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Thread: suggestions on my second cycle

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    suggestions on my second cycle

    sust 250 - 500mg (1-10wk)
    deca - 400mg (1-10wk)
    dbol 30mg (1-4wk)
    winny 30mg (5-10wk)

    pct - clomid 100mg/ed (start wk 13 for 14days)

    my question is should i run nolvadex during my entire cycle? i have seen soo many threads and post about running it with to get rid of water retention and with out (just having it on hand incase of gyno).

    thoughts in general?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    what are your full stats
    yrs training
    cycle exp
    goals from this cycle

    cycle looks ok, needs a little tweek. pct needs work. get those stats posted so we can help you work it out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    5' 10"
    180 lbs 13% bf

    training for 7 years
    did my first cycle earlier this year. just sust 250 for 10 weeks... did 500mg week. gained 20lbs. then decided to train for a marathon. lost it all running 5k a day for three months. now back in bulking mode. 3500 calories a day, 400 grams protien, 300 grams of carbs a day. lifting 5 on 1 off. pretty strict diet with no cheat days. primarily chkn, salmon, tuna, and lean beef for whole food protien sources with snacks of trail mix and fruit. no other supps other than animal pak for multi vitamin.

    just trying to get back to a good lean 200lbs where i was before i decided to run that race. i intend to cycle again after this one to get to my final goal of 215/220...

    any and all critisisms are welcome and very much appreciated. i try not to post rookie shit, i'm a member mainly to read threads but i figured one post wouldn't hurt.

    thanks for the response mb!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by mwilkinson View Post
    5' 10"
    180 lbs 13% bf

    training for 7 years
    did my first cycle earlier this year. just sust 250 for 10 weeks... did 500mg week. gained 20lbs. then decided to train for a marathon. lost it all running 5k a day for three months. now back in bulking mode. 3500 calories a day, 400 grams protien, 300 grams of carbs a day. lifting 5 on 1 off. pretty strict diet with no cheat days. primarily chkn, salmon, tuna, and lean beef for whole food protien sources with snacks of trail mix and fruit. no other supps other than animal pak for multi vitamin.
    protien is high, thats over 2grams per lb of bodyweight. not nessesary. Do you know what your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is?
    just trying to get back to a good lean 200lbs where i was before i decided to run that race. i intend to cycle again after this one to get to my final goal of 215/220...

    any and all critisisms are welcome and very much appreciated. i try not to post rookie shit, i'm a member mainly to read threads but i figured one post wouldn't hurt.

    thanks for the response mb!
    1. Deca is best run 12-16 weeks. Your blood levels of nandrolone don't even come up to good levels till around week 6
    2. Deca is a longer ester (deconate) and takes longer to clear your system than the test enanthate will. That means you should stop the deca a couple weeks before the test
    3. You're using a 19nor thats very suppressive and only one SERM for 14 days? A standard PCT is 4-5 weeks and a one SERM PCT would only be adequate for a short 1 compound cycle. Check out swifto's thread on PCT in the PCT forum
    4. SERMS don't stop the aromatase enzyme that converts test to estrogen, they only block the receptor and therefore won't stop the bloat like and aromatase inhibitor will.
    5. Deca is a 19 nor and with it comes a whole new set of side effects caused by a hormone other than estrogen, I'll let you read up on this
    6. Winny is a DHT derivative and has side effects all its own and is very liver toxic, Research on liver support with AAS
    7. If you're trying to put on Mass theres no need for Winny all it will do is make your muscles harder and no visible difference and possibly dry your joints out.

    Ok thats about all i can say about that cycle. I'd do some more research before running compounds other than test

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Thanks for the info scotty,
    i was going to take milk thistle for liver and glucosomine for joints . the winny i thought would cut me up a little at the end of the cycle even though my diet is pretty clean. the research i did said that deca helps with joints also. i try to read as much as possible, but with so many sources out there with different info that sometimes conflicts with the previous info i just read, it's hard to get good info when i only have one friend who's into this like i am. would anybody have any suggestions on what to do to improve the entire cycle all away around?
    i appreciate the help, keep it coming!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    wanted to start this next week... bump for ANY suggestions on improvements, substitution, or pct on this current cycle plan.

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