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Thread: Thorough First TEST E Cycle

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Arrow Thorough First TEST E Cycle Please Comment

    Ok boys, I'm going to try and be as thorough as possible with all my information.

    A little background:

    I started lifting weights about 3 years ago. I was weighing in around 150 at about 25% bf. I now weigh 165 and sit at about 12-15% bf. I have reached 172 as a max weight but cut down to 165 to look good for summer. I would say my body type is a mix between mesmo 3\4 and endo 1\4. My training usually consists of 5 workouts a week. I have been going consistently over the past 3 years with only a few 2 week breaks. I look bigger then I am for my weight. I got into a small car crash 5 months ago and injured my hip flexor. This has prevented my from training my legs to the fullest. It is all healed up now though so I'm excited to get back on track with Legs. I got my gear about 3 weeks ago and will be receiving my pins by Tuesday. When I was uneducated about this subject I did a winstrol only cycle. It got me some dry gains and strength went up but it took a toll on my joints.

    Start off with the basics

    Weight: 165
    Height: 5'8
    Age: 22
    Lifting: 3 years

    Lift Performance: I concentrate hard on form and pace no clowning here

    Bench Press: 225 x 1 215 x 3
    Deadlift: 365 x 1 305 x 4
    Squat: 275 x 3**
    DB Military Press: 70's each had x 5
    *all in LBS
    *before I got a hip flexor injury from a small car crash. I'm all better now though

    Now onto the Cycle

    Goals: Clean\Regular Bulk
    Calories P\D: 4000
    C\P\F: 40\40\20

    I have on hand

    3 x 10ml Test E 250\ml I know my GEAR is Legit
    100 x 10mg Nolva
    50 x 50mg Clomid

    Cycle Length: 12 weeks @ 500mg Per\Week ( Mon 250 , Thurs 250 )


    Clomid 50/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Maybe HCG (If balls aren't doing well)


    Sunday: Off
    Monday: Back\Bi
    Tuesday: Chest\Tri
    Friday: Shoulders
    Saturday: Lower Back\Hamstring\Arms


    4 sets of Deadlifts
    4 sets wide grip pull up
    4 sets bent over rows
    4 sets hammer grip seated cable rows
    3 sets standing barbell bicep curl
    3 sets dumbell hammer bicep curls

    4 sets of Deadlifts
    4 sets chin ups
    4 sets close grip bent over rows (grab olympic bar put weight on ONE end use hammer grip cable attachement hook onto bar and row)
    4 sets of wide grip seated cable rows
    3 sets standing ez-bar bicep curl
    3 sets standing cable curls



    4 sets of Barbell Bench Press
    4 sets of Incline Dumbell press
    4 sets of cable flys
    3 sets of standing cable tri pull downs (V grip or rope)
    3 sets of triceps bent over extensions

    4 sets of Dumbell Bench Press
    4 sets of Incline Barbell Press
    4 sets of Dumbell Fly's
    3 sets of dips
    3 sets of reverse tri cable pull down



    4 sets of Squats
    4 sets of leg extensions
    3 sets of Leg press ( higher rep, lower weight ) Form very focused and pace slowed


    4 sets of Leg Press
    4 sets of Leg Extensions
    3 sets of Squats ( higher rep, lower weight ) Form very focused and pace slowed



    4 sets of Dumbell Press
    4 sets of Dumbell front raise
    4 sets of cable side pulls
    4 sets of trap pulls


    4 sets of Smith machine Mil Press
    4 sets of Dumbell side raise
    4 sets of Dumbell seated bent over raise
    4 sets of Barbell trap pulls

    Lower Back \ Hamstring \ Arms

    4 sets of Stiff Legged Deadlifts
    4 sets of Machine Hamstring Curl
    4 sets of Scull Crushers
    4 sets of Cable Tri Pull Downs
    4 sets of Seated ez-bar Bicep Curl
    4 sets of Standing Dumbell Curls

    Diet it built around this

    I'm open to constructive criticism about any of this. Knowledge Training hard and Diet are keys to a successful cycle. Experienced users please comment to let me know I'm on the right track

    I forgot to add calves and abs.. It is pretty much a given for me to add these to each workout rotating.



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    Last edited by lifterjdubb; 09-24-2009 at 12:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Very excited for first injection.. effin pins wont your come!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    hello sexc

    naa jks mate, u got a good base, cycle is all goood

    id like to critisize ur workout, NO OFFENSE BUT ITS ****ING STUPID

    WAY TO MUCH VOLUME AND SETS, i know ur on gear, BUT gear doesnt work miracles and secondly this is ur first cycle and ur only running half a gram of test, theirs no way in the history of mankind ull recover fromt hat type of intensity, even with shitloads of food

    u train ur arms twice a week? for that many sets? thats more then ur chest and BACK, and those muscles are 3 times the size of ur arms? not to mention ur arms get trained on chets and back days indirectly

    heres a modification of ur workout

    sunday rest
    tuesday: legs
    wednesday chest, biceps
    thursday rest
    friday shoulders/ triceps
    saturday calves, abdominals


    4 sets of Deadlifts
    4 sets wide grip pull up
    4 sets bent over rows

    4 sets of Deadlifts
    4 sets chin ups
    4 sets close grip bent over rows (grab olympic bar put weight on ONE end use hammer grip cable attachement hook onto bar and row)

    Chest/ biceps


    3 sets of Barbell Bench Press
    3 sets of Incline Dumbell press
    3 sets of dumbell press
    3 sets standing barbell bicep curl
    3 sets dumbell hammer bicep curls

    4 sets of Dumbell Bench Press
    4 sets of Incline Barbell Press
    3 sets standing barbell bicep curl
    3 sets dumbell alternating bicep curls



    3 sets of Squats
    3 sets of leg extensions
    3 sets of Leg press ( higher rep, lower weight ) Form very focused and pace slowed
    2 sets lying leg curls (high rep range 10-15 reps)


    4 sets of Leg Press
    3 sets of Leg Extensions
    2 sets of Squats ( higher rep, lower weight ) Form very focused and pace slowed
    2 sets seated leg curls (high rep range 10-15)

    Shoulders/ triceps


    4 sets of Dumbell Press
    4 sets of cable side pulls
    4 sets of barbell shrugs (rep range 12-15)
    3 sets of standing cable tri pull downs (V grip or rope)
    3 sets of skull crushers


    4 sets of Smith machine Mil Press
    4 sets of Dumbell side raise
    4 sets of smith machine trap pulls (rep range 12-15)
    3 sets of standing cable tri pull downs (V grip or rope)
    3 sets of triceps bent over extensions

    3 sets calve raises using 45 degree leg press (high rep range (12-15)
    30 crunches
    30 lying leg raies
    30 decline crunches
    30 double crunches

    now im going to explain WHY this split is better

    first all ur leg work is on one day, U DONT NEED TO DO hamstrings on a seperate day
    secondly ur arms arent on ur back or chest day, these days ur arms are stimulated indirectly, so training them on the same day can overtrain them, or can weaken ur arm training since they will already be fatigued
    u tris are trained on shoulder day since this will give a good break to recover between ur shoulders/tricpes and chest day
    ur biceps again are seperated from ur bakck to allow better reovery
    u only do deadlifts ONCE a week, this is becuase deadlifts stimulate both legs and back, so doing them twice a week trains ur back and leg twice a week (easily overtraining them)
    ur hamstrings, traps, and calves are in higher rep ranges BECUASE it has been scientifically proven these muscle groups respond better to high rep ranges for growth
    ur volume has been reduced BECAUSE u dont need massive amounts of sets to grow, the amount i have gievn u is MORE THEN ENOUGH
    Last edited by ranging1; 09-19-2009 at 02:50 AM. Reason: coz i felt like it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    NOW FOR UR DIET, u seriously need to focus on ur diet

    try remeber ur not going to gain muscle out of thin air, it takes FOOD

    protein, carbs and fat

    seriously go to the diet section and post up ur diet, i personally dont liek the section becuase they always underestimate my calorie needs, just becuase i have abit of an odd metabalsim, but they do know what their talking about

    just few tips, protein should be between 1-2 grams per pounds of bodyweight,
    e.g if u ate 1 gram per pound, u would eat 165 grams protein daily spread throughout the day
    i personally like 1.5 just becuase i dont believe ur body can utalise THAT MUCH PROTEIN, so if its going to burn excess protein then i think u might aswell eat carbs instead, since they spike insulin and improve proteins absorbtion, synthesis and give u energy for ur workouts

    carb intake for bulking should be between 2-4 grams per pounds of bodyweight, it really depends on ur metabalsim and size and how well u respond to carbs, i personally do 3 grams per pound of bodyweight just becuase my metabalism needs it, and i can stay lean on that amount

    as for fats its debatable, id say between 0.5-1 gram per pounds bodyweight, i personally like .5 just becuase my body responds better to higher carbs, moderate protein and low fat, other people are different, u would probably know how ur body resonds so adjust ur diet to ur needs and lifestyle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    LOL BTW Priavte message me if u have any questions, or need advice, or would like to show me ur workouts, diet, etc, ill be happy to help u out

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Thanks bro for the input, I was concerned that It might be over training..even on gear. I have a hard time not going everyday. There is defiantly no lack of ambition with me. I do know the importance of food. I find it easier if I pre make a lot of my meals and just reheat them. I'm going to be shooting for 1.5 g\lbs protein and as for carbs I will go 2g\lbs. I usally keep my fat intake low. Natural Peanut butter, olive oil and almonds are my primary source.

    Can't wait to post some results.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    good to hear mate, best luck, im cycling atm on exact same dosage, so ill be monistoring ur results aswell

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I got my first injection done. I was so anxious\nervous\excited\scared. It was a piece of cake though. I've now crossed over to the D side

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lifterjdubb View Post
    I got my first injection done. I was so anxious\nervous\excited\scared. It was a piece of cake though. I've now crossed over to the D side

    The first one is always the hardest. It doesn't hurt at all but the uncertain really makes things scary for sure. The 2nd one is so much easier and they get even easier with each pin. Did you inject in Glutes, calves, or shoulders?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I did the glute with a 25g 1.5 the oil slide through just fine. 36 hour prior to injection there is very mild pain. Nothing I wasn't expecting and barely noticeable..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I'm still getting a little post injection pain. It's not as bad as it was with the first 2 injections but it's still there. It goes away after a day or two so it's not bad. It feels more like just a little pressure that's all. Welcome to the dark side. You'll be amazed at how quickly the cycle will go. I'm on my 10th injection tonight and can't believe I will only have 12 more after this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society
    I'll be watching this, good luck. BTW that was some solid training advice by ranging

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    New England
    haha yes welcome. Dude I've come to luv injecting myself. Sometimes I'll stare into the mirror with the pin sticking out of my buddy thinks I'm F'ed up. lol..he's prob right. Good luck bro.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Note to self: Don't workout glutes the same day as injection(left glute).

    I did a leg workout the same day and I had a big limp after. After sleeping on it for a night the pain subsided and its fine now.

    Does this happen to you guys or is it just cause it was a virgin muscle injection(left glute) then an intense workout?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    oh ya and the 2nd injection was easier than the first. It took half the time, and I know I wasn't as shaky haha.

    I'm the perfect example of someone who hates needles but I really don't mind doing the shots my self now. If I did it then ANYONE can. Don't let the fear control you.

    My mental pump is already in effect. When I'm at the gym before a set I think to my self " lets get serious here, your juicin now know clowing around " It helps with the intensity a bit. Anyone else get this?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I'm finishing up my 5th week of my first cycle and I can say that the post injection pain gets easier. I was still feeling it up till last week. I would hurt for about 3-5 days and then go away. It was a little difficult to sleep on the side I injected. I do my injections on Sunday morning and Wed. evening. I do legs on Wed. so I inject AFTER my workout. I never had any issues so far.

    As far as the pump goes I think everyone goes thru it. You're excited yet nervous about what is going to happen over the next 12 weeks and you never know when you're going to start feeling things. I ended up getting a headache in my 2nd week which lasted 4-5 days. That really sucked but once it was gone I was fine. Keep an eye on your Blood Pressure to make sure it doesn't get too high. I've been watching mine all along and I'm good to go.

    You've got a few weeks to go before you start feeling things kick in but it will be all worth it. My strength has gone up quite a bit since starting which is great but my weight is up quite a bit already. I'm hoping for another 10lbs. by the end of the cycle. Keep us updated on all your progress and good luck with the cycle.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    New England
    haha good luck lifter. yeah needles are way over rated, people psych themselves out

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    K boys its been 2 weeks and 1 day since my first pin. The last two workouts I've felt a tad stronger. I know its supposed to take 3-6 weeks for the test e to kick in but I think my body is responding well to it. My dumbbell press went up to 90's *2 for 4 solid reps. The big thing I noticed was on the first rep.. It's usually the toughest one to get up but it just shot up like a feather.

    Weight has went up 3 pounds 165 - 168

    I'm eating like a horse, most of the time I'm just forcing stuff into my mouth, chewing and swallow.. repeat

    Libido is def up. Every nice ass I look at I probably druel a bit and just want to just drop my pants and do her right there haha

    Anyway not much else to report. Everything is A OK so far

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