A well-controlled progressive resistance training program was
developed which included 4 days a week of weight training with rest
days between each session. The weight training program was monitored
by an experienced trainer, using Cybex calibrated machines,
with the training focused on four different large muscle groups, one
group on each of the four sessions. The routines took 30–35 min to
complete, and the progress was documented by each participant and
checked by the trainer after each session. After a week of training, a
maximum effort was determined by the trainer for each participant.
Maximum effort was defined as the maximum weight which could be
lifted for 8–10 repetitions for a chest press, shoulder press, and leg
extension. A maximum effort was also obtained after 4, 8 and 12
weeks. Aerobic exercises, e.g. jogging, were optional but had to be
performed on days where weight training was not performed or after
the weight training session.