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Thread: add the fina? in cycle, please critique ideas

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    so. cal. u.s.a.

    Question add the fina? in cycle, please critique ideas

    i was looking for some help right here, i started my current cycle last week, today was first day of week 2 here's how it looks

    1-10 sust/eod 125mg
    1-8 deca/w 400mg
    6-12 var/d 35mg

    i came across some fina and was wondering if i should toss it in, i had 2 ideas on how

    1-8 deca 400mg/w
    10-15 fina 75mg/d
    1-14 sust 125mg/eod
    8-15 var 35mg/d

    i'm throwing in the fina after the deca comes off and runnign the test longer, i want to harden up towards the end w/ the var

    1-8 deca 400mg/w
    10-15 fina 75mg/d
    1-14 sust 125mg/eod
    2-7 var 40mg/d

    in this one i'm usign the var as i mild kick start, i'm just starting week 2 so is it too late for a kick start, i still want to harden up at the end would the fina be enough?

    so let me know what you think...#1...#2... my original (no fina) or somthign different with it, i prefer idea #1, critique my thinking

    3rd cycle in 3.5 yrs, 5'11'', 195ish, 12.9%bf, looking to put on some good size and strenth but harden up at the end

    thanks in advance, please respond even if it's to agree w/ someone else's ideas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    IMO - it look like you are just shotgunning your cycle. Too much stuff - which will just make it difficult to come off. You are only 195lbs - just bulk on the Sust and Deca and then stack Var/Tren another time while on a deffinition rotation... the Var/Tren combo would be interesting... my .02

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    so. cal. u.s.a.
    i was thining about that too, just a strait bulker first and the a seperate cutter, i was just seeing if i can combine it into a longer cycle to try and fit it in before summer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    the matrix
    then again having fresh receptors is kinda like being a virgin,you still want to take advantage of her ...i mean it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    i agree with warrior...bulk first cut later...var/fina should be a nice cutting cycle to retain all that pretty muscle you gained...maybe throw in some test to keep the dick usage high.

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