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Thread: First cycle on Test Prop. Need a little advice please!!

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  1. #1
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    First cycle on Test Prop. Need a little advice please!!

    24 years old
    190 lbs
    13-15 %BF

    Training with my dad every other day for the past 3 years straight. Hes on gear too, but hes old school with it, no PCT, no SERM, just a little gear and the gym. Hes never had a problem, but his advice I don't agree with. So I'm coming here before I start my first injection.

    I've done 1 oral cycle of winnyV tabs about a year ago, just to shed a few pounds, and trim up some. Nothing spectacular. It worked, I was happy.

    NOW my dads on another cycle and I'm jealous and ready to give injections a shot.

    Diet is on point. Gym time is on point. I'd like my bench to be a bit heavier, but everything else I'm happy with. I just would like to be stronger, and a little thicker.

    Please don't tell me that I should use test E/C because of the ester. I know test prop has a short ester. Im fine with injecting ED/EOD. My girl is a nurse and I have a constant supply of needles. I'm fine with it.


    I want to start light and safe, and if I like what I get with test prop, I'd like to try another different cycle. But I have to start somewhere and I know you aren't supposed to stack a bunch of shit on your first cycle just in case you have problems. You wouldn't know where they came from.

    So here goes. Please give me advice on where I should make adjustments as you see fit. I want NO SIDES. although im sure I will have some. I'm fine with that, this isn't a harsh cycle, so I expect the common sides but none are better!

    -100mg of Test Prop EOD or 50mg ED for 10 weeks.
    -Nolva 20mg ED from weeks 1 through 13
    -Clomid 35mg ED for 3 weeks (starting 3 days after last shot)

    I have a 50ml 20mg/ml bottle of Liquid Nolva, AND a 70ml 35mg/ml bottle of Liquid Clomid.

    Should I shorten the cycle to 8 weeks and pack more mg ED? or leave it alone?

    HCG for PCT?

    PCT advice?

    I'd prefer someone that has actually taken prop...not just some know it all. (There is nothing wrong with them, I'd just like some experience in here as well, not just knowledge)

    What about Post Cycle Support along with PCT? IDK whats the best combination.

    Is Clomid and HCG ok to use together? Don't they cancel each other out?

    ANY help would be amazing. (no flaming, as for I am teh noob)

    Thank you very much!
    Last edited by Dorko; 04-07-2011 at 06:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    There is a good chance that you're gonna be really sore from the prop shots. If you look back in the older threads you find tons of threads started about guys who started there first cycle of Prop or sust and complain of feeling like they've been hit by a truck in the injection site. They think their site in injection site got VERY infected or somthing. You'll quickly see why people recommend Test E and C first. Up to you, but more than likely you'll be in agony for a while until you get used to it.

    If you don't want any sides, then you'll want to use the lowest dose possible obviously. Although, the extra 50-75 mgs a week won't make a big difference anyway. Neither will staying on for 10 weeks rather than 8.

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Prop will feel like you have been hit with a baseball bat

    Doing a cycle because you are jealous od ur dad is not a good reason IMHO to cycle

    Do some more reading.... Your PCT is weak and 20mg of nolva on cycle is OTT and TBH probably not required at all... An AI would be a better choice to combat ERSE while on cycle...
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

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  4. #4
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    I loved prop will never do anything but. You will want to do ed shots at 50-100 mg. as for pct I did a nolva and hcg pct. Nolva at 40/40/20/20 and hcg at 250ius 2x week
    Use an ai if start to get sides but oof hold off on taking one throughout ur cycle unless u need it.

  5. #5
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    i can get test E no problems. 250mg/ml 10ml vial.

    just takes 4 weeks to get here! Should i switch. it seems to be highly recommended among everyone ive talked to. Im in no rush really to start this cycle, im still waiting on some other items ive ordered, and WILL not start until i have everything i need in my posession.

  6. #6
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    im running nolva because i dont want the gyno to appear and then i treat it. if i take it through out the cycle it wont show up. i mean maybe im wrong but thats what ive read in MULTIPLE articles. "prevent it before it occurs" basically.

    i will run nolva or clomid or both for PCT. HCG for the cycle.

    now i just need to find somewhere that sells HCG. im at a brick wall.

    the mixing the powder and dilute are what gets me. that sounds like an easy way to **** up. Do you have to inject that, or can you put it in a empty gelcap and swallow it like i planned on doing for the liquid clomid/nolva?

    im a noob. sorry.

    ive been reading the PCT section for the past 3 hours this gonna read more when i wake up. (i just got home from work at 6am)

    thank you very much!!

  7. #7
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    so HCG and nolva huh.

    id prefer to run 20mg of nolva ED for the whole cycle. (including PCT)

    HCG for pct along with AI's Cycle support?

    everyone keeps telling me to switch from test Prop to E or C. is it really like getting hit with a bat? will i get used to it? or is it for the whole 10 weeks? ive never done it before? how long does that last? 1 day 2 days?

  8. #8
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Yes change it for your first cycle

    Prop realy does hurt... If u dnt believe us i suggest you pin it...

    Why are you running 20mg of nolva while on cycle

    This ahould be an AI...

    And HCG is for on cycle not as part of a PCT

    U need to read more about PCT bro...
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

  9. #9
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    I found if I worked where I shot I had relatively no pain, do need to be a ambidex shooter tho to spread sites around.
    For pct either nolva or nolva/clomid combo is typical. I did nolva and hcg for my pct and did fine. No need to run nolva/ai during ur cycle until u get erse then low dose nolva till the ai comes.
    Nolva/clomid can be eaten
    Hcg needs to be subQ or im injections

  10. #10
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    It's not just about the pain. There is prop brands that don't hurt at all, I have done cycles like this. (And yes, it really was 100% prop not fake)

    But the biggest problem is how it makes you feel if it doesn't suit you, for me it makes me so ridiculously hot and sweating, and raises low-grade fever that won't stop before cycle ends. That ruins almost all gains at the same time.

  11. #11
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    Sounds like you have a mild side effect because of the release of histamine in your body. If I had those symptoms also I would quit. Maybe a antihistamine would help. A low dose benadryl (if no oral, if takin orals don't do it ) would help minimize those problems. But don't overdo it

  12. #12
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    please email me.

    i have a couple questions for you.

    This is my personal email. since my PM's dont work yet since i am a new member.

    [email protected]

    Id appreciate it alot!!

  13. #13
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    I like prop, this is my first time using it. Plus being new to it, if you dont like it, itll be outta your system in a few days. I add an equal amount of filtered grape seed oil in with it. My daily shots are each 100ml of test prop, tren a, and GSO. I warm the syringe under warm water before injection. This seems to help a litle bit with the pain and keeps from moving the pin around to much trying to press the plunger. I used GSO with T500 and it really smoothed it out too!

  14. #14
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    Good luck bro....

  15. #15
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    or should i just take the nolva/clomid and add letro in there at the same time? or idk. my head hurts from reading so much today.! i just want this cycle planned to **** and back before i start anything.

  16. #16
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  17. #17
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    what would YOU do different? critique!!!

    -100mg of Test Prop EOD or 50mg ED for 10 weeks.
    -Nolva 20mg ED from weeks 1 through 14

    PCT: (starting 3 days after last shot)

    -Nolva 20mg ED weeks 11-14 ( should I do the typical 40/40/20/20 even though I've been taking 20mg ED for the past 10 weeks?)
    -Clomid 100/50/50/50? Should I front-load the Clomid more? This cycle is pretty basic and I'm not stacking it with anything. Opinions?

    Is HCG really necessary? I mean I understand that my nuts will shrink....I could see why I should use it, but I'm not sure why EVERYone doesn't use it if that was the case.

    AND what AI would best suit my needs for this cycle? Letro? But doesn't Letro causes serious estrogen rebound once you are off of it? which means id have to take MORE nolvadex to get rid of the gyno that will probably occur? OR do would I even need it considering I've been taking the nolvadex the entire time?

    sorry for all the questions!!

    What would you do. I'm stuck.

    Thank you so much.

  18. #18
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    Hey tried adding u to Google talk here [email protected] or hit me on ICQ

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    I wrote a blog regarding this lemme know what u think

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