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Thread: Urine test

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  1. #1

    Urine test

    Hey guys,
    I'm about to enter my second ever powerlifting meet in about a month. I'm currently taking 600mg of test enanthate a week (and 3iu HGH.. that i don't think will be tested for) and am worried about getting tested at this meet as it is a randomly drug tested event. What is your advise?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    The truth is if they do Drug test and you are only 1 month out. There is no wy for you to get your levels back to normal and all out of your system by then. I did read on some website somewhere (I honestly cant remember where I saw it) I remember it said that it guranateed to have any anabolic steroid out of your system within 5 days. Not sure is it actually works or not or as i said where you can get it. But other than that not sure what to say. Obviously the detection time for testosterone is more than a month. i guess take your chances, if it is random maye you will not get "pissed'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Beside bringing a piss bottle, I don't see many options.

    I don't really know what you are asking, like for a magic solution? The detection time is 3 months, if you knew you were going into a meet so soon, why are you still doing a cycle this close? I could see if you were doing Test P, but test E stays for a while m8 :/

  4. #4
    I have heard propecia can be used to mask steroids, and it works well by many athletes. Although I am unsure. Maybe you could look further on how this process works. Also my next suggestion would be to get one of those fake penis that holds urine that you can find on the net and aska clean buddy to help you out with the sample. If I knew the name of the product I would tell you, but I forget right now.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by 1jakdGeek View Post
    Hey guys,
    I'm about to enter my second ever powerlifting meet in about a month. I'm currently taking 600mg of test enanthate a week (and 3iu HGH.. that i don't think will be tested for) and am worried about getting tested at this meet as it is a randomly drug tested event. What is your advise?
    You could try some Synthetic Urine such as quick fix if theres no other options.

  6. #6
    thanks for the quick replies.
    I know the half life of test, i guess i was just wondering if you guys have ever been in a similar situation and what you would do. I am hoping that i won't be the "random" selection but have a feeling that either by looking at me or the weight i do will get me tested. I don't know how closely or even where the piss test will be or if someone is going to be in the same room as me when its given but i'm thinking my only option is to get someone elses urine and have it on hand.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    I remember there was a thing on the news like 2 months ago about some contest somewhere when they told the contestants it was being drug tested, all the contestants got up and walked out! It was funny evry single one of them left. I am sure other people know more to what I am talking about with that contest

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