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Thread: Anavar and fat loss. Beginner help

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Vancouver, BC

    Anavar and fat loss. Beginner help

    Hey gents,

    I've got questions about Anavar and want to know some reviews from people that have taken it.
    Basically, im probably an oddity here on the boards as the story with my body from age 14 has been quite different than most.
    I was always considered the 'fat kid' growing up, especially from age 12-15. At 15 I was 220lbs almost 6'0 about a 40-42 waste (not insanely fat, but very large) at that time I got incredibly sick and diagnosed with Intracranial Hypertension (long story short, my body was retaining way too much water, thus the weight gain) and also not draining spinal fluid completely. Anyway, doctors had me on diahretics to drain fluid and were doing spinal taps to maintain the levels. At 17 I was completely fine and all symptoms related were gone. I lost about 40 pounds to 180 or so and now im back at about 215. The problem is, because of the rapid weight loss at the young age, I got what i like to consider alot of loose fat? Basically im not as solid/hard as most guys my age and it's got to the point where I just want to get RID of it!! Because of the struggles at a young age I always watch what I eat. Im that dude in the grocery store reading the labels on everything and shopping in the organic section as much as possible. If there's anything positive about that part in my life it's definitely taught me to eat as healthy as possible. My diet is strong and I have no problem sacrificing. You'll never see me inside a McDonalds!! I've been doing alot of cardio for about 8 months and mild weights aswell, the main goal is to loose the excess fat and begin on the muscle gain. I'm not going for the huge look, more the toned/ripped look. I'm pretty big as is and feel that trimming down with average muscle gain is where I want to be. I've noticed when I go hard in the gym I can lose pretty rapidly, however my problem areas (stomach, butt, thighs..yea i know lol) are just so hard to get rid of.
    I've done alot of research with Anavar and im curious to know if this will get me boosted in the right direction. How effective is it exactly? Do you think its the right direction to take?
    Any help is appreciated, apologies for the long story just wanted to educate you all.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    You haven't been working out seriously/long enouhg to warrant the use of AAS.
    Anavar isn't some sort of fat burner, and it isn't going to tighten your loose skin. That will require surgery.
    Stimulants and cardio will work better than Var.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    Thanks Bonaparte,

    I'm not talking insanely loose like Biggest Loser loose or anything lol, no where near that whatsoever. If only I could explain better...
    What types of stimulants are you referring to exactly?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by DC5 View Post
    Thanks Bonaparte,

    I'm not talking insanely loose like Biggest Loser loose or anything lol, no where near that whatsoever. If only I could explain better...
    What types of stimulants are you referring to exactly?
    ECA (ephedrine+ caffeine + aspirin is the best all-around IMO). Yohimbe and 1,3-Dimeth are good too.
    And none of these are even illegal in the US.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    If your serious enough to risk trouble that buying AAS can cause plus insane cost of var .

    I would suggest posting your exact diet in the diet section .
    The detail you spend on diet can go much further IMO .

    Theirs frequency , type of carbs and fat that make difference's .
    The guru's can suggest perfection .

    Good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    No trouble at all, I have a local hookup.
    With diet and proper training would it reduce the thigh/butt/stomach fat so I can be on my way to more important gains?

  7. #7
    I have gone through your case and it is quite obvious that a body keeps changing throughout your life and it is always advised to maintain a good overall health by opting for a good health regimen. So, if you would like to opt for a health regimen then do search for it online.

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