I have never competed in a bodybuilding contest before. I have always talked about it though. So I have decided to say "F*ck it" and just go for it.
I am planning on competing in the 2011 NPC Northern Kentucky.
I have officially started dieting and training specifically for bodybuilding.
Right now, my diet looks like this:
Wake up @ 5:30am, Take Animal Pak multivitamins, 500mg Glucosamine, 20mg Dbol, and make a shake which consists of Fast acting Carbs (waxi maize and a banana), 5000mg Amino blend, 44g Protein (dymatize), and 1tbsp Glutamine. I wash all this down with 8oz Gatorade, followed by 8oz black coffee.
9:00am is meal 2, 6oz lean steak with 1 cup brown rice.
12:00pm is meal 3, 8oz chicken with 1 cup rice
3:00pm is meal 4, Protein shake (44g protein) with carb mix.
5:00pm I go to the gym. I have very intense, fast paced workouts that last about 35-40 minutes with weights, ended with 10 minutes cardio.
6:00pm is meal 5 which is a post workout meal, so I drink a shake that consists of Two scoops fast acting protein, 1 scoop waxi maize, 5000mg Amino blend, 1 tbsp glutamine. I also take my second Animal Pak multivitamin, 1000mg Glucosamine, 20mg dbol.
9:00pm is meal 6, which is either 6oz steak, 8oz chicken, or two cans of tuna (I alternate between the three) with a carb source that is also not fixed. I also make sure to eat 1 cup cottage cheese for my slow acting protein to get me through the night.
Go to bed by 9:30-10:00pm
The reason I take all my pills, amino's, dbol, and have a shake in the mornings and post workout, is because they are the two times of day my body is most prone to absorb and use what i give it. Chicken or steak are my protein choices through the day. Sometimes I substitute with fish (sushi, shrimp, etc). Rice is my prime carb source, but i will alternate with oatmeal from time to time. I hate cottage cheese, but I eat it before bed because it is slow acting.
I have also had a muscle fiber test done, and found that i have dominantly fast twitch fibers (which explains why I have been so good in powerlifting, which requires one rep max movements, and why i have always been terrible with anything endurance related). Since I have dominantly fast twitch fibers, my training is shaped around them. So it is short, intense, fast paced, I stay between 6-12 reps on everything, and then give my muscle maximum time to recover, so i only train them once a week, rather than twice a week.
As far as cycle goes, I have just started running 40mg dbol a day (first 4 weeks) along with 1g testosterone enanthate a week. I want to add in tren ace later (closer to contest time) to help further lean me out, and harden me up.
Right now I weigh about 205, with 10-12% bodyfat (getting it tested today).
I also have started doing Yoga once a week, and getting deep tissue massages once a week, to help break down scar tissue, increase fascia flexibility, etc.
I drink one gallon of water a day minimum. I also drink gatorade.
I plan on staying on this diet and at this bodyfat for another 4 or 5 weeks, then starting my contest prep diet.
How do you all think this looks? Any suggestions?