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Thread: Complete physique development?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell

    Complete physique development?

    Hey guys, would you agree that by performing the exercises below, will give one a complete workout for the entire body, meaning hitting all muscle groups?
    Would you consider these MAIN muscle builders for all the muscle groups?

    Deadlift (Legs, Glutes, Traps, Back)
    Squat (Legs, back)
    BB Rows (Back)
    T-bar Rows (Legs, traps, back)
    Super Wide Lat Pulls (Lats)
    Barbell biceps curl (Biceps)
    Palm up pull down (Biceps, lats)
    D-bell shrugs (Traps)
    Incline d-bell bench (Chest, delts)
    Flat barbell bench (Chest)
    Dips (Triceps, chest)
    Triceps pull down (Triceps)
    D-bell lunges (Legs)
    Calf raises (Calves)
    Prone Leg Curls (Hams)
    Military D-bell press (Delts)
    Rear Delt D-bell pulls (Delts)

    Any additional suggestions would be appreciated!

    My whole point is to keep it as simple as possible, go super heavy and intense to hit the whole body in order to develop a physique that would only need a certain adjustments as to proportionality at the very end of main mass building.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You definitely hit every muscle group as far as I can tell, my suggestion is this, none of your exercises are stretching exercises I believe the chest and legs need a stretching exercise to finish after the mass builders like you have described, to prevent injury and help expand the facia. On these exercise it is not about the amount of weight used to perform the exercise, flyes, pullovers, stiff legged deadlifts, etc... Although the dips could be consider this if you lean forward into them and go deep into them, which is why I do them towards the end. I fully believe you know what you are doing and will grow like a beast. Let me know when you need those "proportional adjustments" and I'll tell you some things I've seen work to catch those "hard to pump" bodyparts up with the rest.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by tbody66 View Post
    Let me know when you need those "proportional adjustments" and I'll tell you some things I've seen work to catch those "hard to pump" bodyparts up with the rest.
    I sure will. I also added you to my friends list.

    Thank you, man.

    Take care!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Absolutely, my pleasure, going to go accept that request now.

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