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Thread: Wanted ask about my meal before bed

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Wanted ask about my meal before bed

    Hello, so I'm cutting bf % now and I'm eatng 6 times a day. Recently I was told

    that I should drop my protein, carbs,fats and cals little bit to kickstar my fatloss.

    I did that and It was pretty hard to drop those values right on next day , so I

    managed to stay on right track with measuring my food and with macronutrients, until last meal. I used all my carbs for this day, fats also and have like 200 calories left and its only fift meal. So I drank long active protein drink, wich had those 200 calories.

    So is it okay to sometimes( not every day, but In this kinda situation) to eat 5 meals instead of 6, because I allready used all my daily macronutrients for this day?
    Last edited by PurpleOnes; 06-17-2011 at 04:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    IMO, meal frequency isn't super important, and not nearly as important as hitting your macros. Whether you hit them over 3 meals or 6 meals, the point is to HIT THEM. With that said, 6 meals/day is good practice for people who are relatively new to dieting. It helps you to avoid binging and overeating. Work out a meal plan on paper that allows you to split your macros (pretty evenly, but add some extra to pre/pwo) across 6 meals and you shouldn't have this problem.
    Last edited by gbrice75; 06-19-2011 at 07:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Thank you for information I use scale daily and I also write everything up and I count macros too.

    Should I plan day before, how much cals I will eat on every meal, because I allready know that breakfast, pre workout, PWO meals are biggest meals in the day?
    Last edited by PurpleOnes; 06-18-2011 at 04:39 PM.

  4. #4
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is online now Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    I make my meals for the entire week on one day and package them in air tight containers; with the exception of salads. For example I make all my breakfast oatmeal for the week and store in an air tight container and then transfer 1/2 cup into smaller container for breakfast. Gbrice recommended to help with meal macros. If you plan your meals in advance, you will be less likely to come short in the last meal. Being a gal, I eat 5 meals a day, but I have less calories to play with. Although lately I have been cheating a bit...summer parties are giving me a fit lately, so I have been hitting the gym a little harder to deficit those days, which is not a good strategy long term. Monday is the beginning of a new year for me, so I am going to get back on the wagon so to speak.

  5. #5
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    Well I don't have opportunity to store all my food for whole week , but I will store my meals a day before, so the next day I can just open the right containers and eat my meals.

    I have used thease plastic containers, that are safe to use in microwave too, but when I wash those containers with Fairy, my food tend to get same smell and I can taste it little bit.

    Would it be better idea to just use them as storage and when meal comes I just switch my food on a plate?

  6. #6
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is online now Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleOnes View Post
    Well I don't have opportunity to store all my food for whole week , but I will store my meals a day before, so the next day I can just open the right containers and eat my meals.

    I have used thease plastic containers, that are safe to use in microwave too, but when I wash those containers with Fairy, my food tend to get same smell and I can taste it little bit.

    Would it be better idea to just use them as storage and when meal comes I just switch my food on a plate?
    That should work!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Better to nuke on a plate then plastic but micro safe plastic like you have should be fine from a saftey standpoint. Just adds that plastic flavor sometimes. lol
    Planing for a day or all week doesnt really matter. the key is to plan. Form the plan. Put the plan into action. Stick to the plan. GB said it best. Hit the macros! Plan what to eat and ONLY eat what you planned.

  8. #8
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    Yes it would be ok to eat five meals instead of 6 as long as caloric intake stay the same. I preffer to base my day around 6 meals per day. also you can add .5 to 5ml of flaxseed oil to your last meal to further slow the digestion process...and don't worry about the few calories from fat this late in the day, your body replies on fat in sedetary state...XXL

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    ARGH!!! I typo'd 'is' when I meant 'isn't' ... damn iphone! I already edited, but I was trying to say I don't believe meal frequency is extremely important, and hitting macros is the key whether it's over 3 meals or 6.

  10. #10
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    64 = great site

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