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Thread: TRT and still ED =(

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    TRT and still ED =(

    I have been on Androgel (4 pumps a day)since April 9th and I am still suffering from ED, shouldn't the gel have at least caused some imporvement in this by now??? I asked my doc if I could increase to 6 pumps a day but of course he said to just wait it out, like most docs do. I made an apointment to come in on June 15th and im going to discuss other forms of treatment, I hate the gel, I'm always worried im going to transfer it or that ti will come off. What other options do I have? I know there is injections, but i've been told that because of the peaks and valleys that there are some days where you feel like shit. I was a lot happier when i just ran 500 mg of test every week lol, why is it that there seems to be more knowledge here on the internet than in a doctor's office???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    oh also, I had my estradiol levels chacked and they said that everything came back normal

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    what were the numbers? I wouldnt trust the coined responce "all looks ok".

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by kitkat View Post
    what were the numbers? I wouldnt trust the coined responce "all looks ok".
    ditto wut kitkat said...

    and just to add...hormone replacement isnt a guarantee to to free willy...

    if you havent already get an appt. with a urologist

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Why is he dragging you out to June 15? If your doc was having the same problem, would he look in the mirror and say, "Just wait it out?" Doubt it, he'd make sure that he's getting all the premier treatments to fix his problem, and he'd be doing it tomorrow.

    Agree with everyone, get your lab work copies. These guys like to pontificate ... Just set his ass straight!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Hey guys thanks for all the input. I was able to get a closer apointment for the 31st of this month, so until then looks like im gona have to rely on some liquid Cia from Lion. I will most def request a copy of my levels and try to get it on here. I have a question about the injections. if my doc (he is a urologist by the way) orders me lets say 200mg for every 2 weeks, would there be anythign wrong with me splitting that up into 50mg twice a week? I wouldn't be doing more that he prescribed me to do, but that way I would have more stable blood values of test right?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Surface-of-the-Sun, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Raziel View Post
    Hey guys thanks for all the input. I was able to get a closer apointment for the 31st of this month, so until then looks like im gona have to rely on some liquid Cia from Lion. I will most def request a copy of my levels and try to get it on here. I have a question about the injections. if my doc (he is a urologist by the way) orders me lets say 200mg for every 2 weeks, would there be anythign wrong with me splitting that up into 50mg twice a week? I wouldn't be doing more that he prescribed me to do, but that way I would have more stable blood values of test right?
    One of my primary reasons for getting my T levels checked out was due to E.D. I started 100mg EW back at the end of Feb. and it helped boost my energy, well being, and mental clarity, but didn't do a lot for my dick. My libido return to decent form over the first six weeks, but I still had intermittent performance issues -- especially with finishing the job.

    Mid-April I started a new protocol that added deca to see how it would help with joint issues and subsequently bumped my regular TRT dose from 100mg to 360mg EW. Wel, that solved my E.D. problem. Over the last month my diamond-cutter has returned to poon-pounding form and my wife is mighty happy with the results. But even with an increase test cyp dose I'd say it has taken me the better part of three months to get to a level that feels like normal. I'd say give it some more time. My doc said that it sometimes take 4-6 months for all systems to fully realize the benefits of normal T levels again.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Raziel View Post
    Hey guys thanks for all the input. I was able to get a closer apointment for the 31st of this month, so until then looks like im gona have to rely on some liquid Cia from Lion. I will most def request a copy of my levels and try to get it on here. I have a question about the injections. if my doc (he is a urologist by the way) orders me lets say 200mg for every 2 weeks, would there be anythign wrong with me splitting that up into 50mg twice a week? I wouldn't be doing more that he prescribed me to do, but that way I would have more stable blood values of test right?
    Yeah, or go with 100mg/wk ... Or 50mg/2xwk ... But I'd avoid doing any dosage only 1x every 2 weeks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Have them send you a copy of the values and post them along with their ranges.
    Odds are your E level is inside of the range they give but you want it at the mid point of the range, another thing could be your prolactin and/or progesterone levels are to high so you might want to ask to get them tested also.

    You might also want to read this post.

    And since everyone is about to tell you shots are the only way to go you will want to read this one also.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ask for the TRT shots instead of the gel. It doesnt sound like the majority of people are happy with the gel.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    it only poses a problem if the cancer exists already....high estro/low test are bad news

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    lol nice vette. yeah it really suprises me how little all of these docs know about steroids, seems like they are just as ignorant and swallowed up by false myths as the general public. I have some deca on hand, I was planning on doing Test E and deca for my 2nd cycle, but I think I'm gona hold off on that until I get the TRT protocol in line.

    On a side note...good lord the liquid Cia from Lion works like a charm lol =)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    hey guys just saw my doc today, aproved me for self injections and has me on 100mg of test Cyp a week any tips or things i should keep in mind? He didnt want me back for bloodwork in 6 months.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    6 months is a little long

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Yeah I thought so too but at least He is letting me do weekly injections so I shouldnt have a drop off in my levels correct? This is my 1st time using test cyp, I've only used Test Enth in the past.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I had a thought I wanted to run by some of you vets. Would it be better to save my deca for a cycle down the road? or start adding it into my TRT? I would benefit a lot from the decreased joint pain and increased immune function.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Surface-of-the-Sun, AZ
    ...nevermind...see your other thread.
    Last edited by Epic Ed; 06-04-2010 at 05:13 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Dirty South-La


    I had some wood issues in the middle of a test/winstrol/T3 cycle before. I couldn't understand why. Come to find out it was from the Proscar (Finasteride). One of the long term side effects of these type of drugs are ED. I was only taking it to protect my hairline, but I would rather be bald with my square Fred Flintstone head than have a limp d!ck. So I dropped it and back came the woodpecker.. You didn't say you were on Fina, but a little FYI if you are...

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