I have searched many threads and have not yet been able to come up with a daily dossage for accutane. How many milligrams should you take per day and for how long.
I have searched many threads and have not yet been able to come up with a daily dossage for accutane. How many milligrams should you take per day and for how long.
bro, did you get accutane without a prescription or something? a very dumb idea if you did because most doctors require blood work every week to test to see if triglycerides are in check. otherwise you can do some permanent damage to your body and organs...as far as dosage, it depends on the person and how bad the acne, but if you are using this to clear up some small zits or a slight breakout, you obviously have not done your research. basically, if it is for a small case, you are using a firehose to put out some birthday candles. completely unnecessary and dangerous for the cake. do a search on google to see cases of people who were prescribed accutane and then see how your condition compares. im almost certain you don't look like any of those the drug was created for...
Actually my dads a dermotoligst and has told about the monthly bloodwork you need done. I dont have any acne yet but i believe i will get some with my next cycle. So i want to get some accutane to be ready. I can get ro-accutane. That is what i am talking about and i want to know the regular dossage.
Information from Roche labs on Accutane dosage:
2 gel capsules daily, if you miss a dosage DO NOT double on your next dose.
i think they are 20mgs per capsule from what my brother said, so that would make it 40mgs per day split up.
this is none of my business, but if your dad is a dermatologist, shouldn't you be getting all your information from him since he actually deals with people who need it? i don't understand how you would value an opinion on accutane of someone on this board greater than a certified derm.
That is a great question. Heres my reasoning my dad has already questioned me many times about AS and is very skeptcal. I belive having him prescribe me on medication for acne when ive never had a bad ance problem before unless i was on a cycle will raise a red flag. He isnt stupid and i think he will be able to see through me if i ask him.
I was prescribed acutane when i was younger. Its pretty hard on my joints and had a lot of nose bleeds. Like stated above, make sure you get blood tests. Good luck.
tell him you are doing a report in school for accutane so you need him to help you gather information, etc...then use that to get your dosages. however, this goes along the same lines as lying to a gf, but worse...if your parents find out they will be alot less forgiving than a gf, so i would steer clear of anything past information for a project cuz that could tip them off quickly
hey bro,
the common dosage for accutane usage is 1mg per kilogram of bodyweight. in my case, i weigh a lkittle over 190, so i take 80mg/day
ok bro. everyone is different i clear up perfect on 20mgs ed. The doc would prescip me to take 40mg and 60mg a day so i would keep the extra's. Also it messes with you liver that is the side you should be most conserned about. So i'd stay away from orals and take some liver aid supplements
ps.. daem accutane isnt always over kill for little pimples and stuff from ass. I tried every other script cream lotions and all kinds of pills and nothing worked.
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
gixxer, it is effective against the majority of acne all of us are prone to, however the side effects far outweigh using it for something as mild as some zits on the shoulders. but i agree with you that for some people OTC medications like neutrogena or oxy don't do shit...i just make sure to wash my face every day with a good cleanser and to steer clear of all junk food. i find chocolate especially triggers breakouts.
Fat usualy helps to break out more....i take accutane 60mg a day...lips dry as fuck...because i add brewers yeast to it ....its full of B vitamins
With all the underground labs meds that we have access to I think it is important to stress the importance of researching a drug before using it. That also includes asking you doctor about the drug in question.
I recently asked my doctor about accutane and he gave me alot of good info about the drug. If anyone is planning on buying accutane on the black market or through a underground lab you may want to pay good attention. Accutane can be a serious drug and should be taken with caution. Bodybuilders are at even more risk due to their vitamin and supplement intake, and the use of tanning beds. Actually Accutane has a direct affect on bones, muscle, and ligaments. Also AAS users due to rise in cholesterol and liver values. Using Accutane during a steriod cycle is ill advised IMO. In other words DON'T DO IT. Actually after reading all this you may change your mind all together about Accutane. Or hopefully change your mind about doing it without supervision from your doctor.
Accutane is for treatment of nodular acne.
Important info for female patients
You MUST NOT take accutane while pregnant.
You MUST NOT become pregnant while taking accutane.
Severe birth defects are known to occur in babies of females taking Accutane in any amount even for short periods during pregnancy. There is an extremely high risk that your baby will be deformed or will die if you become pregnant while taking Accutane. Potentially any expeosed baby can be affected. There is also an increased risk of losing the baby before it is born or that it will be delivered early. Doctors take this so seriously that you must have two forms of contraception used together for one month before, during, and after using Accutane.
Mood disorders and suicide
There is no solid proof that Accutane causes these side effects. If you start to get depressed or feel suicidal stop taking Accutane.
In order to do a course of accutane through a doctor you must get blood work done before you even start. They check your liver and lipid values. If either of these are high they will not recomend you do a cycle of Accutane until you get them under control. After you start treatment you will get your blood work done every month. They only give you 30 days worth of Accutane at a time.
How to dose Accutane
The recomended dose is 2 times (80mg) a day with food. I would start at one per day. If you miss a dose just skip it. DO NOT DOUBLE UP. Get blood work done every month. Also...pregnancy tests for females should be done once a month as well.
Things to avoid during treatment
Do not get pregnant
Do not breast feed during and 1 month after taking Accutane
Do not give blood during and 1 month after
Do not take vitamin A supplements. Taking with Accutane could increase your chance of getting sides.
Do not have cosmetic procedures to smooth your skin, including waxing, dermabrasion, or laser proecedures while you are using Accutane and for at least six months after you stop. Accutane may increase your chance of scarring from these procedures.
Avoid sunlight and ultraviolet lights as much as possible. Tanning machines included.
Do not use birth control pills that do not contain estrogen. They may not work while you take Accutane.
Talk with your doctor if you plan to take other drugs or herbal products. This is especially improtant for patients using birth control pirlls and other hormonal types of birth control because the birth control may not work if you are taking certain drugs or herbal products. You should not take the herbal supplement St. John's Wort becuase this supplement may make birth control pills not work as effectively. I asked my doctor about using ALA and milk thistle during use of Accutane to keep liver values in check and he recomended against doing that.
Common side effects
Dry skin, chapped lips, dry eyes, and dry nose that may lead to bleeding. People who wear contacts may have trouble wearing them while taking Accutane. Sometimes acne may get worse for awhile. They should continue taking Accutane unles told to stop by their prescriber.
Serious side effects
Serious brain problems - It can increase the pressure in your brain. This can lead to permanent loss of sight, or in rare cases, death. Stop taking Accutane and call yoiur prescriber right away if you get any of these signs of increased brain pressure: bad headache, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, or vomiting. Also, some patients taking Accutane have had seizures or a stroke.
Abdomen (stomach area) problems - Cerain symptoms may mean that your internal organs are being damaged. These organs include the liver, pancreas, and bowel. If your organs are damamged, they may not get better even after you stop taking Accutane. Stop taking Accutane and call your prescriber if you get severe stomach or bowel pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, yellowing of your sking or eyes, or dark urine.
Bone and muscle problems - Accutane may affect bones, muscles, and ligaments and cause pain in your joints or muscles. Tell your prescriber if you plan vigoruous physical activity during treatment with Accutane. Tell you prescriber if you develope pain. If a bone breaks, tell your prescriber you take Accutane. No one knows if taking Accutane for acne will reduce bone healing or stunt growth.
Hearing problems - Some people taking Accutane have developed hearing problems. It is possible that hearing loss can be permanent. Stop taking Accutane and call your prescriber if your hearing gets worse or if you have ringing in your ears.
Vision problems - While taking Accutane you may develop a sudden inablity to see in the dark, so driving at night can be dangerous. This condition ususally clears up when you stop taking accutane, but it may be permanent. Other serious eye affects can occur. Stop taking Accutane and call your prescriber right away if you have any problems with your vision or dryness of the eyes that is painful or constant.
Lipid problems - Many people taking accutane develop high levels of of cholesterol and other fats in their blood. This can be serious problem. Return to your prescriber for blood tests to check your lipids and get any needed treatment. These problems generally go away when Accutane treatment is finished.
Allergic reactions - In some people, Accutane can cause serious allergic reactions. Stop taking Accutane and get emergency care right away if you develop hives, a swollen face or mouth, or have trouble breathing. Stop taking Accutane and call your prescriber if you develop fever, rash, or red patches or bruises on your legs.
Signs of other possibly serous problems - Accuatne may cause other problems. Tell your prescriber if you have trouble breathing, are fainting, are very thirsty or urinate alot, feel weak, have leg swelling, convulsions, slurred speech, problems moving, or any other seroius or unusual problems. Frequent urination and thirst can be signs of blood sugar problems.
After treatment is completed
Do not donate blood for one month after use of Accutane.
Do not give left over accutane to anyone
At the time I was 193lbs and took 80mg/day. It depends on how bad you have it. My derm gave me other things like Differin and Minocycline before Accutane. Are you acne prone? If you are then you will get it bad. Accutane has cleared up my acne real well. I still have about a month left and don't breakout anymore. I still have some spots where the acne was but tanning has helped out. Good luck.
everyone is different i was getting mine threw a derm. I passed the bloodwork every month while on. I also went tanning an on vacation last summer so i was at the beach every day. It didnt effect me. But like i said everyone is different. And a good derm will prescripe you some other meds first that might help you and you wont need accutane
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Accutane is NOT dispensed when you first get acne...the rule with accutane is to only prescribe it only after:Originally posted by Buschlightcan
Actually my dads a dermotoligst and has told about the monthly bloodwork you need done. I dont have any acne yet but i believe i will get some with my next cycle. So i want to get some accutane to be ready. I can get ro-accutane. That is what i am talking about and i want to know the regular dossage.
a) I have tryed all topical/oral antibiotics...this INCLUDES retin-a, a relatively harsh cream often used for stretch marks.
b) The patient is developing scars after pimples or cystic lesions.
c) You have something like acne fulminans...which is a SEVERE form of acne.
Accuate is a drug which should not be messed with, and should NOT be considered a "quick-fix."...Also, I strongly strongly discouarage your ordering this from any of the underground labs...By this I mean use only Roche's accutane...although I believe others have come out making generic.
I just finished 90day of 80mg/day, I have tried pretty much everything got tired of my doc and bought the stuff myself. Anyway I thought it was gonna be alot better, it's only in the last week or so when I added an acne gel thingie that most of it went away. Btw I have these huge ones under my skin(no regular acne) that I have had since before I started with aas, but since I didn't have anything in my face I just didn't bother doing anything about it for the last 2 years since my face cleared up. So if you just think you are gonna get acne or just have a little on your shoulders or whatever it will not be worth it.
I used to have acne in my face but used this acne gel (benzoyl. peroxid) I don't know if you have that over there. Anyway my face has been clear for 2years now, (took a couple of months to get rid of everything.) Don't know why it doesn't work as well on my chest/back. Tanning gets rid of everything but only for like a week or so and tanning more doesn't help for me atleast. I got like the worst acne in the history of acne, luckily aas doesn't effect it and hopefully the last of it will be gone in a week or so.![]()
You will be much better of just buying something from a pharmacy.
My derm. told me that generic Accutane has proven to be not as effective as Roche's (name brand). I weigh 215lbs and he prescribed 40mg ED for me. I asked him why not more, and he said its better to be on longer (6 months) and with an average dosage (40mg ED). He also said with higher doses the after effects tend to be the same but the side effects are much higher.
I also asked him about "Roaccutane". It is Roche's European version of the drug. He said its basically the exact same as the US version (Accutane). Make sure you get a derm. to Rx it to you, and take HeartDoc's advice and stay away from the underground shit! This is your body your screwing with. Why not make sure and do it right?
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