids, and get the sand out your vagina.

  22. #22
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    Mar 2009
    Oh my god what a pranit you are.... you come here looking for advice and then when people help you but don't tell you what you want to hear you have a hissy fit. Do you still ask your mum if you can stay out late then storm off to your room when she says NO!!

    WARmachine doesn't translate so well so you attempt a pathetic attack, hmmm i'm guessing english isn't his 1st language, hmmmm does that mean he speaks more than one language YES!! which is more than i can say for most.

    Clearly your an idiot so why do i bother, your diet is sh** sh** sh**. Learn info for yourself, think for yourself. I will extend a slight hand cause maybe you have some decency in you. Change your diet by reviewing the diet section and research Test E for 1st cycle.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    outside your window
    Hey bud, these guys are trying to help you! That's what this forum is for. So if you're going to ask a question, then be prepared for something you may not want to hear. Research, research, research. Don't be an ass hat and waist thier time.
    Last edited by CJ.; 04-16-2009 at 07:58 AM. Reason: spelling

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    you need atleast 270 grams of protein a day..140 is not nearly enough..take in about 1.5 per pound of your bodyweight..and personally i think 410 carbs is way too much..check out the diet forum..put together a solid diet and you will surely see growth.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    rickrick who is the beast in your avatar?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ok this is what you need bro, you need to go on 10 to 12 weeks of Test i would say 500mg a week twice a week. If you would like to kick start you can use first 4 to 5 weeks of D-bol 50 or Anadrol 50 take 50mg a day two hours before workout. Start your PCT two weeks after your last shot PCT basically bring back your Natural Test back so that you dont lose your gain. and you will be normal as you were before cycle. 4 Weeks PCT Clomaid and Nova. take 100mg Clomaid for first two weeks and 50mg for the last two weeks and 40mg to 50mg Nova through out all 4 weeks.

  27. #27
    I know how you feel bro, specially cuz it happened the same to me, as i can see your diet was developed bt Apex, i used the same diet but they use the "build and shred" practice which is good but there's a hight tisk of loosing muscle mass with the second step, cuz they drop down a lot of protein.
    I believe a lot of people how the Apex system works u may have a bodybug, check it out and based on the calories you're burning during the day u may manage your diet on the system based in how much muscle you want to gain.

    I personally don't trust Apex, they have great and tasty supplements but the research is more worth it than trusting a body build-system that's for fat people who wants to lose weight i guess you're in the next level already.

    I'm not sure about Trenabol Depot if you're a novice is not recommendable, you may want to take what Hamed told you, if you're very desperate about your results, you may consider and be warned about the side effects testosterone may produce on your body.

    Not very familar with trenabol and steroids in general i'm a "natural body builder" i strongly trust in good diet and research!! google is AMAZING!
    You may be very disappointed cuz is very usual people in here would make fun or make spam instead of helping, those brazilian people are a perfect example, but hey there will be always people who will help and don't give up, i know at your age your physycal appearence is a must and most guys who don't see results after dieting hard and doing exahustive training got very depresed and give up or start taking the wrong direction using wrong steroids and hormones without researching first and without information about the whole thing.

    You may consider this sites for research about diet:


    Consult your trainer and ask him about the diet you want to take, cuz he may have developed your diet for a special goal, since apex was developed for personalized body achievements.
    Maybe you do need a little help with some anabolics or Test, unfortunately i couldn't give you that info since i'm not familiar with that area, maybe somebody here can help you with some information and what you need (hopefully) keep it up boy!

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamed View Post
    Ok this is what you need bro, you need to go on 10 to 12 weeks of Test i would say 500mg a week twice a week. If you would like to kick start you can use first 4 to 5 weeks of D-bol 50 or Anadrol 50 take 50mg a day two hours before workout. Start your PCT two weeks after your last shot PCT basically bring back your Natural Test back so that you dont lose your gain. and you will be normal as you were before cycle. 4 Weeks PCT Clomaid and Nova. take 100mg Clomaid for first two weeks and 50mg for the last two weeks and 40mg to 50mg Nova through out all 4 weeks.
    Where can i get that? and what is it exactly the results im going to see taking this?
    Btw Thank s so much mr. Westernboy, you helped me a lot, all users should be like you! it´s obvious you dont use steroids since you are very neat in your answers and ina good mood! Thanks man

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