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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Chicago, IL

    Veteran User's Please Help Me

    I started my first ever cycle 6 weeks ago. I did a test/tren stack followed by nolva as was recommended to me. I am a natural 240-250 lbs. with a very good mesomorph build. Due to several surgeries over the past few years I no longer participate in collegiate athletics so my new goals are strictly focused on aesthetics.

    While I did see some results during my cycle they were far from what I was told to expect. I was told that I should expect to gain 15-20 lbs with this stack and to have very big gains in the gym. Since it was my first ever steroid cycle I was told to do a 6 week cycle. The guy I got it from wrote up my doses and all that for me, however since it was my first time I didn't know how much of each to get so he told me that what I bought was more than enough for my 6 week cycle; however, it barely lasted me 5 weeks and I was very specific on my doses. Over the course of the 5 week cycle the only changes I noticed was an increase in strength (which still wasn't as much as I was told to expect, for example my DB incline bench went for 85 lb db's to 95 lb db's), I saw some increase in the size and hardening of my chest and some (but very little) in my arms. I should say too, that my workouts are extremely intense and I am fairly certain that the lack of desired results were not because of the quality or difficulty of my routine. In addition my weight changed very little and my agression did increase but not as bad as I was told to expect. I did make a conscious effort to avoid situations that would usually trigger my agression. I drank a shit ton of water, didn't drink, and took my milk thistle regularly.

    I was told that however long your cycle is, is how long you should take off in between cycles which is currently where I'm at. I would like to start another cycle in about 4.5 weeks, with my primary goal being to get cut (end of my senior year of college, I need to go out with a bang and slay as much tail as I can before I leave). However, increases in size and strength are also desired. What would be a good cycle to do to achieve these goals? Winny comes to mind, but I am uncertain what would be best to stack it with or if that is even what I should do. I am by no means fat, ab's are there but I definitely don't have a 6-pack and I have my share of natural insulation around my mid-section.

    I think I might be getting ****ed on how much I am spending for my stuff, any suggestions for how to go about finding a new person to go through. I workout on campus and I go to a pretty small college so there is really no known source on campus. I'm also pretty certain, it would not be a good idea to go into my gym back home and approach someone who looks like they use and ask them to hook me up with their contact so I am unsure how to proceed.

    Thanks a lot in advance. Hours of pouring over biased information on the web just doesn't compare to the veterans first hand recommendations.
    Last edited by balaplaya55; 02-17-2010 at 05:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    No street price talk... edit your post

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    1st - you can't discuss price here, read the rules
    2nd - what are your stats? (Age, hgt, wgt, and bf%)
    Last edited by RANA; 02-17-2010 at 05:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    1. Edit out the prices on your post before a mod deletes the whole post.
    2. Your stack was horrible.
    4. You won't gain weight without the proper nutrition. Steroids have no calories. Food puts weight on you, not steroids.
    5. Glad you found the forum. There is a TON of information on here. Read the stickies. Use the 'search' function. Educate yourself before you inject anything else into your body.
    6. You will get a lot more replies if you provide stats.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    if i were you i would accept advise from more people than vet users. most of the newbs around here know better than to do what you have outlined.

    goin up to someone in the gym and asking for thier source is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to your immediate health.

    next time consider getting afew opinions on the best way to go about AAS. would you listen to the first dr. that said you needed to have your nuts removed? I would hope not.

    another good idea is research on this board. there are some sht head opinions as with any part of the net, but 99% are correct.

    now that the "did you learn your lesson" part is over. give us your stats like Rana asked and as much info about what you took as possible, ie: dosage of the substance, dosage you took, frequency.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Age - 22
    Height - 5'11/6'0
    Weight - while eating normally I usually fluctuate from 240-248 lbs.
    Body Fat % - Unsure, prior to my surgeries I was a wrestler here in college and we had it measured every so often. My best guess would probably be 15-18%, but my body fat doesn't seem to be evenly distributed. When they pinch the 3 different spots to measure there would be practically zero fat on the tricep measurement, but a decent amount on my back side and stomach. In general I'm an athletic stocky build.

    One of the guys I talked to about this who has done several cycles, told me that it isn't usually recommended to stack at all your first time or to do tren. He said that since I am a pretty big guy for my age he didn't think it would hurt for me to try it. Not saying he was right or wrong, but that was the information I based my decision on.

    As far as nutrition goes, the same guy told me to eat a ton during my cycle and limit my cardio to once a week if that to keep as many calories in my system as I could. I was taking two syntha-6 protein shakes a day and taking no-xplode before workouts (had been using superpump 250 prior to my cycle but switched to xplode during the cycle A)because I had it laying around B) I thought it would be better for me to save my superpump 250 until my cycle was over) In addition, putting on weight wasn't really a goal of mine, I was just told that it would happen as a result of my cycle. I wasn't really disappointed that my weight remained stagnate it just wasn't what I was expecting. Ideally I would like to stay at the same weight or less, but just have a different composition of my weight (more muscle,less fat). Based on what I read I thought that stack would help me yield results more consistent with my goals. That is why I thought it would be better to do tren/test instead of deca/test or dbol/test (that and I was told to be weary of oral steroids)

    I have found a lot of seemingly credible information online but it seems that for everything I read there is any equally credible source (or so it seems) saying something on the contrary or recommending something else instead.

    Thanks for the heads up on my post. Didn't mean to cross any boundaries.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Chicago, IL
    These were my dosages.

    Tren Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the afternoon before my workouts

    Week 1: .5 cc
    Week 2: .6 cc
    Week 3: .7 cc
    Week 4: .8 cc
    Week 5: 1 cc
    Week 6: 1 cc

    I ran out of Tren on Monday of Week 5.

    Test Mondays mornings(when I woke up) and Thursdays in the afternoon before my workout

    Weeks 1-2: .7 cc
    Weeks 3-4: 1 cc
    Weeks 5-6 - 1 cc

    I ran out of Test on Thursday of Week 5.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by balaplaya55 View Post
    These were my dosages.

    Tren Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the afternoon before my workouts

    Week 1: .5 cc
    Week 2: .6 cc
    Week 3: .7 cc
    Week 4: .8 cc
    Week 5: 1 cc
    Week 6: 1 cc

    I ran out of Tren on Monday of Week 5.

    Test Mondays mornings(when I woke up) and Thursdays in the afternoon before my workout

    Weeks 1-2: .7 cc
    Weeks 3-4: 1 cc
    Weeks 5-6 - 1 cc

    I ran out of Test on Thursday of Week 5.
    This is a horrible cycle, tren A should not be injected this way. Do you have any sides or did this guy sell you crap gear? Have you made any gains?!! Who ever told you to cycle like this should get his ass kicked!!

    What about PCT?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Chicago, IL


    I kinda got a feeling afterwards that my lack of results were due to improper usage (a realization I wish I would have had a few weeks ago when I still could have done something about it).

    I did have some results but they were minimal compared to what I had been told I would see. For example the kind of gains I saw was my incline DB press went from 85 lb db's to 95 lb db's, i went from doing 200 lb wide grips (3x10) to 220 lbs (again 3x10), and other gains like that. I was under the impression that the gains would be more substantial than that.

    Prior to my cycle I was real concerned about how fast I would get bigger. Going to a small school (where steroid use is pretty taboo) where everyone knows everyone I didn't know how obvious my usage would be. Only one of my roommates knew I was on a cycle, and he told me that had I not told him he would have never guessed. The guy I got them from told me that I could expect to see some changes as early as the end of the first week, and should see more significant results at the end of weeks 2 and four.

    As far as the quality of the gear I can't say having no previous cycle to compare this too. I want to say that it was, since I did see gains although some could argue that those may be a result of some sort of psychological placebo effect since I was expecting gains. Also, I think whatever gains I could have had were not maximized since I only did it for about four and a half weeks, and based on much of what I have read that sounds like an extremely short cycle.

    As far as me doing a cycle like this, the guy I got the gear from set the cycle up for me. Thinking he knew what he was talking about I followed it to the T.

    For PCT the same guy (who we've already established either doesn't know wtf he's talking about, or just screwed me over) who told me everything else, told me that the nolvadex I'm taking should cover it. He told me to wait four days after my cycle to start the nolva and that I should take 2 pills before I go to bed the first week, and one a night before I go to bed for the following two weeks. In addition, I am still taking the milk thistle daily.

    Rana - any chance you could elaborate on what you meant by Tren A should never be injected this way.

    Thanks again for the feedback everyone.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    was it tren ace? tren e? test prop? test e? test ace?

    and what was the dosageof the gear? test e 250mg per ml? test prop 100mg per ml? etc.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Chicago, IL
    And they were:

    Tren Acetate - 100 mgs per 1 ml (10 ml vile)
    Test Cypionate - Not sure of the other info. For the Test, the vile I had didn't have a label on it. The vile was the same size as the Tren and seemed to contain the same volume.
    Last edited by balaplaya55; 02-17-2010 at 06:19 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    didnt have a label on it? And you injected it? I would have thrown that sh*t in the mofos face who gave me that garbage........ so you don't even know what you were taking? You think it was cyp though.. but dont know the dose?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Chicago, IL
    This was my first cycle so I was under the impression that wasn't out of the ordinary. The bottles were identical one just had a label and the other didn't. I was also under the impression that the guy who supplies it has a large vile and puts the appropriate amount into smaller viles as he sells it. In retrospect probably should have had red flags go up at that point.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL

    Based on what I am looking to achieve, what is a recommended cycle?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Please read this:

    This will help answer most of you tren questions. I seem to be passing this on a lot.

    I personally think you got screwed on your gear, trust me you would know if you where on tren

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    Man oh man,
    I was given terrible advice myself by someone when I did my first cycle.

    Stick around here, You will get the proper advice that you need.
    Don't be focused on looking for another cycle.
    Spend some time educating yourself.

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