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Thread: Injecting Test?

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  1. #1

    Injecting Test?

    Hello all, I've been on testosterone therapy for six months and I have been taking 300 mg daily via oral sublingual tablets that I place under my tongue. Well, after 6 months of using this delivery system, my new blood work results show that my free testosterone is only 391. My doctor was shocked and now has me using testosterone gel (300 mg) daily. My doc says that we might have to do injectables if the gel does not work. I've used the Test gel for a few days and its messy as hell and I have to apply it twice per day. Im thinking about just doing the injectables instead. Other than using a small insulin needle for HGH injections, I have never used a 1.5 inch needle and have never applied a deep intramuscular injection. Does anyone here inject Test? And how painful is it? Should I just stick with the Test Gel?

    Any feedback would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    most people on this sub forum (HRT) PREFER injectables and 1.5 needle ideal for glutes .....very minute pain if any at all....youre tired of the gel after a few days..can u imagine for the rest of your life...
    welcome to AR...can u tell us a little about your goals, stats, why starting hrt...a lot of ppl on here to help if needed....u can find out a lot by reading and searching this WILL be on the injects b4 the new're the first person in 4 years being on this site i've heard taking oral test esp for 6 months....

    good luck bro....hope i helped

  3. #3
    Since I'll be injecting myself for life, any chance of scarring? Also, how dangerous is it if I accidentally get an air bubble in when injecting the Test?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i been injecting for 3 years plus all glutes no scarring i rotate areas the best i can but i guess everyone is different...those that truly need trt dont usually care about simple sides...the air bubble i'm not sure its as dangerous as some thought BUT NOT SURE...but i always flick out all bubbles anyway..
    biggest concern is staying sterile/clean...use alcohol swab before and after injection and keep your syringe from touching anything non sterile...youre gonna be fine bro...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Been injecting for two years in my Quads only and no scarring, I use a 25 guage, 1" pin, and its painless. Air bubble? C'mon. You'd have to inject a couple of cc's of air directly into a vein, and only an idiot would do that??? In all honesty it is so easy a girl could do it, no offense.....

  6. #6
    for general TRT, how often you most of you inject test?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    once a week

  8. #8
    My dosage is 35 mL twice per week. Does this sound like a substantial amount to raise my levels? My free test was 391 a week ago.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by uncle_bingo View Post
    My dosage is 35 mL twice per week. Does this sound like a substantial amount to raise my levels? My free test was 391 a week ago.
    That dose is marginal. At least 100mg a week I would say as a minimum. I do 250mg a week but I am also way over the top of the range. As for scaring I have been injecting for four years and I have nothing that I can see or feel. I only inject once a week now as I dont feel any difference if I do it once or twice a week.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I think 70mg is about what the body would produce naturally in a week. Once you take into account the what your body can use after absorbtion of test c or e after it is injected, 100 mg's should be about the same.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    I think 70mg is about what the body would produce naturally in a week. Once you take into account the what your body can use after absorbtion of test c or e after it is injected, 100 mg's should be about the same.
    its not only what it should use most when injected but there is only around 70mg of test in a 100mg injection of cyp or enth cuz of the ester...i always equate a 100mg shot with 2 packets a day of minimal a dose as 100mg is i would take it over nuttin anyday
    Last edited by zaggahamma; 11-30-2009 at 10:30 AM. Reason: spelling errors

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    its not only what it should use most when injected but their is only around 70mg of test in a 100mg injection of cyp or enth cuz of the ester...i always equate a 100mg shot with 2 packets a day of minimal a dose as 100mg is i would take it over nuttin anyday
    I guess that is what I was tryin to say - about 70% of what you inject is the about the same as what you should produce natty wise. Thanks for the clarification JP.

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