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Thread: REPS!!! SETS!!! so confusing!!!! need help!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    REPS!!! SETS!!! so confusing!!!! need help!!

    hey guys sorta new to the forum, struggling with my weights, u know i ask alot of people about there sets and reps to try and put on size, everybody says alot of different things. i know most of it is eating, if i am trying to put on size how many sets and how many reps and how many exercises do i do? i know most of it is trial and error. i been doing 12,10,8, andlast set 4-6 reps. minutes rest in between but last set have 2 min rest. doing 4 exercises for each muscle group. Also u gotta change it up so ure muscle dont get so used to doing the same thing all the time, maybe one week go heavy next week do a super set. Someone plz out there help a brother out lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Taiaha View Post
    hey guys sorta new to the forum, struggling with my weights, u know i ask alot of people about there sets and reps to try and put on size, everybody says alot of different things. i know most of it is eating, if i am trying to put on size how many sets and how many reps and how many exercises do i do? i know most of it is trial and error. i been doing 12,10,8, andlast set 4-6 reps. minutes rest in between but last set have 2 min rest. doing 4 exercises for each muscle group. Also u gotta change it up so ure muscle dont get so used to doing the same thing all the time, maybe one week go heavy next week do a super set. Someone plz out there help a brother out lol
    You answered your own question, dieting is what will determine whether you gain. lose, or maintain your weight. I would strongly encourage you to post your current diet in the diet section to get that sorted out first since going to the gym will be a waste of time without a proper diet. Secondly, there is no correct number of sets or reps or even specific exercises to do. You have to take the time and see what your body responds best to. I personally need high volume where others may need lower volume. If there was a correct/optimal number of sets reps or exercises then everyone at the gym would be doing the exact same exercises and there would only be 3-5 different machines. Obviously this is not the case. So, fix your diet first, then spend a few months trying different approaches and when you think you figured out a type of routine that works well for you then go with that for a while. If your making gains then great, continue, and if you reach a plateau at some point in the future then worry about supersets or drop sets or variations to an exercise.

    The most important concepts in my opinion that are universal to training are as follows:

    (1) Give yourself atleast 1 rest day, although 2 would be great. - Your muscles don't grow in the gym, they do so when your resting
    (2) Get to the gym, do what you've planned, and get out. You can be social all you want, but avoid trying out half of a buddy's routine or a random exercise here and there.
    (3) Lift with proper technique
    (4) Make every second of every rep of every set count.
    (5) Don't worry too much about numbers. If you plan to do 8 reps, but on that 8th rep you can still do another 1-3, then do them. Otherwise your just selling yourself short.
    (6) Do the Big 3 : Bench Press / Deadlift / Squat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    wow good advice mate, thank you for taking out the time time to write all that, is it possible to prvt msg my diet mate. obviously u know wat you are talking about

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I find if I lift heavy and lower rep I get what I want, Some workouts you don't need much weight but when it comes down to gaining I found lifting Heavy is were it is at....

    Now from what I see in your post, you are resting 1-2min between sets....? I try to do a set and wait 30sec and do another and so on, and when I am done that workout I don't rest much maybe grab a drink of water and then back to the next. I find this lets my muscle tear better.

    And post your diet in the diet forum they will help you out lots, I will let you know once you do you own diet you will see that you aren't doing something right...I am still working on mine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    thanks mate for ure help. i will try what u say. willing to try anything. i will post my diet now, dont know my body fat though. thanks again for ure help

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