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Thread: AAS with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

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  1. #1

    AAS with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

    Hey yall. I am poised to start with a first injectable AAS/HRT cycle soon, but have some concerns that I thought you all might be able to help with. First a brief background:

    30 y/o male, 5'11", approximately 185 lbs., somewhat fatty but reasonable muscular. Been training fairly consistently for 5 years. Used to be WAY skinnier. Don't have BF% but see attached pics:

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ID:	106157 Click image for larger version. 

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    In 2008 I got sick of feeling crappy so I got some bloodwork done: TT was 149, free test 6.4. Low. Went to an endocrinologist, who proscribed Androgel 5g after further investigation. Was on this for a little over a year. Results were marginal at best. Endocrinologist disappointed me for reasons that aren't really relevant so I am abandoning him. I have been off the Androgel for approximately 12 days now. I don't feel the horrible crash people talk about, but there has been a substantial decrease in sexual appetite and interest in women.

    I am waiting on the results of new bloodwork from a local HRT clinic before starting any new regimen. I am really interested in gearing up for a conservative cycle if its possible, something like 400mg/wk test E or C. Even if this turns out to be unwise, I still need to be on some kind of HRT. However, I am concerned about problems with cycling AAS or HRT in light of my naturally low baseline T production. It would seem to be that even with intelligent PCT, I will be in a bad state at the end of any cycle. On the other hand, I do not want to stay on HRT products indefinitely because of the risk of permanent damage to the HPTA and fertility.

    Also of note is that I have the precursors of metabolic syndrome (high triglycerides, low HDL, low SHBG). Lipids are managed with statins and fibrates and training. As for SHBG, they tell me there isn't much I can do.

    Can anyone give me some guidance here?

    I will supplement this thread when bloodwork results are in, assuming I don't get banned for violating a newbie posting rule. I didn't see any posts on this particular topic.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    You'll find lots of help in the HRT section of this forum. Good luck!

  3. #3
    I will repost this over there then! Thank you, sorry 'bout that.

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