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Thread: Anorex??? while on the juice

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Anorex??? while on the juice

    Bro's, My friend work's at gnc and he hooked me up w/ some anorex for free and it costs 153.00. it is a fat burner.basically like xen or hydro , if anybody has any info on this , please let me know. and also is it ok to do on juice. or should i just stick w/ xen or hydroxy???thanks bro's and if you could help me out i would appreciate it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    What's in it?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    153$ for a fat burner? must be from gnc thats the only place that would charge so much!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Two things, 1) that is WAY too much to pay for a leagl suppliment and 2) Anorex sounds like a made up name...short for anorexia, that is why I opened this thread.

    To answer you question, it is fine to take an eca (fatburner) while on gear depending on what you'r erunning and what your goals are. I wouldn't take an eca (fatburner) if using clen (unless you were alternating every 2 weeks) because it would be redundant. How about a little more info...stats, how long you've been training for, age, diet, goals, etc....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    i'm 20 yrs old, 6'1 205 10% body fat......i am taking test prop, 50mg eod. i know its not that much i just want to gain about 10 lean pounds offr of this bc i play college ball and i don't want to look too huge when i get back from christmas break or its test time............. i am taking an eca to lose about 2% bf wh9ile gaining lean mscle from the prop....................and also i got the anorex fr free b/c my friend works at gnc and he hooked me up.....i looked at what it had in it and it hs alot of stuff that hydro and xen have in it....i was just wonering if it would be ok or if i should just stick w/ hydrox b/c i have a whole botte of that too

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    List off the compounds/doses found in this Anorex product please.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by The Original Jason
    153$ for a fat burner? must be from gnc thats the only place that would charge so much!
    No kidding. The name is crude too. Its not right to name a fat burner after a life-threatening disorder.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    the supplement facts are a sfollows:
    calcium(aminio acid chelate)-------------264mg
    vit B6-----------------------------------25mg
    Anorex Blend:
    Acetylsalicylic acid-----------------------324mg
    Green Tea
    And thats it, i'm just gonna stick with ol Hydroxy, but if anyone knows much about this stuff, please inform me...........peace

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Here is something i found on there website. guess this pretty much rules me out b/c i am not 20 pounds overweight....but for those who are, this might be some good stuff. just give me a call and i'll sent it to ya for cheap :

    To begin, if you are one of those people who constantly worry about 5 or 6 simple “vanity” pounds, Anorex® is not for you. But if you’re one of the millions of Americans who are significantly overweight (more than 20 lbs. of excess body weight and/or a BMI [body mass index] greater than 30) there is no longer any way to deny that ordinary diet pills and so-called “fat-burners” (if they work at all) so often fail to help the significantly overweight.

    Why? Because ordinary diet pills fail to overcome the genetic link to obesity (a genetic link that can no longer be denied). Unless a weight-control compound addresses the genetic factor — and helps you overcome your genetic predisposition to obesity –— your attempts at weight loss become no more than an exercise in futility (and a waste of time and money).

    But now there’s Anorex — the first weight-control compound designed to mitigate the profound effect that variations in the human genetic code have on the storage, use, and disposition of body fat. Anorex is an extremely powerful anorectic agent and is not intended for use by the casual dieter who is merely attempting to shed five or ten “vanity” pounds. However, if substantial, excess body fat is adversely affecting your health and self-esteem, then it’s time for you to discover Anorex — the first comprehensive weight-loss compound designed specifically to overcome your genetic predisposition.

    Anorex: The Result of an Extraordinary Collaboration
    Anorex (or more correctly, its patent-protected core compound, Leptoprin™) is the result of an extraordinary collaborative effort between Dr. Daniel B. Mowrey, Director of Scientific Affairs, Klein-Becker usa, Provo, Utah, and Dr. Edward G. Fey, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worchester, Massachusetts. Though working independently, both doctors were keenly aware of the growing body of evidence linking obesity to certain genetic “markers.” In September of 1998, Drs. Mowrey and Fey discovered each had access to compatible patents for variant methods of regulating obesity. As they familiarized themselves with each others’ work, it became clear that combining the patented formulations could overcome genetic anomalies responsible for significant overweight. In fact, a recent report (“The Human Obesity Gene Map: The 1999 Update”) published in Obesity Research, the official journal for the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, disclosed, “The number of genes and other markers associated or linked with human obesity phenotypes continues to expand and now reaches well over 200” (Vol. 8 No. 1 Jan. 2000, p.105). For example, gene FABP2, located at 4q28-q31, impacts abdominal fat, body mass index, and fat percentage –– while others are more specific, such as gene INS, located at 11p15.5, which influences waist-to-hip ratios in obese women (pp.99-100).

    “Although Anorex is much too powerful for the casual dieter (someone concerned about losing 5 or 6 extra ‘vanity’ pounds), its distinct ability to help overcome the genetic implications of obesity makes it the most effective means of providing considerable benefit to that vast population of American men and women who are significantly overweight.”

    CAUTION: Anorex Is Not a Toy. Anorex Should Not Be Used by the “Casual Dieter”.

    Anorex Helps Overcome Genetic Link to Obesity
    Anorex is the only weight-control compound designed to help you overcome your genetic link to obesity. First: If you are significantly overweight, you have a genetically based tendency to store excess dietary calories as body fat. Anorex helps overcome this tendency by effectively increasing your body’s ability to destroy calories in specialized “wasting cycles” within fat, muscle, liver, and other body cells. Second: Anorex dramatically interferes with the process of converting calories to fat by upsetting genetically programmed reduction in the normal lipolytic cycle. Third: Anorex exerts a profound “lipolytic” action — it “mobilizes” stored fat, moving it out of the fat cell and thereby reducing the size of the fat cell mass. Fourth: Anorex reduces body fat mass in the significantly overweight by inhibiting the creation of new fat cells (yes, scientists now know that we create new fat cells throughout life) through the genetically programmed process called “adipose tissue cell differentiation.” Fifth: Anorex destroys immature fat cells before they can become bloated by increasing the genetic factor recently identified as “apoptosis,” or the genetically pre-programmed degeneration of fat cells. Sixth: Unlike ordinary diet pills that lose their effectiveness in a short period of time, the uniquely processed, patented compounds that make up the Anorex formula provide sustained reinforcement required to successfully overcome the genetic factors responsible for your chronic condition. In short, Anorex is a breakthrough for the significantly overweight because Anorex aids in the defeat of destructive genetic influences on the cellular regulation and coordination of dietary calories: their intake, their conversion to body fat, and their removal from body fat stores. In other words, Anorex takes away “pre-programmed genetic failure” and gives you control over your life once again.

    Anorex: Now Available in The United States Without Prescription
    In a report dated February 19, 2000, Dr. Mowrey stated “Although Anorex is much too powerful for the ‘casual dieter,’ the ability of Anorex to help people overcome the genetic implications of obesity leads me to believe Anorex, and its base formulation Leptoprin, is the most effective means of providing considerable benefit to that vast population of American men and women who are significantly overweight. That is, until science develops a reliable means of altering the genetic code.”

    If You’re Significantly Overweight, You Need Anorex
    If you’re significantly overweight (more than 20 lbs. of excess body weight and/or a BMI greater than 30), there is only one weight-control compound specifically designed for you… it’s Anorex. Patent-protected, clinically established, and guaranteed to help you become the thinner, healthier, and more active person you’ve always wanted to be… or it costs you absolutely nothing!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by showtime
    the supplement facts are a sfollows:
    calcium(aminio acid chelate)-------------264mg
    vit B6-----------------------------------25mg
    Anorex Blend:
    Acetylsalicylic acid-----------------------324mg
    Green Tea
    And thats it, i'm just gonna stick with ol Hydroxy, but if anyone knows much about this stuff, please inform me...........peace
    Basically what you have here is a E/C/A stack without the herbals, Ephedrine, caffeine, Acetylsalicylic acid. So expect the quivers. On top it also has Green Tea which adds to the stimulant props but also a good antioxident. B6 is good for many body processes like metabolism (RDA is 2mg, PDI for athletes, 20-100mg per day). Kelp... antioxident. Cayenne... basically for digestion and usually added to increase the intake of the sup. Calcium... shizzznet, Calcium has a lot of benefits to it for athletes. Ahhhh... Tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine and awesome for combating overtraining... it's used in a lot of "neuro" sups... should get at least of 500mg but no less than 100mg in a sup like this.

    Remember that brand names mean shit - learn about the ingredients. All a brand name will do for you is tell you if it a reputable company, and sometimes that means squat too

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thanks warrior

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