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Thread: How compromised is this hook on my rack?

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  1. #1

    How compromised is this hook on my rack?

    I'm not sure if this is the proper section but anyways I'll post this here and if a mod thinks it needs to be moved so be it.

    This is the level on my rack that's used for bench if you look at the attached picture it's clear how it's bending off to the side. Most recently I've almost been exclusively using only dumbbells for chest and triceps except for when I do close grip benchpress for my triceps.

    I'm worried if I start doing 200+ on this it's going to get more screwed up and it might break. I've only ever gone up to 245 on this level of my rack, so in reality not that high. This rack is supposedly good for 600lbs.

    Part of the problem may be over time I've pushed myself after a few reps and when I'm tired near the end of the set without a spotter and at times I've dropped the barbell with a bit of force on my last rep after locking out.

    Would you guys feel safe benching over 200lbs(not very impressive I know) on a rack with a bent hook like this? I'm thinking it's just going to get more and more bent, or if I could take a rubber hammer or something and try to move it back into place or would that just compromise the hook even more?

    The bench I have is just an adjustable one that isn't attached to anything hence why I just put it under this squat rack.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	69871_10150301935700414_576030413_15447923_4681394_n.jpg 
Views:	134 
Size:	73.2 KB 
ID:	111715   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	HF4970_large.jpg 
Views:	198 
Size:	78.9 KB 
ID:	111716  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    From the picture it looks like it is bending out, is that correct? Regardless, I personally wouldn't worry as long as it seemed stable if I slammed the weight down on it a few times.

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