I started my first ever cycle 6 weeks ago. I did a test/tren stack followed by nolva as was recommended to me. I am a natural 240-250 lbs. with a very good mesomorph build. Due to several surgeries over the past few years I no longer participate in collegiate athletics so my new goals are strictly focused on aesthetics.
While I did see some results during my cycle they were far from what I was told to expect. I was told that I should expect to gain 15-20 lbs with this stack and to have very big gains in the gym. Since it was my first ever steroid cycle I was told to do a 6 week cycle. The guy I got it from wrote up my doses and all that for me, however since it was my first time I didn't know how much of each to get so he told me that what I bought was more than enough for my 6 week cycle; however, it barely lasted me 5 weeks and I was very specific on my doses. Over the course of the 5 week cycle the only changes I noticed was an increase in strength (which still wasn't as much as I was told to expect, for example my DB incline bench went for 85 lb db's to 95 lb db's), I saw some increase in the size and hardening of my chest and some (but very little) in my arms. I should say too, that my workouts are extremely intense and I am fairly certain that the lack of desired results were not because of the quality or difficulty of my routine. In addition my weight changed very little and my agression did increase but not as bad as I was told to expect. I did make a conscious effort to avoid situations that would usually trigger my agression. I drank a shit ton of water, didn't drink, and took my milk thistle regularly.
I was told that however long your cycle is, is how long you should take off in between cycles which is currently where I'm at. I would like to start another cycle in about 4.5 weeks, with my primary goal being to get cut (end of my senior year of college, I need to go out with a bang and slay as much tail as I can before I leave). However, increases in size and strength are also desired. What would be a good cycle to do to achieve these goals? Winny comes to mind, but I am uncertain what would be best to stack it with or if that is even what I should do. I am by no means fat, ab's are there but I definitely don't have a 6-pack and I have my share of natural insulation around my mid-section.
I think I might be getting ****ed on how much I am spending for my stuff, any suggestions for how to go about finding a new person to go through. I workout on campus and I go to a pretty small college so there is really no known source on campus. I'm also pretty certain, it would not be a good idea to go into my gym back home and approach someone who looks like they use and ask them to hook me up with their contact so I am unsure how to proceed.
Thanks a lot in advance. Hours of pouring over biased information on the web just doesn't compare to the veterans first hand recommendations.